
Scales of Imprisonment

An overpowered dragon has nothing new to do. Till one day a young girl ventures on her territory w/ her little group. The dragoness was just going to kill them quickly. But when young teen sees her she's prepared to defend her companions. She miraculously beats the dragon. But this has some dire consequences she wasn't prepared for.

Flame_Ice_5470 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Fragile peace

It's been about 4 months since we left. After that we all decided it was best to retire.

"Hey Heather. Didn't you tell them about your family?" Kate asks.

"I didn't tell them the story in detail but I told them that w/ my family I was in constant danger. It was just to painful to explain it fully." I answer.

"Hm. Do you perhaps think they thought you meant us?" Broadway asks.

"It could be possible. But I know they could see me uncomfortable talking about them. But everytime I talk about you guys and call you family I'm happy." I inform.

"Then they probably just couldn't connect the dots." Bronx says.

"I doubt it. Dragons come up w/ riddles that stun our smartest people. Then they can detect if a human lied to them or not and more. So it's highly probable they only focused on the actuality instead of hidden meanings." Tiff says.

"Makes sense." I say.

We leave it at that. We found a place that no human nor dragon would want.

The soil is rocky and this is just 2 mountains put together. The days are extremely hot but night are extremely cold.

But we love it. We just came back from our annual journey. People still pay us and we choose to buy somethings in the town.




We heard 3 noises in the distance. Then boom! A pack if wolves w/ 1 human in the middle growling at us.

On the other side is a pride of lions w/ a human in the middle again growling. Then above us are the 3 dragons I wished never to see again.

"We brought some friends to help us deal w/ you guys." Hades says landing and coming closer.


"Can we eat first?" I ask.

After hearing the dinner bell. They look at each other but allow it. Kate and Tiff got the food and we started eating.

"Kate! Can we get some!?" Storm asks as she and Sky land and shift.

Kate just nods but doesn't look at them. They hesitate then go get some food.

The others there wanted to try it so they got some too and soon it was gone but they were begging for more.

"What do you guys want?" Sam asks.

"MORE!" They all yell. Wait wolves and lions yelling more?

"What the fuck?! Did those animals just talk?!?" We yelled this time.

"Yes they can shift like us now can we get some more?" Hades asks.

"Why would we cook for you?" I ask.

"Because then we won't rip your companions apart and I won't drag you away." She answers.

"Wait Stormy, Sky. You were gonna kidnap me and kill the party?" I ask.

"We knew that she wanted us to come so that we could take you back. She said that she will take care of them w/ her friends." Sky answers.

"For the last time. Do! Not! Touch! My! Family!!" I say to Hades.

"I won't. I'll just shoot fire at them." She says.

W/ us not having any escape routes we knew that she'd be able to do it.

"Let's start a stew." I say.