
SCP: Omen

[Based in the SCP universe] Anomalies, those that are despite the fact they shouldn't. Unexplainable phenomena, creatures, and locations with properties that normal science cannot explain. The SCP Foundation is an organization intended to capture and contain these anomalies. Dive into a world of those who explained the unexplainable, conquered the unconquerable, used the unusable, and killed the unkillable.

JustAPerson1010283 · Others
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5 Chs


She soon found that the air in the cabin of the helicopter smelled… odd, she noticed all the people who detained her had gas masks on, realizing too late as she passed out from the sleeping gas in the air.

[Time skip- Holding Cell]

Tess woke up in a box. It was a concrete, probably reinforced room. There was a bathroom, well…. "toilet." One uncomfortable looking bed, a door, and..... well that was about it. The door had a slot for them to give her food and nothing else really.

She spent about 2 minutes just looking around the cell she was being held in. It was relatively spacious on the bright side, the door was locked firmly shut (She could tell after kicking it like 20 times). Nothing she could do about that it seemed. 

In a corner of the room, on the ceiling, there was a speaker. Linked to it? A security camera. And get this; they expect her to do literally everything under surveillance? Do you know how humiliating that feels? Who would want to take a dump on camera? It's just not right.

She spent most of her time just laying down on the bed staring at the ceiling, surrounded by nothing but the buzz of the lights, and the sound of her thoughts. Even with it's decent amount of room, it was still suffocating in there. Why wasn't she at least given some decent living conditions?

After about an hour of boredom and thinking to herself, she began to experiment with her newfound powers some more. She started muttering "Stop" under her breath. There was literally nothing moving in her room, so she couldn't tell if everything was actually stopping or not.

This continued for 1-2~ hours..... or at least that's how long it felt. She noticed the speaker began to crackle. Tess took this chance to say "Stop" to actually mentally test how long it lasted. Her train of thought was 'If I keep practicing the time could get longer, and the frequency of it working could improve?'

Keeping count of how long the break in the noise lasted, she determined she could stop everything for about 3~ seconds? She didn't know exactly as its not like much of anything worked.

As the crackles resumed voice boomed from the speaker. "Hands on the wall. Now."

She looked up at the camera from the bed before hearing a door from behind the door she could see open. Once again she heard an announcement from the speaker "Hands on the wall"

She continued to sit on the bed, as a kind of rebellion against whatever the people holding her in this cell wanted. She could use her ability to try and get out right? She considered trying to break out right then and there, but she remembered they already caught her once before so what's stopping it from happening again?

Sighing, she stood up and put her hands on the wall to the right side of the door, left for people entering. Then the speaker activated once more and made a specification. "Put your hands on the wall OPPOSITE of the door"

Glaring at the camera, she walked over to the specified wall and put her hands on it. She then heard the door open behind her, not like any usual door creaking open or anything, she heard it hiss open, kind of like it slid to the side.

She could hear three people enter the room. Two of the people's footsteps sounded a lot heavier then the others.... she didn't know why though.

A command could be heard from someone in the group behind her, "I will be taking you to an interview room. We are going to talk about your special 'powers' and such."

The two heavier sets of footsteps approach her, as one of them grabbed her arms and started guiding her, she saw they were two "Guards" or something. They both wore an armored helmet, yellow visor covering the eyes.

Underneath a heavy and intricate piece of what looked to be bulletproof armor, there was a completely gray uniform. Both of these guards— or at least she assumed so.... because one of them was behind her before she could really get a good look, had a badge on their shoulders.

The badge had three simple letters which read 'S.C.P.' underneath it. Otherwise it was an outlined circle with three arrows crossing its contour and pointing to the center. The structure is closed in a thin frame, which repeats its silhouette.

She couldn't really look at much else before she was pushed forward by the other guard behind her. She noted how the guard also brandished a compact looking gun, she wasn't so well versed in weaponry but even she recognized it as a p90.

Before she could keep staring, she was pushed again by the guard. The painful grip on her wrists along with being forced to move forward to this 'interview room' or whatever was very uncomfortable. Still, she was awestruck by the facility.

She was guided through some sort of airlock chamber or whatever it was, a two phase door, only one can open at the same time. Definitely took away from some of her hopes of leaving for sure. As they were making it through the airlock she noticed a separate door to another area.

Before she could ask, the door to her cell closed and the one opposite to them opened. As soon as she came out of her cell she saw a small sign next to wherever she was being kept. It read 'Temporary humanoid SCP holding cell.'

Which of course meant she wouldn't be stuck there forever right? That gave a little bit of hope to her at least. That's when she noticed a 2 other people walking the same hall, one in an orange jumpsuit labelled "D-9341" with a single guard as an escort.

As her escort pushed her forward again making her walk faster, she looked away from that person. They maneuvered through winding halls with many doors locked behind keycard locks. All of them had green colored signs labelling them as SCP with some random number after it.

Until finally they arrived at a room. Two doors, one for each side. The guard brought out a bright yellow keycard and pressed it onto some sort of sensor. The door opened and she was sat down at the desk inside. Both guards left the room leaving her looking through a glass wall with someone dressed like a scientist behind it.

I have a discord btw:


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