
SCP system in the multiverse

We Secure, Contain and Protect. Being first sent to the marvel world, it was rather easy since S.H.I.E.L.D and Hydra generous sent their troops as cannon fodder. First world: Marvel Other world as undecided

Asorath · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

No Hiatus

I was thinking of stopping for a while because of the passing of my grandfather to support my mother, however, she has incurred me to keep writing this story. Enjoy.


"So, Sazu, what do you think of this?" A pale skin woman with dark clothes watched a screen glowing from the dark of Satori.

"I don't agree with it. It's meaningless." Another woman stood behind the Goddess sitting on the sofa disagreeing with her.

"Hmm. And why is that?"

"I believe he does not have the talent to reach the level needed. He relies on the system for all his problems."

"That was the reason I created the system. To get him somewhat near my level." The Goddess munched on a potato chip.

"I still don't agree-"

"Perhaps I have been to talking too lightly with you." The Goddess's eyes turned sharp as she turned her head and looked at the woman in a white dress. "Should I be stricter?"

The woman in the white dress' eyes widened and keel down, "I apologize for my words."



Back at the Marvel world

As soon as the 10 drop-pots hit the ground, the door was kicked open immediately as hulking giants cladded in black armor and red eyes fired their weapons. The bullets fired were the massive size of .998 cal which explodes when sunk into the skin of the heretics turning them into nothing but a fine pile of bloody mist and what was left of their body parts.

With most of the Black Templar charged in head first for glorious melee combat, some stayed behind to ensure the safety of the God-Emperor.

"Die heretic! Yum!" One of the Black Templar yelled as he pushed his [Chainsword] into the skull of his enemies and ripped it out, splattering the brains everywhere.

"No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!" Another one yelled their battle cry.

"Die in the name of the Emperor!!!"

"...This may have been too much." Satori sighed as the Black Templars did not hold back the slightest and crushed their opponents. "It seems that they see me as their God-Emperor"

"The battle is over but…" Satori watched the battlefield and felt excited. He wanted to fight. "Never mind. Secure the SCP and bring it back to Site-001 for further research."

"Yes, Admin." A-6 walked to the ship and continued to load the water fountain.

After A-6 left, Satori received a message from his system.

[New area unlocked: Organic organs growth]

'I guess the S-rank researcher made a big difference from the others.' Satori thought as he walked away from the battle with his hand in his coat pockets.

[+15 CP]

[+15 CP]

[+10 CP]


The battle was over within 10 minutes after the Space Marines were deployed, showing their immense power in a war.

[SCP-054 has been contained]

[Rewards: Space station, 1000 B-rank space workers, 10000 C-rank space workers, 10 A-rank soldiers employed on the Space Station, 2500 C-rank soldiers employed on the Space Station, Small Base]

Satori was talking with the researchers about how to deal with the newly captured SCP

"Do not harm or do anything excessive to the SCP. You may conduct research but limit yourself with how much it might harm the SCP to make it retaliate."

"""Yes, Admin""" The researchers walked off to start their project.

Satori heard footsteps behind him and someone covers his eyes from behind.

"Guess who this is?" A seductive voice spoke after taking Satori from behind.

A/n - Don't get sussy with that last paragraph. I know how horny you sick fucks can be. Wait… I just insulted myself… I need better friends…

The Admin with his eyes covered was not surprised that someone was behind him but the fact no one has spoke to him like this from the Foundation before. They all acted a bit like NPCs.

"Alright, I should introduce myself hmm?" The woman uncovers his eyes and playfully bounced around Satori until their eyes meet. "I am Dr. Sophia N. Light. A pleasure to meet you, Admin."

The woman was wearing a blue shirt with a white long coat over it and black pants. One of her hands was in her coat pocket as the other hand dangled in the air. Her hair was a long silky brown hair that reached her whist with a rather rare eye color of emerald green. The most outstanding part was a curvy figure that stood out from the rest.

[Image here]

"I suppose that you are the one who found out how to make organic organs for Project Warhammer?" Satori as almost bewitched by her looks calmly said.

"Yes, it was me. The area is currently under construction and the necessary equipment is being transported there as we speak." Sophia gave Satori a report of how long it will take before organs can actually be made and implanted safely. "However, there is still a lack of worthy test subjects. I strongly believe that D-ranks should not have the privilege of this Project."

"I have a solution for that. Gather the willing orphans from abusive households or orphanages. Offer them a better life if they do join and for those who don't wish to join, sent them to a better place to live."

"Yes, that would work splendidly. I shall get to work now." Sophia walked off after saying goodbyes to Satori.

He then walked to the command center and requested a report of A-1 to A-5.

A-1 SCP Foundation report

We have recently been employed to protect a child from Otta(OC) family. They offered a sum of 50 million dollars and bonuses could be given if assassination attempts were made. It turns out that we were not the only one interested in this offer and many other mercenaries arrived at the Otta's household. Everyone was tested in terms of reaction speed, physical performance, teamwork, and many others. Overall, the other mercenaries were 3rd rated at best and we easily passed their tests. It was because we were new to the mercenary world that we gained unwanted attention as one of the other mercenaries called us out for our performance. After some complicated talking, they decided it was a good idea to attack us at the Otta house. They were suppressed by the guards and removed from the vicinity shortly after their outbreaks. The head of the Otta family greeted us and presented his daughter. She was rather frightened of our appearance and heavily armed weapons. A-3 looked around the room and it seemed that the Otta family did not let their guard down yet. Multiple armed individuals surrounded the room and entered violently and demanded that we surrender and hand over the child. They were dealt with swiftly and silently. The Otta's head quickly stopped us from killing the attackers and said that this was a test to see if we were trustworthy and strong. We were employed the day after that as we guarded the 'Young miss' for 2 days. 7 assassination attempts. 10 kidnapping attempts. 3 robberies attempts. This all happened within 2 days and we were compensated well for the troubles. It seems like they underestimate us for we were unheard of before. They wished to hire us for another event that will happen in 2 weeks. A fighting Tournament. The Bolter was never used and we require more supplies.

End of report…


Hello everyone. Thank you for reading this book. I took a little break and started writing again. The updating might be awkward sometimes as I would like to keep my grades at the highest I can so I apologize for the inconvenience.