
Scales of Imprisonment

An overpowered dragon has nothing new to do. Till one day a young girl ventures on her territory w/ her little group. The dragoness was just going to kill them quickly. But when young teen sees her she's prepared to defend her companions. She miraculously beats the dragon. But this has some dire consequences she wasn't prepared for.

Flame_Ice_5470 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Are they dragons or hunting dogs!?

We started the stew. And it's as if they never ate before.

"Are you guys done yet? If not how long will it take?" Someone new asks.

"Shut up and wait!" I yell. We put the stew on and were talking.

"Is it done yet?" A female asks walking in.

"I don't know. Am I dead yet?" I respond.

"No." The female said.

"Well then there's your answer." I say.

She got angry and stormed off. Not even 2 seconds later someone comes yelling.

"Which one of you was rude to my sister!" Another but bigger female says. Soon a male and 2 of the 3 dragons were there.

"Me. Now leave." I say.

"Heather. Really? Why can't you play nice?" Stormy says. But it fell on deaf ears.

"Are you gonna answer?" Sky asks. Again I didn't answer.

"Hey! Are you going to explain why you were rude to my sister!?" The angry female says.

"I know you guys can smell. She asked if the food was done and if it wasn't how long would it take when we just put it on the stove. Like does it smell done does it look done? No? Then it's not done. But she apparently couldn't connect the dots." I answer.

"If I were you. I would watch my mouth. Unless you want to see those you care about torn apart in the most painful ways?" She threatens.

"And unless you want 3 angry dragons trying to kill you and those you care about. I suggest you leave and wait for the food." I say.

"Why would they be after me?" She ask cockily.

"Because you'd be one of the main reasons I die." I threaten.

She realizes what I meant and leaves. The others follow suit. We laugh for a bit. The stew was done and we filled their bowls and got ourselves some too.

"It's done." Tiff says as we walk out. They surrounded us and grabbed a bowl. We all started eating.

"So who cooked this?" The male that came in when that angry female did asks.

"That would be Kate!" Stormy says excitedly.

"Who's that?" He asks. Stormy points to Kate.

"Can I have her?!" The female that first came in asks.

"Fuck No!" Everyone in the party says. As we went around Kate guarding her.

"I don't see why not. Besides she can cook for us to so it's a win win." Hades says nonchalantly.

"We. ARe. NOT. OBJECTS!" I scream at the dragoness.

"She can NOT! Have Kate!" I finish.

Hades was about to say something when she passes out. Soon the others do too.

"Well come on." I say as we start to pack then we leave.

For the next 2 months it's been a game of cat and mouse. But each time they find us another party member gets 'claimed' as we say.

"If they start doubling up I'm ending it!" Bronx states plopping on the bed.

"I think we all feel the same." I say joining him.

"You guys better be talking about just giving in to us and surrendering!" Hades basically growls out.

"How did you find us so fucking fast!? We left 2 days ago and traveled over 500 miles!" I say jumping up.

"We'll always find you. Because you will always be ours!" She says.