
SCP system in the multiverse

We Secure, Contain and Protect. Being first sent to the marvel world, it was rather easy since S.H.I.E.L.D and Hydra generous sent their troops as cannon fodder. First world: Marvel Other world as undecided

Asorath · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Beginning of a tournament arc

"What? Why do you want our agents?" Nick questioned Satori.

"We currently have a common enemy that I wish to be gone," Satori replied.

"Who?" Clint interrupted Nick as this intrigued him. S.H.I.E.L.D. has many enemies and if one of them were gone, would be a great help.

"Hydra. They have infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D." Satori signaled Sombra to come over. "Show them."

Sombra stepped up as she made a motion with her hand when many holographic screens popped up, showing a list of names.

"What is this?" Nick narrowed his eyes.

"I have a plan. Why waste such valuable resources by destroying them? Why not use them? So I will," Satori arrogantly claimed, "Alexander Pierce, the leader of HYDRA operatives in S.H.I.E.L.D. You will go up to him and whisper 'Hail Hydra', then explain the plan to 'infiltrate' the SCP foundation."

"Pierce?! Pierce is a Hydra spy?!" Nick could not believe what he was hearing. His close friend, Alexander Pierce, is a Hydra rat?

"I will send you a list of Hydra agents. You will send them here." Satori finalized his orders as he walked away from the three shocked agents.

He went back to the researchers and see if they can make Project Warhammer, Project Titanfall, and Project Spartan work. Each one of the projects would not be cost-efficient as they are made out of not-so-cheap materials. The researchers said it could be done but the metals are hard to get. Currently, they can get 1 armor of a Spartan but the wearer of the armor cannot currently be made. They said it would take time to create the machines to genetically modify the wearer.

The Titanfall Project can be made but would also take great time and energy to make everything needed for a Pilot to link to the Titan. The hard part is the neural link and the construction of the Titans.

The Warhammer Project is another story. They require many needs to be full Astarters. So that's on a halt until they find out how to get organs. The Foundation could probably get some homeless orphans to be an Astartes.

Satori gathered 5 A-rank soldiers from A-1 to A-5. He had the researchers test each rank of soldier's capabilities. A C-rank is a normal soldier with a hefty amount of experience. Enough to make each one of them a veteran. B-rank has abilities above the average human. All of their statuses were enhanced 2x of the average human. A-rank is enhanced 5x of a regular human. The region of the S-rank remains currently unknown.

He informed them of some rules.

1. No killing of innocents unless necessary.

2. Only follow orders from the person who pays you.

3. Get as much money as you can.

Walking to an expensive hotel to rest, Satori went shopping for some black eye contacts a bit before returning to the hotel, turning on the TV as it talked about the Stark Industry and more crimes happening. He took a shower and prepared to order some food and go to sleep.

After a good night's rest, Satori decides to play with the Gamer system.


[Satori Aisare - Level 0]

[HP: 1000/1000]

[Mana/Spiritual Power: 5000/5000]

[Strength: 50]

[Dexterity: 1000]

[Intelligence: 500]

[Charisma: 50]

[Remaning Stat points: 0]

[Skills: {Photokinesis(Kizaru style)}, Shunkō]

[Equipment: {Admin's uniform}]

Satori was out of the hotel and going for a stroll down the streets of New York when he got a notification from the system.

[Just remember that you are starting on this world so you probably won't be able to use those Space Bundles so here - From your generous Goddess (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ.]

[One of each Titan + one of each Pilots from Titanfall]

[A squad of Space Marine from Warhammer]

[Silver Team from Halo]

[A small drop-ship]

"..." Satori was speechless from all the free rewards coming from the Goddess.

He snapped out of his thoughts when an old man was about to be run over by a car. Now, this was conflicting. He could help the old man but he did not want any attention on him. So he made a kicking motion so fast that no normal human can see using his light powers and shifting the car to avoid the old man.

The car crashed into the side of the building, stopping it in its tracks. Everyone but the driver was unharmed but as for why the driver was suicide, we may never know. Satori was walking away to the food center somewhere in a mall before the old man came up to him.

"Young man, thank you for saving me."

"..." Satori was speechless. He did not move at the exact speed of light but it should be faster than the naked eye can see. "What do you want?"

"Youngsters these days. So rude. You know in my days, people greet each other with respect." The old man complained about Satori and his attitude. "Anyways, I would like to invite you to a fighting tournament."

"A what?" Satori was now even more confused than before.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. Silly old me. I am Arthur. Arthur Watson. I am the current head of the Watson family. We have a tournament coming up and the current fighter for the Watson household is not strong."

"...Explain the tournament more to me."

"Ah, Grandfather!" A young blond hair girl shouted in Satori and Arthur's direction. "Why must you run off again! I told you that Tash is strong enough!"

"Yes yes. But I found someone stronger than anyone I had ever seen before!" The old man said back in the same volume of tone.

The young lady stared at Satori with narrowed eyes. She examined him from top to bottom.

"I don't believe you." The short blondie plainly said.

"I haven't said I would join yet. You did not say what I get for helping you." Satori interrupted.

[Favorability of Ana {-10}]

[Favorability of Ana {Neutral → Dislike}]

'Huh? This fucking midget' Satori thoughts the favorability decreased, displeasing him.

"Money, a lot of money. Half of a billion USD." The old man replied, ignoring his granddaughter.

"Grandfather! I will not take this barbaric man to fight for our household!"

Satori just had about enough of his girl. He asked what he get out of fighting for them and she called him 'barbaric'?

"This is not a good place to talk. Let's talk elsewhere." Arthur said with his hands behind his back while walking towards a long black car.

Ana glared at Satori one more time before running after her grandfather. Satori sighed at what he just got himself into. He was only there for the money.

[Sub-quest created]

[Help the Watson family win the decade martial art tournament]

[Rewards: 10 Levels, 100 million USD, Infinity]


I hate school