
Scales of Imprisonment

An overpowered dragon has nothing new to do. Till one day a young girl ventures on her territory w/ her little group. The dragoness was just going to kill them quickly. But when young teen sees her she's prepared to defend her companions. She miraculously beats the dragon. But this has some dire consequences she wasn't prepared for.

Flame_Ice_5470 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Once happy now thirsty for blood

"I will never be yours! My family will never be theirs! And if you want to live. I say leave!" I gritted out.

"You've tried like twice already to kill me. But you always fail. What's different?" Hades asks. I smirk then pull a button out of my pocket.

"What are you going to do w/ that? Make a sweater that snuggles me to death?" She asks mockingly. I push the button and then kaboom!

"What the hell was that?!" The leader of the lions asks.

The leader turns out to be the girl who I threatened in the kitchen when they first found us.

"Ready! Aim! FIRE!" I say and a sea of arrows come in.

We decided we wanted to fight them after running for a while so that they would be a bit more tired.

"Come on Heather! Just come w/ us! If you guys give up then they won't punish you!" Stormy says.

"STORMY! Listen! Things would have been fine if you 3 didn't try to force me into a relationship w/ all of you! But since you did! You're! A! Threat!! Even though you guys were our friends because of all of this! We can no longer see you 2 as our friends! So last chance give up or die!" I say.

"We were trying to wait for you guys to give up." Stormy says. Her head down and her voice low.

"But apparently we should have just conquered you." Sky adds matching Stormy's appearance.

"What are you 2 up to?" I ask getting ready to start the second ballad.

"Everyone stay back! Heather we want a WDLO!" Stormy says.


The party and I all gasp loudly. Our hidden forces come to see what's wrong.

"What the hell is a WDLO?!" One of the wolves asks.

"Winner Demands Loser Obeys." Bronx states.

"A 2 on 1. 2 dragons against 1 human w/ a small knife. Dragons are representing themselves and those they brought. Human representing the party she's w/ and herself." Broadway states.

When we were having arguments that could be either really beneficial or really harmful we would fight.

After a while we decided to call it a WDLO we would have to formally challenge them infront of every party member.

"So but that only applies to party members. And you guys aren't." I say coldly.

"We were at one time." Sky replies.

"But since no one has ever left our party before. And you guys were more like kicked out. We only have it to where Current members can challenge other Current members." I say.

"We'll make sure everyone obeys the rules and winner." They say not giving up.

"Thoughts?" I ask the party.

"Everyone needs to swear they will obey the rules and winner. Unless you are a current member." Tiff says. The dragons nods and start to get everyone to swear.

"There it's done. Now can we start?"

"I Heather accept the challenge." I say.

We begin to circle each other. After a few seconds they rush at me at different sides.

I made it look like I was confused before the last second and dodge. They rammed into each other.

I took out my knife and stabbed Stormy's back. I stabbed it where her wings and tail would be.

Sky rushed at me. I jabbed my knife in her throat and slices down.

Then did the same to her as I did to Stormy. Since it's basically the same rules as if they were party members I can't kill them.

But I can severely hurt them. We fought for about 5 hours. We were panting hard.

The dragons were bleeding harshly. I on the other hand was fine besides a few scratches.

"How are you so strong!?" Stormy asks.

"Because I am!" I yell then and attacked I got them. That last blow knocked them out.

"Heather wins!" Broadway says. Proudly and relieved.

"What is your demand?!" He asks. I go up to the 2 unconscious dragons and take their heads off.

"Those who want a party member kill yourself. And the others leave." I say.