
SCP: Omen

[Based in the SCP universe] Anomalies, those that are despite the fact they shouldn't. Unexplainable phenomena, creatures, and locations with properties that normal science cannot explain. The SCP Foundation is an organization intended to capture and contain these anomalies. Dive into a world of those who explained the unexplainable, conquered the unconquerable, used the unusable, and killed the unkillable.

JustAPerson1010283 · Others
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5 Chs


The door opened and she was sat down at the desk inside. Both guards left the room leaving her looking through a glass wall with someone dressed like a scientist behind it.

The scientist gathered some papers, pressed a button on a recorder and said, "SCP 7383 Interview log 7383-01 , 2/25/2024, Dr. Sol Vael"

Moving his attention away from the recorder, the scientist asked "Give a brief introduction of yourself. Name, date of birth, and place of birth."

Tess, obviously displeased with everything, spat at the glass and ignored his orders. Of course this was not to the liking of the scientist before her. He wrote of her behavior in his notebook.

Again the scientist said "Name, date of birth, and place of birth." sounding more agitated then before.

Tess put her elbow on the desk in front of her, hand lifted up to hold her face as she leaned on it. Without much care she responded "And what exactly will you do if I don't comply?"

The scientist was slightly mad about her behavior, but D class were usually worse when getting questioned about the experiences when going through tests. So he wasn't really too bothered by her refusal to cooperate.

The scientist responded, "You will cooperate or you will be forced to cooperate"

Tess grumbled in anger, not knowing these people's goal was concerning, and the knowledge that they had literal armed guards and strike squads willing to hunt her down didn't help her either.

She knew they traced her all the way back to her home so they probably knew all of this information they were asking already. Caving, she responded "Tess Seraph, 10/16/2005, Rochester NY."

Before the scientist could ask another question, she began asking some herself, "What's the whole point of all this? Why am I here? What do you want from me?"

The scientist ignored her questions and continued asking his own, "When did you discover your abilities?"

Tess hated how the scientist just straight up ignored her questions, with that she said, "Answer my questions and I'll answer your questions. I will not answer you at any point otherwise."

The scientist looked unimpressed, as if he was expecting this. Looking at his instructions, seeing no explicit statement he couldn't tell her, and knowing she would find out sooner or later anyways, he decided to use this chance to get more information form her.

Responding to her, the scientist said, "Very well then, I will answer your questions. First off, I am part of the SCP foundation, our job is to secure anomalous objects and individuals, contain them, and protect the normal world from such things."

Tess interrupted him before he could continue saying, "Are you saying that I'm to be trapped here, forever, simply because I was born? You sound absurd. Sure its fine for random assorted items or something.... but why me? I am a living human being who has done literally nothing wrong."

The scientist responded saying, "It's simply too dangerous for beings like you to be in the 'normal' world."

Returning back to the previous question the scientist started, "You are here because you have been recorded to have anomalous abilities of some sort. You are officially classified as an anomaly aka SCP-7383"

Tess remarked, "So you're dehumanizing me too, great."

The scientist seemed kind of sympathetic with how she was feeling; his train of thought was that she never actually deserved any of this really, but that sympathy will get him nothing but being removed from experimentation with the subject.

Not responding to her little comment on her SCP classification, the scientist answered her final question, "As for what we want from you? well, that's quite complicated. We will be running tests to better understand your abilities, gathering information about it. From there, we will decide what to do with you."

As far as Tess was concerned, this mysterious organization of kidnappers who are 'protecting people' blah blah blah, they were untrustworthy, didn't think of her as human, and had no plans to let her go.

The scientist spoke up once more, "As per the agreement, you shall now answer my questions. Understand?"

With a defeated sigh, she answered, "Yeah, I do"

After hearing her answer, he claps his hands once and says, "Great!" before picking his pencil up once again and readying to take notes.

He continues with, "Again, when did you discover your abilities?"

Tess knew it was not very long ago, so she just answered with a general assumption because it wasn't like she was counting days waiting to get captured, so she said "Probably a few days ago at most— maybe?"

The scientist noted this, inferring that this was probably associated to her lack of usage. She must have mediocre control at best due to just learning about the ability.

The scientist then asked her, "Anything more specific? possibly a day or time?"

She responded, "No, I don't know when it actually happened. All I know is that I suddenly activated it when a kid was about to get run over by a truck!"

The scientist knew that this event was what led to her eventual capture, so he realized this was probably what triggered her latent ability. Wanting to know more about the ability itself, he asked, "What exactly is your ability?"

Tess was split. She knew she had to answer, but if they knew what her ability was, wouldn't that help them keep her here? Couldn't she lie? She knew they probably already knew for the most part, so she had to come up with something.

Getting a little impatient, the scientist rephrased the question. "It seems like you don't exactly know what to call it, that's ok, instead, you are to describe your abilities to me in as much detail as you can manage"

With a deep breath, hoping to avoid some important bits, she began to speak.