

Klyde made sure to wash everything he used, rather Wade used to cook, and his plate. His moves are light as he navigates himself in the kitchen and almost as if he did not want to make a noise in the quiet apartment. He dried his hand on his sweater after he’s done. He also made sure to refrigerate the leftover pasta so it won’t go to waste. Maybe Wade will eat it later, and if he doesn’t, then Klyde can heat it up to eat again tomorrow.

He quietly climbed the stairs. He passed by the alpha’s room and entered his room without making any sound save for his footsteps. He sighed once he was inside, breathing out the breath he did not even know he was holding. He proceeded to the bathroom, now that he was done eating, he can finally do his night routine.

He took his time pampering himself, opening many packets of different masks and serums, rubbing some moisturizer on his face. He hummed at the pleasant scent that wafted in the bathroom. He fanned his face using his hand, staring at his reflection. It’s been a while since he last did this routine, and it honestly felt relaxing. He stared at himself more and noticed his dark circles and bags.

“You look like shit,” he murmured to himself, hands stopped fanning to instead touch the bags under his eyes. He sighed at the sight of them. He had been so busy with his company that he forgot to take care of himself. But it’s fine, he tells himself. It’s the result of his hard work so he guesses he can’t really resent them.

He finished his routine, applying one last mask before walking out of the bathroom. A tight head band is on his head, keeping his hair away from his face. He grabbed his phone from the night stand, before sitting at the edge of his bed. He ought to check some emails before going to sleep so he can be prepared for tomorrow. It has been a habit of him ever since he started his business, it eases his anxiety and helps him face the day more prepared.

He was on the last unopened email in his inbox when a knock suddenly sounded from his door. His finger hovered over the screen of his phone as his eyes darted to the direction of the sound. Who is it? He asks himself, but immediately brushed the question away. Come on. It’s only him and Wade in this apartment, who else would knock?

Why would the alpha knock at this hour though? Does he need something?

He quickly removed the mask off of his face and made a quick work of tapping his face with his palms to help it dry faster. When another knock came, he quickly stood up and with big strides, walked to the door.

Klyde opened the door and was greeted by the sight of Wade clad in a simple white tee and basketball shorts. He blinked at the unusual fit, still unused to seeing the alpha in anything but his business attire.

“Hey,” Wade greeted. The delicious scent of rainwater and coffee is wafting from the alpha, mixed with the scent of what seemed to be mint, probably his aftershave, Klyde thinks. But he immediately steered his mind away from the thought and focused.

“What’s up?” he greeted back, trying not to cringe at himself with how forced it sound. Wade’s eyes landed on the headband he still has on, but chose to not comment on it. Instead, he raised his hand to show Klyde something the omega did not even notice he was holding.

“I have an invitation,” Wade started. Klyde’s eyes dropped to the small envelope he was holding. The alpha wasn’t bringing his hand down so he assumed he was maybe giving it to him so he reached out to take it.

“Invitation to what?” he asked as he worked to slowly open the envelope.

“It’s a party,” the alpha answered.

And it is a party. A business party to be precise.

Andrew Racan.

He had heard that name before. He thinks he has seen the man himself at a business party before too, but he can’t seem to remember his face. Not that he’s attended too many parties to remember. The truth is he’s rarely invited if not at all. He’s the controversial omega after all, no one would want someone with such a reputation to be close to them. And if he was ever invited, it was only out of courtesy and to create a faux solidarity although he clearly knows they’re just doing it for publicity and a business stunt. So, every time he is invited to one, Klyde makes sure to spend it wisely and take the opportunity to link up with possible business partners. He sometimes declines too. When he’s not up to go to an event where he has to pretend and be cautious of predators all night, he declines.

He knows that Andrew Racan is a businessman too, a successful one at that. He handles casinos, really big and successful ones. Makes sense that Wade is being invited to one of his own business parties. Big businessmen want bigger businessmen close.

His eyes read through the details written in the invitation. Only Wade’s name is written but a note of plus one was inserted at the edge of the paper. It says he is invited to a business party on the 24th of December—a business party on the Christmas eve? All other details were there along with the theme, time and the venue.

“I’m taking you’re bringing me with you?” Klyde asked, looking up from the invitation to meet Wade’s gaze. It was obvious that the alpha was taking him, they’re married after all.

“Hmm,” the alpha hummed.

“It’s still quite far but I’m going to schedule you for a fitting with my tailor for our suits.”

“Oh, okay then,” he replied. The conversation ended like that and for a second, they both stood awkwardly in front of each other. Klyde gave the alpha a questioning look.

“Is that the only thing you came here for?”

Wade seemed to snap back from his thoughts, blinking fast. His hands came up to cover his mouth as he cleared his throat.

“Yeah, yeah,” he answered. “I wanted to let you know early.”

Klyde nodded, but the alpha still did not leave. He seemed to be contemplating on something. His gaze is anywhere but on Klyde, so the omega remained quiet, waiting for him to say what he wants to.

“Wade?” Klyde asked when the silence and the fidgeting took too long. That’s weird, he has never seen the alpha like this before. He is always composed and calm. Is there something bothering him? Not that Klyde cares of course. He just wants to know because he kind of wants to rest already but the alpha is holding him off by standing in front of his door. Yes. Exactly.

“Pasta,” the alpha suddenly blurted out.

“Pasta?” Klyde blinked confusedly at him for a few seconds so they stood there like two idiots looking at each other, before it finally registered on him. Right! Pasta.

“Were you hungry?”

“Kind of,” Wade hastily replied. Klyde is frowning at the way the alpha is acting but he chose not to comment on it.

“I put the leftover pasta in the fridge if you want to eat. You can heat it up in the microwave.”

“Oh, okay,” the alpha answered. Why is he acting so weird?

“Is that all, Wade?” he asked one last time. The alpha jerkily nodded.

“Yeah, yeah. Thank you. I’ll update you about the fitting.”

Klyde cautiously started closing his door, eyes still trained on the alpha. Once the door was closed, he waited for the alpha to leave, listening intently for his footsteps and watching his shadow on the floor. He only relaxed when he heard him finally walk away. He sighed.

He walked to his bed, removing the headband from his head and putting it on his nightstand along with the invitation. He stared at it for a while before deciding to tuck himself under his covers. He grabbed his phone again, going through his email one last time but he’s distracted. The interaction between him and Wade still brewing in his mind. He recalls the way the alpha acted. Why was he acting so weird? He looked almost nervous, and that’s definitely a first. Klyde did not know the alpha is capable of feeling nervous, to be honest.

Eventually, he forces himself to forget about it. Finally putting down his phone and clicking his bedside lamp off, Klyde turned on his side, hand tucked under his pillow. He sighed before he finally drifted to dreamland.


The next day was nothing but busy, but at least it was less. The pile of documents on his table are relatively less than the documents he had to sign for the past weeks and it is such a breather. Now he can actually take things slowly and relax even just a little.

He’s actually having his lunch on time now, and he can savor the food’s taste without having to rush so he could finish more work. He hummed at the taste of the sweet and sour chicken his secretary ordered from a nearby restaurant. He is frowning, eyes even shut closed, savoring the taste as he slowly chewed. Ah. Whoever said money can’t buy happiness is miserable. Who says money can’t buy happiness when he literally got to buy chicken with his money and now, he’s so happy? Ah, humans and their simple minds.

He's on his third chicken when his intercom suddenly beeped. He hurriedly wiped his hands on a tissue before clicking a button to hear what his secretary has to say.

“Mr. Ferrer is here,” came her static voice. He did not even have to reply. It’s just like a formality at this point. A warning for him that Aien is about to enter his office so he better be ready for what’s about to come.

Honestly, Aien had been frequenting his office for the past days that he thought the beta can’t surprise him anymore. But clearly, he was wrong. The door of his office opened just as he put a piece of chicken in his mouth and he almost choked at Aien’s appearance. He quickly grabbed his water bottle to drink.

The beta strutted from his door to the visitor’s chair in front of his table with an annoyed look on his face. He threw his body on the chair, huffing as he did so. His face has smudges of different colored paints, his clothes too, and it’s bad, since he’s wearing a cream sweater and now it’s covered in different colors. His hair is messy, probably wind-swept since it’s been getting windy. He’s carrying a bag whose zipper is opened and he could see the variety paint brushes inside of it. He put it down on the floor. The beta then roughly placed a plastic of what he assumes is take out on his desk.

“What happened to you?” he asked. His eyes scanned the beta’s whole form. The pout on Aien’s face became more prominent, before he eventually sat up straight. He thumped his fist on Klyde’s table, making the omega jump. he looked so upset that if he wasn’t a beta, Klyde knows he would’ve been stinking up his office with his scent.

“Klyde,” Aien dramatically called. Klyde watched his every move, genuinely scared and concerned for the beta.

“I am so pissed right now.”

“I can see that. Why?”

Aien moved to get his own take-outs out of the plastic, laying them on the table. Klyde adjusted his to accommodate more food. His table is big, but his computer and other important documents are there.

“So, you know I paint right?” he started.

“You do?” Klyde asked. Aien gave him a disbelieving look, but he just shrugged. He really did not know!

“Does Wade ever talk about me? Or anyone in the pack?” Klyde just shrugged again in answer. Aien huffed at that.

“Anyways. So, I paint, right? And I had this client booked for today.”

Klyde hummed as he listened to his story, resuming on his meal.

“It’s an alpha. She said she wants me to paint her for a gift to her alpha boyfriend. And heavens, I knew I shouldn’t have accepted that.”

Klyde made a questioning hum as he bit a piece of his chicken, followed by a spoonful of rice.

Aien’s eyes widened as he looked at him. He already opened his own food but haven’t started eating yet. “At the middle of the session, her boyfriend suddenly just barged in my studio and screamed that her girlfriend is cheating with me! With me! Fucking asshole tipped all my paint and now I’m all dirty!”

he thumped his feast once again on the table, angrily opening the packet of his utensils and finally started to eat.

Klyde looked at him in shock. That explains his appearance though. But why?

“I don’t even know how he got through the reception,” the beta said, angrily munching his food. He swallowed before continuing.

“Motherfucker is too insecure with himself that he thought his girlfriend would cheat with anyone. She’s not even my type. Honestly though, if I had a face like him, I’d guard my partner too.”

“That’s mean,” Klyde said but chuckled at the beta’s remark.

“Mean? He tipped off my paint!”

“Why did he even think she was cheating with you? I mean, you’re just painting right? Unless she was doing something else?”

“I mean she was naked, so maybe he thought we were doing something. But ew, no. Never.”

“Naked?!” Klyde exclaimed. Aien looked at him weirdly.

“Yes, Klyde. Naked. I do nude art.”


“Yeah. Oh,” he huffed again. and it’s actually funny to see him so worked up.

“Did he not know that?”

“I don’t think he’s even smart enough to know what nude art is. Fucking alphas, seriously,” he sighed.

“What did you do then?”

“I kicked them out of course. I told my secretary to calculate everything he wasted and send it for them to pay. I have them blacklisted in my shop. Never again,” he shook his head before crying out.

“I fucking wasted my time, Klyde. This is why I don’t like alphas. They’re assholes!”

“Yeah,” Klyde agreed, sipping on his drink.

“Alphas are assholes.”

Aien gave him an unimpressed look. “You married one.”

He did.

“It’s different—”

“No. Stop. I don’t want to hear cheesy things like ‘Yeah, it’s different because he’s my alpha’ shit. I get it. You’re happily married.”

Klyde did not comment on his word. It’s the picture they want them to see after all.

Aine’s expression suddenly changed that it was almost scary. The pissed expression on his face replaced by something both curious and intriguing.

“Anyways, I heard something.”

“What did you hear this time?” Klyde replied. The beta is fond of gossips. And every time he comes over to Klyde’s office, half of them was just to gossip and the other half to sleep and laze around.

“It’s about a party. I heard Wade got invited to Andrew Racan’s business party on Christmas eve,” he said casually.

“And where did you hear that?” Klyde asked, eyebrow raised.

“From my brother of course. He’s invited too. Wade will bring you?”

“Yeah. Will you be there too?” he asked, hopeful. If he has to sit through a boring party filled with people who wants him out of the industry, he at least needs someone he knows to talk with and make the night better.

“Ah. Unfortunately, no,” he said apologetically.

“I haven’t been visiting my parents in our home town. They want me for Christmas.”

“And not your brother?”

“That asshole goes home every time he can. They’re tired of his face already.”

Klyde chuckled but he felt his shoulders slump in disappointment. Aien noticed it.

“Hey, you’ll be there with your husband anyway. There’s Kez too. It won’t be that bad,” he said. Klyde only gave him a half smile. The beta reached over the table to pat his shoulders empathically.

“I’m sure Lawryn Racan would be there too,” he said. Klyde’s brows furrowed.

“Who’s that? A crush?” he asked. Aien looked at him as if he said something stupid. He has a disgusted look on his face and he almost spat his next words.

“Are you kidding me? Ew,” he said, sounding so disgusted to Klyde’s amusement. “She’s Andrew Racan’s daughter!”

“And? Why should I care about her?”

He is genuinely curious.

“That girl has been on Wade’s ass for years. She’s obsessed. Both her father and her are obsessed with Wade actually. They’ve been wanting to place their casinos in Wade’s hotel but your husband always refused. Racan wants a merger, you know the classic ‘Marry my daughter so we can merge’ bullshit. Wade doesn’t like that.”

Just like them. If Wade doesn’t like that kind of thing, why did he propose it in the first place?

“The girl’s an alpha. She’s pretty, but pretty annoying too. She seizes every chance she gets to be alone with Wade. Fucking annoying if you’d ask me. But now you’re married, so I think she won’t be a problem. Just pray she knows how to respect.”

Aien laughed, but Klyde did not join him so he stopped and sent the omega a curious look.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine,” Klyde nodded.

“If you’re worried about Lawryn, don’t be. Wade doesn’t like her. Man, your husband has been rejecting her for years.” Klyde wonders why.

“Your husband loves you. If she does something, you should, I don’t know. Make out in front of her? Wade seemed to like that idea.”

Klyde laughed at his words but decided not to comment further. His statement about Wade loving him was funny, he’s not going to lie. What had the alpha been telling his pack for them to believe that? but it’s effective. They’re not suspicious in their eyes. Plus, he’s not worried about the alpha at all. He’s curious. Many questions are swirling his mind at the moment.

Why did Wade propose a contract marriage if he did not like it? Why does he continuously reject the Racans if they clearly have bigger business than Klyde? They handle casinos for fuck’s sake! They bring millions every day! Why does he continuously reject Lawryn Racan when she’s an alpha, a perfect fit for someone like him?

Klyde’s head is starting to hurt with the questions so he decided to just brush it off for now. He and Aien continued to eat, while he listened to the beta’s gossips. He doesn’t have to stress himself about those things right now. If he knows, maybe Wade had been planning to acquire his company long before it crumbled, and when it did, he took the opportunity by proposing a contract marriage. It’s a smaller company after all, but brings big money nonetheless. Big companies always target smaller ones for their own benefit. It may be that, maybe not. But most probably, Klyde thinks it really is. Whatever reason it is, Klyde doesn’t want to think about it for now.