
Science and Technology Library (Edited)

I am merely a translator of this novel I enjoy, without any credits to this work. You can find machine-translated versions elsewhere, but if you wish to read this novel without much difficulty, I recommend reading my version. ---------------------- Science and Technology Library: The supreme pinnacle of science lies in theology. Through an accidental rescue, Chen Mo gains access to a technology library that houses an infinite collection of technological knowledge. Thus, the story begins...

Eky_Riyadi_8592 · Urban
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36 Chs

Sell The Anti-Virus Programs!

Observing Chen Mo's expression, Shu Lao remained calm, turning his head to indicate the endless bookshelf before them.

"What do you think of these technologies?" Shu Lao asked.

Chen Mo pondered for a moment before replying, "They seem to be the contributions of the previous library owners, a collection of their accumulated knowledge."

"You're partially correct. Many of these technologies were indeed created by the library owners themselves. They willingly shared their inventions and knowledge by placing them in the library. This is a form of technology sharing," Shu Lao explained.

"So, are you saying that I should also contribute the technologies I create to the library? For instance, the program I designed to kill ransomware?" Chen Mo asked.

"Not exactly. It's not about obligation, It's about willingness and voluntary contribution. Would you be willing to share your technological creations with the library?" Shu Lao clarified.

"Technology sharing? Of course, I'm willing," Chen Mo replied without hesitation. Even if it were mandatory, he wouldn't complain. After all, he was now the owner of the technology library.

"Very well," Shu Lao remarked, and as he did, the light curtain in midair displayed rapidly moving code, like resembling ants scurrying around. Chen Mo could clearly see that it was the program code he designed to kill ransomware.

The ancient, mysterious library seemed to be a place of incredible possibilities, and Chen Mo's excitement grew as he realized the vast potential that lay ahead of him.

Under his gaze, the light curtain transformed into a book and flew deep into the technology library. Then, another light curtain descended into Shu Lao's hands, forming a book.

"This is a reward for sharing your technology," Shu Lao stated, placing the book in front of Chen Mo.

"Smartphone operating system source code and development."

Upon seeing the book, Chen Mo's face lit up with excitement. It was indeed an unexpected gain. He hadn't anticipated such a rewarding outcome from sharing his technology. He could already envision himself holding another mobile phone system in his hands.

With this new technology, all of Chen Mo's previous worries and frustrations dissipated, vanishing without a trace.

"You're a lucky fellow," Shu Lao remarked. "To encourage technology sharing, the shared technology and the rewards obtained from sharing will be even better than the shared technology alone. You're quite fortunate to have received this particular reward—it's of a higher caliber."

"Well, ever since I met Shu Lao, my luck seems to have taken a turn for the better," Chen Mo replied, smiling.

"What about your girlfriend?" Shu Lao glanced at Chen Mo and immediately understood what was on his mind. " You didn't mention your luck when you obtained the random technology. Wasn't that also a stroke of luck?"

"Take it," Shu Lao said, offering the book in his hands, which Chen Mo promptly absorbed into his mind.

Chen Mo's knowledge and capabilities expanded with each new technology he acquired, setting the stage for exciting new possibilities in his future endeavors.


Exiting the technology library, Chen Mo wore a pleasant smile on his face. This time, he had struck a big fortune by obtaining the source code of the mobile phone system. With proper operation, money would simply become a number.

However, he currently lacked funds.

After some consideration, Chen Mo opened Weibo on his computer and found Qihu Company's official Weibo page. Hesitating for a moment, he composed a message and sent it to their inbox.

Without access to the email addresses of the company's key personnel, this was the only method he could employ to make contact. He couldn't infiltrate the network security company and directly force his way in; that would be too risky.

At present, the "Eternal Heart" ransomware was wreaking havoc worldwide, and no one had yet devised software capable of eliminating it. But he possessed such software.

Chen Mo acknowledged that he wasn't a saint. He had obtained the freedom to select technology through less-than-virtuous means, originally intending to earn his first substantial sum by using antivirus software.

After sending the message, Chen Mo began to code. The smartphone system's source code would become his next product, and it was perfectly suited for the internet market.


Within Qihu Company, several individuals managed their Weibo accounts, and Lang Yumeng was one of them.

Weibo's flourishing development had created new avenues for companies to disseminate news. As a result, a new occupation had emerged to fulfill this demand.

At that moment, Lang Yumeng, seated at her computer, was browsing through the latest Weibo news. As a specialist in microblogging operations, she was responsible for managing the official Weibo account and engaging with users.

Her job included designing visuals, writing engaging captions, identifying trending topics, and interacting with followers by responding to their comments. Due to the recent outbreak of the "Eternal Heart" ransomware crisis, their network security company had become the center of attention, resulting in a tenfold increase in Weibo comments.

As a result, Lang Yumeng had been working tirelessly, leaving her with dark circles under her eyes.

Suddenly, her eyes caught sight of a particular message: "Silent ants?"

Intrigued, Lang Yumeng hesitated for a moment. However, when the office director walked over, she made up her mind to bring the message to his attention.

"Director, you should see this Weibo post." Lang Yumeng pointed to the computer screen.

Curious, Wang Yu, the director, approached her. As the office director, he usually wouldn't be bothered with minor matters regarding microblogging operations.

Glancing at the news on Lang Yumeng's computer, Wang Yu's expression turned serious. "Print out a screenshot of this message."

After a short while, Wang Yu handed the printed paper to the company's president, Zhou Hongwei, as he deemed the news to be of potential significance.

"Mr. Zhou, this is a Weibo message that I believe is worth your attention," Wang Yu said as he handed over the printed paper.

Zhou Hongwei's eyes narrowed as he read the content. His expression turned contemplative, and he hesitated for a moment before opening his email and composing a message to the provided address.

At this time, their cybersecurity team was tirelessly working to find a way to combat the "Eternal Heart" ransomware, which was wreaking havoc globally. While there had been some progress, they still had a long way to go to crack the intricate code created by skilled hackers.

Yet now, someone had suddenly emerged claiming to have the program for cracking the Eternal Heart, demanding attention.

The individual had contacted Zhou Hongwei, seemingly interested in selling the decryption program and discussing a potential transaction. If they obtained the decryption program, the company would surely gain fame and fortune.

"Hello, I'm Zhou Hongwei, the president of Seven Tigers. I have received your message. Are you claiming that you possess the program to crack the 'Eternal Heart'? I would like to meet in person to verify its authenticity..."

After sending the edited email, Zhou Hongwei anxiously stared at his mailbox, waiting for a response.

Chen Mo, who had been typing code, immediately stopped and opened his email upon seeing the notification. A smile spread across his face upon reading the content.

Unexpectedly, his news had received a response.

Opening the email, Chen Mo promptly sent his phone number to Zhou Hongwei in reply.

Upon seeing the phone number in the email, Zhou Hongwei smiled and immediately dialed the provided contact.

"Hello, I am Zhou Hongwei," he greeted as the call connected.

"Hello, Zhou Zong, my name is Chen Mo. Are you interested in the software I have researched?" Chen Mo replied with a friendly tone.

"For the initial test, let's meet at the coffee shop near the main entrance of Binhai University. I will send you the address later and don't worry, I won't deceive you. If you're not interested, I can contact Qihoo 360 or Tencent Penguin."

"All right, I'm on my way. Let's meet and discuss," Zhou Hongwei agreed before ending the call. He immediately stood up from his seat and turned to his assistant, Xiao Liu. "Xiao Liu, book a ticket for me. We're heading to Binhai."

Xiao Liu nodded and quickly made the necessary arrangements for their trip to Binhai