

Time surely flies especially when you’re busy. Although the work pile had been considerably less, it did not mean he can just slack. So, he went on with his usual days with Aien’s continuous visiting but now, he gets to go back to the apartment earlier than he used to for the past weeks. The wind began to blew colder, the sun started to set earlier, decorations slowly appeared on the streets and before he knows it, it’s already Christmas eve.

Klyde scanned himself in the full-length mirror inside his room. He’s looking over his shoulders, making sure to check if it looks good on all sides. When he deemed it good, he turned around to look at himself again, adjusting the blazer of his coat. He nodded at the sight. It looks good, but of course, he should not expect less from a tailor that works for Wade.

Wade called him a week before the event to tell him that the tailor was on his way. He did not expect for it to come to his company though, but it was convenient. Aien was there when the tailor, Mr. Creed, got his measurements. He’s a man in his forties, a beta. He looked gentle and spoke gently too, Klyde really likes him.

Mr. Creed asked about what style he would prefer since the theme is already fixed—black. Klyde told him he’d go with a black suit that would complement Wade’s suit since they’re coming together, but Aien insisted on adding some details.

“Klyde, I know you’re pretty,” the beta suddenly said that day as they bicker about the design of the suit.

“But I won’t let you attend that party looking plain. You should eat them all up with your fit.”

A silver-lining was then etched into the collars of the suit jacket, and along the waist too.

“To accentuate your waist. You have such a small waist, if you add that detail, anyone would drool over you.”

Klyde told him he was being too silly but Aien just ignored him. He also asked to add some kind of a thin silver chain harness with small dangling diamonds, that would be worn under his suit jacket. It circles his neck, connected by a two more chains curving to circle his waist. Klyde honestly protested at it at first, deeming it too much. But now that he’s seeing how it looks while wearing it, he wants to thank Aien for the detail. It rattles with his every move but it doesn’t really make much of a sound which is something he likes. He doesn’t want to draw attention to himself just for that.

The beta then whined about wanting to do his make-up if not for the trip back to his hometown that he has to make. He swears to do it next time and Klyde just agreed with him.

For his make-up, Klyde just added a smoky hint of grey eyeshadow on his lids, to accentuate them. He put a thin layer of foundation and concealer to hide blemishes and his still present eyebags as well, slapping an equally thin layer of blush to make it seem natural and settled on a strawberry flavored lip gloss. His hir is also styled by him in a way that it’s parted on the side, revealing his forehead. He turned his head side by side at the mirror one last time, checking his appearance before grabbing everything he needs and finally walked out of his room.

Wade was already waiting at the living room. He’s wearing a suit with an almost identical design, save for the body chain. He’s busy on his phone but as soon as Klyde stepped down the stairs, his head whipped to look at him. Klyde met his eyes as he walked down, never straying. A weird kind of tension settled on them, heavy for some reason. Wade’s expression is blank as he watched him, something unreadable brewing in his eyes that Klyde can’t tell. When he reached the floor, he stood a safe distance away from the alpha, still meeting his eyes.

“Shall we go?” he asked. Wade stared at him for longer, eyes raking all over him. Klyde doesn’t want to admit it, but it sent a thrilling sensation in his gut. When the alpha finally averted his gaze, a disappointed feeling settled on him.

What? Klyde asked himself. Did you ask him to compliment you or something? Weirdo.

He shook the feeling out of him. He does not like where his thoughts are going.

“The car’s already downstairs. Let’s go,” was the only thing the alpha said before walking to the door. Klyde stared at him in confusion at first before quickly following.

He doesn’t know why, but the atmosphere in the car is so awkward that it’s almost suffocating. From the passenger’s seat, Klyde could feel the alpha glancing at him from time to time, but he never says a thing. He did it back in the elevator too. Klyde has been waiting for him to say what he probably wants to say but nothing, the alpha stayed quiet. Klyde tried to feel the air too, subtly inhaling his scent to know if there’s something wrong but the alpha’s scent is neutral. The perfect mixture of his scent not giving away anything so Klyde just gave up. Now, he’s sitting pressed to the door of the car, too tensed on his seat and praying for the ride to be over already.

He almost cheered in relief when he finally saw the venue. It’s the biggest branch of the Racan Casino in the city with 20 floors, and as far as Klyde knows, the whole second floor of the big building holds the function hall where the event is taking place. Wade maneuvered the car into the dimly-lit parking lot before finally killing the engine. They both removed their seatbelts quietly. When Wade opened his door to get out, Klyde quickly followed, opening the door on his side and stepping out as well.

Wade walked around the car to stand beside him, the alpha is frowning as he clicked the lock of the car.

“What are you doing?” he asked. Klyde’s brows raised in question.

“Why did you open your door?”

“I needed to get out? Obviously?” he answered. His tone is unsure. He watched the alpha sigh, before walking closer and offering his right arm. Klyde stared at it for a second before taking it, his hands settled lightly around it.

“Next time, let me do it for you,” the alpha replied almost in a murmur but Klyde was able to catch it. He did not know what to reply, but his eyes widened at the words, he chose to stay silent as they began to walk.

Their footsteps are echoing in the big parking lot. They’re not the only ones there, few businessmen with their dates are also walking out of their cars too. Wade fetched his phone from the pocket inside his coat. He unlocked it with his left hand, since Klyde is clinging onto his right.

“Kez arrived earlier than us. He’s already at the function hall,” Wade murmured. Klyde nodded and watched the alpha bring his phone back in his pocket. Wade then turned to look down at him. Klyde blinked at the close proximity despite their height difference before looking away.

He cleared his throat, eyes wildly looking for anything to look at aside from the alpha. “Okay,” he replied.

“Don’t leave my side the whole night,” the alpha said before looking away.

Klyde thinks that goes without saying. He’s rather stay by his side rather than some random business man alpha in the party. Thinking about socializing with them is making Klyde’s skin crawl.

Wade pressed the button of the elevator. They are standing quietly in front of it, when a loud voice called Wade.

“Wade,” the man’s voice was deep as it echoed in the parking lot. Mr. Wilson is a big man, in a way that he’s both tall and quite meaty. He has a huge belly trapped in the trousers of his suit, complete with a beard and polished hair. A girl is clinging onto his arm, and his steps are big as they hurried, quite practically waddling to approach them. Klyde can see the way the girl s struggling to keep up with his stride with her stiletto. He internally winced at it; he can only imagine the pain.

“Mr. Wilson,” Wade greeted back. Just then, the elevator opened and they all stepped inside.

“It’s been a while, Wade,” Mr. Wilson said. He has a big smile on his face. His eyes drifted to Klyde who is silently standing beside Wade.

“I see you brought your husband with you.”

“Yes, Mr. Wilson. This is Klyde, my husband,” Wade said to introduce him.

“Klyde, this is Mr. Wilson. He was a business partner.”

Mr. Wilson then stretched his hand out, so Klyde gave him a smile as he reached out to shake it. The man’s grip was tight, and he doesn’t like the way his gaze is boring on him. Klyde resisted a disgusted shudder when the man’s tongue came out to wet his own lips. He can even smell the way he’s releasing his scent more, probably to attract him, but it’s just disgusting. And also, so fucking disrespectful, he just got introduced as Wade’s husband!

Klyde fought the urge to scrunch his nose at the unpleasant smell. He doesn’t like it. Fucking alphas, really. He only gave him a forced smile before pulling his hand back from his grip. Klyde then turned to his date—Leticia, she murmured her name as she shook his hand too. She then pressed the button for the elevator door to close.

“I see you lucked out on this one, Wade. Such a pretty omega,” the man remarked before letting out a loud laugh. Wade squinted his eyes at him, his jaw clenching but decided to remain silent. His words left an ugly feeling to Klyde but he’s used to it by now so he just ignored it.

As the elevator ascended to the next floor, the two alphas engaged in a small talk. Something Klyde did not pay attention to. His attention is rather caught by Leticia, who looked uncomfortable beside Mr. Wilson. Her gaze is set on the floor, and Klyde could see the way she’s fiddling with her hands. He caught her gaze to silently ask her if she was okay, but she only nodded her head and looked away.

She’s clearly not okay. But it’s also obvious that she cannot do anything about it. Klyde feels for her. She’s probably one of those omegas that are brought to parties like this to be paraded like some sort of trophies by alphas who want to brag about the power they do not have if it wasn’t for their rank. So much for a fucking status, really. Klyde does not want to generalize, but Mr. Wilson looked exactly like someone who would do such bullshit.

Klyde’s gaze landed back to the man and their gaze met. The alpha smiled at him, and it was creepy. Perhaps Wade sensed his discomfort as the alpha stepped in front of him, effectively shielding him away from the man’s gaze just as the elevator pinged open. Klyde released a breath of relief at that.

“After you,” Wade said, gesturing for the older alpha to walk out first. Klyde watched them, before him and Wade eventually followed.

“Are you okay?” the alpha asked quietly, cautious of the small distance they have with the older alpha walking ahead. He smelled the slightest spike of Klyde’s scent in the closed space of the elevator. Klyde only nodded his head.

“I’m used to it.”

Wade murmured something under his breath, but he wasn’t able to catch it. When he asked the alpha what it was, he only shook his head and pulled him to continue walking.

The elevator brought them to a short brightly-lit hallway, where two attendants are standing at both sides of the big double door at the end. They have pleasant smiles on their faces, bowing as they welcome each and every guests. When it was their turn to enter, Klyde whipped the invitation out of the pocket of his suit jacket. The female attendant, an omega—Klyde notes that the two attendants are actually omegas, gently took it, reading their names before returning it to him. They gestured to the double door, opening it enough for them to pass through.

“Welcome, Mr. Wade and Klyde Curtis,” they say in tandem, followed by a curt bow.

Klyde took a step, but immediately stopped when Wade did not move with him. He looked back at the alpha, throwing him a questioning look. Then, Wade’s hand came up and it was almost happening in slow motion. Klyde’s eyes are wide as he watched his hand approach his face, pushing strands of hair that have fallen onto his forehead. It did not end with that though. The alpha’s hand then proceeded to his neck, where the chain he was wearing got jostled, now overlapping with his coat.

Klyde cleared his throat at this, murmuring his thanks and Wade only silently pulled his hand back slowly. Wade then fixed his own suit, adjusting his tie and fixing his collar, before nodding.

Before they finally walked, the alpha leaned down, closer to him. And what he said shouldn’t make Klyde’s heart beat faster than normal. But for some unknown reason, it did. And he doesn’t know what to make out of it.

The alpha’s voice was so low, almost husky as his lips slightly grazed the skin of Klyde’s left ear.

“Let’s go” the alpha whispered, and then.

“……Mr. Curtis.”