

Klyde swears he swallowed all his food properly, so he doesn’t understand how he just suddenly choked on nothing, maybe air. But he blames Aien’s unexpected question.

He found himself in a coughing fit, struggling to breathe, and he’s so fucking embarrassed.

“Aien!” Wade called sharply as he hurried to hand Klyde his drink and tissues.

Klyde’s eyes are teary as he accepted the drink, wincing as he drank the soda. He also accepted the tissue, wiping his mouth and eyes as he finished drinking.

“What? What?” Aien asked frantically.

“What’s wrong?”

Klyde continued to cough. Wade turned to Aien, glaring at him.

“What’s wrong—did you really have to ask that?” Wade asked, irritated. Aien blinked at him in confusion.

“What’s wrong with my question?”

“You were asking about pups.”


“And? That’s fucking rude.”

“You are married!” Aien exclaimed disbelievingly, he alternated his gaze at the two of them.

“What’s wrong with asking about pups?”


Klyde held Wade’s arm to stop him from answering. He breathed slowly, recovering from his coughing fit.

“Aien,” Klyde called out gently instead, voice still strained and eyes still watery.

“We aren’t even mated.”

“Yet,” Wade added.

“Yet.” Klyde pushed his lips into a thin line at that.

Aien looked at them like they said something funny, “Okay? So, mate?”

“It’s not that easy. We want to uhh…take things slow for now.”

The beta stared at them for a while longer before sighing, “Okay. But it’s not like I’m telling you to have pups now, no?”

Klyde gulped, not really knowing what to say.

“I’m just asking if maybe you have plans of having pups in the future,” Aien said, tilting his head to the side.

“Do you?”

“No,” he quickly answered.

“We haven’t talked about it.”

Although deep inside, he knows they have no reasons to talk about it. What for?

“I see,” Aien said, nodding as he did so.

“Well that’s fine. Pups are not for everyone anyways.”

Klyde almost sighed in relief when Aien finally dropped the topic, jumping on to another story of when he was in Budapest.

He continued eating, biting on his burger as he once again feels the gaze of the alpha beside him.

Once they were done eating, they all stood up to exit the place. They’re walking to Aien’s car when Wade’s phone started ringing. Wade excused himself, stepping away from them to answer the call. Since it was too hot to be out, Aien and Klyde got in the car first and waited for the alpha. They both busied their selves with their phones.

Several minutes later, the door to the back seat opened, and Wade got in.

“I need to go,” he announced as soon as he was sitting down.

“What?” Aien asked almost in disbelief. He put his phone down to turn to the alpha.

“I told you we’ll go shopping.”

“I have a meeting.”

“I thought your secretary moved everything for tomorrow?”

“It’s an urgent client. I can’t lose this one.”

“You’re just leaving your husband?”

Wade sighed. “It’s a really important client. Came from Greece for this meeting. I can’t cancel last minute.”

“Yeah, but Klyde left his work too—”

“Aien, it’s fine. The two of us can still go without him,” Klyde interjected. He doesn’t really get why the beta is being insistent, he doesn’t mind. He knows the alpha s busy. Plus, he’s more comfortable with just the beta anyway.

Aien looked like he was going to argue further but he eventually sighed too, “Okay, fine.”

Wade then turned to look at him, “Will you be okay with him?”

Aien made an offended sound but Wade paid him no mind, focusing on Klyde.

Klyde was caught off-guard with his question, because why would he not be? It’s his packmate, does he not trust him?

He nodded his head in affirmation. “Of course.”

“See, your husband trusts me,” Aien said loudly.

“Okay,” Wade replied.

“I’ll just take a cab from here. You guys enjoy your time.”

“Yes, Pack Alpha,” Aien answered mockingly.

Wade shook his head at him. On the other hand, Klyde’s eyes widened when Wade unexpectedly leaned over him to drop a kiss on his forehead. He did not have time to react as he quite literally froze on his seat, and the next time he came back to his senses, the door of the back seat was already closed shut. He blinked at the sound of it. His gaze traveled to Aien, who is looking at him teasingly.

God. Of course, he saw what Wade did.

Aien’s mouth threatened to open but Klyde already beat him to it.

“Shut it.”

Aien nodded at his sharp tone, but the playful and teasing look on his face did not disappear. The beta did a zipping motion on his lips, before twisting his body back to sit properly. They finally left the parking lot but Klyde’s face remained red, Wade’s action replaying in his mind nonstop. The beta kept looking at him through the rare-view mirror even after several minutes of driving so Klyde couldn’t help but sigh.

“What is it?” he asked.

Aien perked up at his question. He seemed to have been waiting for Klyde to ask all this time.

“I thought you two fought,” he said. Klyde’s brows furrowed at that so Aien proceeded to explain.

“You looked stiff with each other, so I thought maybe you fought?”

Oh. Aien’s an observer, Klyde will give him that. but at least he’s not yet piecing together that Wade and him are awkward because they literally married for business and knows fucking nothing about each other. They haven’t even talked much, if totally did not, for the past weeks. So, of course, they’re stiff with each other.

“No,” he replied as casual as he can. He doesn’t really know what to reply, what to reason.

“We’re just not fond of displays.”

Aien nodded at that.

“I figured. But he kissed your forehead earlier so…”

Klyde flushed even more at the memory, his cheeks coloring in embarrassment more. Aien looked at him teasingly again.

“Ah, young love,” he said wistfully, as though he is older than him. How old is he again? Klyde thinks they’re the same age.

“Look at you blushing at the memory of your alpha.”

“Shut up,” Klyde weakly jabbed but the beta’s smile only widened more.

“I can’t wait to tell the rest of the pack about this.”

Please don’t, Klyde pleaded in his mind but he opted to just stay silent. He figured he can’t really stop Aien from doing it anyway.

His hand came up to touch his flushed cheeks, willing it to go away. He inhaled slowly, breathing out equally as slow to relax himself. And if the spot Wade kissed kept on tingling for the rest their shopping trip, then nobody has to know.


Klyde pushed his arm above is head in a big stretch, groaning when his back muscles audibly cracked. He sighed in satisfaction before slumping back on his seat. He has been cooped up in his office the whole afternoon again, reviewing files and documents. He thinks the only time he came out was when a potential client asked to meet him, and then after that he just stayed inside. His secretary made sure he ate; she ordered him takeout for his lunch earlier in the day.

Klyde turned his swivel chair so he was facing the floor to ceiling window of his office. It’s already dark, the city lights are shining prettily outside. His office is not as high as other bigger CEO’s offices are, but he loves the view nonetheless.

He turned his chair back around, swiveling his chair closer to his table. His eyes landed on the mini calendar he has on his desk. It’s outdated, the month displayed still at November. He raised his hand to tear it. Was he really that busy that even changing the month of his calendar passed his mind?

He stared at the huge red encircling the number 12 on the calendar. He ripped the page apart to reveal the next month and his eyes landed on the same date. December 12th. It’s been a month and a day since his wedding, and exactly a month since he signed the contract. Klyde’s emotions are mixed. Somehow, he doesn’t know to describe the past month. He doesn’t know if he should describe it as ‘it has only been, or would ‘it has already been’ be more accurate?

It has only been a month but he already feels like a lot has happened to him. At the same time, it has already been a month, but he feels like nothing is changing with his company. It’s almost at pause, and he did not expect to experience harder things as he tries to revive it now, but he’s seeing the steady flow of things and one by one, more investors are coming back. So, he thinks maybe something is at least happening. However slow it is, he’s glad his company is slowly returning.

His phone lit up at a message notification. He glanced at it and saw that it’s only past eight in the evening. For the first time in a while, his desk is void of documents. He worked nonstop to decrease their numbers for the past days, and now they’re all gone. He’s aware he has more to come though. He picked up his phone to check the message. It turned out to be Aien, saying he won’t be dropping by today as he has an important matter to attend to. He laughed at the kissy face emoji at the end of his message.


Klyde sighed fondly at the thought of him, slumping back on his chair.

The beta has been worming his space into his life for the past days. Ever since he dragged Klyde for a lunch ambush four days ago, the beta has been coming to his company almost every day. He never had any important reason though. Every time Klyde asks him why he came, he always says he’s bored. He always just sat on the office couch adjacent to the door, and busied himself on his phone. He mostly just stays quiet, or asks about his work, curious about the documents he’s always seemed to be signing. One time, he even asked if he could roam around the whole building. Klyde just shrugged and let him do as he pleased. Aien has been an ever present being in his office, that he started to feel used to his presence every day.

Klyde’s stomach rumbled. He started gathering his valuables, standing up from his seat, getting ready to leave. He grabbed his phone and put it in the pocket of his suit jacket. He’s contemplating whether he should just order take out or eat at Wade’s apartment. Aside from the food the alpha cooked for him when he was sick, he never really stepped into the apartment’s kitchen to cook nor eat there again. He did go there from time to time to drink water though, but other than that, he did not. But right now, he’s craving for some home cooked meal. Should he go shop for some ingredients on his way home? He doesn’t wat to intrude on the alpha’s space and things.

He nodded at his thoughts. He is really craving for a homecooked meal right now. Maybe he really should drop by the grocery store.


Klyde grunted as he placed the shopping bags down on the elevator floor. The guard at the parking lot offered to carry it for him but he insisted on doing it himself. Thinking back, maybe he should have taken their offer of help. But for the record, he really juts planned to shop for the ingredients he will need for the meal he was planning. But hey, he ended up buying a lot of other things and snacks, each aisle looked inviting that he had no choice but to add them in his cart.

He pressed the highest floor for the penthouse and stood still. When the elevator door opened, he struggled to carry the bags on his both hand as he waked the long hallway to the entrance, since his fingerprint isn’t installed in the security system, he put the bags down again to type in the passcode.

He entered the apartment and as usual, it’s quiet. He turned on the lights in the large living room before walking to the kitchen. He placed the bags down on the kitchen counter, dusting his hands after and slumping on one of the kitchen stools. He ought to take a quick shower before cooking a meal so he stood up and made his way to his room.

He sighed appreciatively when he finally stepped under the spray of the shower. The warm water’s effect was immediate, loosening up the kinks that formed from hunching all day in his office. He scrubbed his body clean of the sweat and fatigue of the day until his skin was pink and sensitive. When he was done and felt cleaner and more refreshed, he stepped out of the shower and grabbed his towel. He hurriedly dressed up in comfortable clothes, a pair of black old sweater and sweatpants, as he felt his stomach howling louder in hunger. He did not even bother combing his hair and just pushed it off his forehead before going out of his room and down to the kitchen.

He first got the ingredients he needs from the shopping bags and just left the rest on the counter to be sorted out later.

He sneakily snooped around the kitchen for a small cauldron. He doesn’t know why he’s moving so quiet when he’s so obviously alone. He was in the middle of boiling water for the noodles when the security system of the apartment sounded, meaning someone just unlocked the door. He froze on his place in the kitchen, even tempted to hide, until Wade appeared at the living room. He was silently praying for the alpha not to notice him, but of course, that would be impossible.

“What are you doing?” the alpha asked. He placed the bag of his laptop down on the couch before walking to the kitchen.

“I’m cooking,” he plainly answered before quickly looking away to stare at the water he’s boiling instead.

Boil faster please, he pleads in his mind.

“Why?” Wade asked again.

“Because I’m hungry,” he deadpanned. He almost cheered when the water finally boiled. He moved to grab the packet of pasta and opened it. He grabbed a handful of it he knows is enough for him, before glancing at the alpha through his peripheral. He contemplates whether he should cook for two in case the alpha wanted o eat too. well, he knows he can just ask him, but Klyde can’t bring himself to do that. so, he ended up grabbing two handfuls enough for two servings. Just in case, he reminds himself.

The thing is, he knows how to cook, okay? He trained himself ever since he started living on his own. But maybe he got too excited in putting the pasta that he just dropped it without thinking. The water ended up splashing around the stove, some of it landing on his hand and arm making him hiss.

He glared at the cauldron while rubbing his hand. He startled when he felt a hand touch his arm.

“Move,” Wade ordered suddenly. Klyde stared at him in confusion.


“Move, Rehan. I’ll cook,” he said, gently pushing him aside. Klyde stood his ground though. He let go of his hand and stood properly to face him better.

“No. I can cook,” he protested. The alpha is looking down at him because of their height difference. And there’s nothing wild or even insulting in his look, but Klyde feels belittled.

“You just hurt yourself.”

“I can cook, Wade,” he replied firmly.

Wade’s jaw flexed as he gritted his teeth. Klyde could not pinpoint but there was something stiff with the alpha’s stance and look. His face is set hard, lips drawn into a thin line, and his posture is overall stiff. He gave him a questioning look.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I am,” the alpha answered. His voice is tight.

“Just…Rehan. Let me.”

Defiance bubbled up inside Klyde. The need to prove that he can fend for himself was strong. But there was confusion under it. Why is the alpha acting this way? What’s happening? Why is he suddenly like that?

He has so many questions. He wants to protest. But eventually, he ended up sighing in resignation, shoulders drooping as he moved aside to let the alpha stand behind the stove instead.

“Fine,” he huffed. He moved to perch himself on the kitchen stool by the counter, glaring stubbornly even as he moved the bags of grocery aside to give him a better view of the alpha. Wade glanced at him, shaking his head at his antics before the alpha’s eyes landed on the bags of grocery.

“You went to the grocery?” he asked.

“I did,” he answered plainly.


“What do you mean why?”

“Why did you go?”

“To shop?” he replied with maybe too much sass than he intended but he’s pissed, okay?

“Why do you think someone would go to a grocery store?”

Wade smartly ignored his tone, “We have enough supplies here though?”

Klyde’s eyes roamed to the pantry and the alpha is right, the apartment has enough supplies. The problem is, it’s not Klyde’s, it’s Wade’s supplies. He wouldn’t want to intrude and just use and eat things that isn’t even his. He told Wade exactly that.

Wade sighed as he grabbed another cauldron, a smaller one, and put it on the stove. He grabbed a fork to push the noodles around to check if they’re already cooked, he put the fork down when he deemed it not yet ready.

“Rehan, we’re married,” Wade said in a calm tone.

“You can use everything in this apartment. It’s yours as much as it is mine.”

“Still…” he trailed off, averting his eyes.

Wade just shook his head before scanning the ingredients laid out in front of him. “Were you planning to cook cream pasta?”

Klyde nodded wordlessly, and Wade began to work.

The setup completely mirrored the way the alpha also cooked for him a few weeks ago, the only difference now though is he’s not sick. Right now, he’s completely capable of cooking his own meal but the alpha insisted on cooking for him still.

So, he silently watched him cook, and navigate around his own kitchen. He remained silent even as the alpha retrieved a piece of pork to fry even though it wasn’t in his plan. As he silently sat there and watched him move around, his irritation eventually dissipated and got replaced with wonder. He wonders how the alpha is so good at cooking. Isn’t he supposed to just sit down and let his omega cook like the alpha that he should be?

The sound of cooking and pans moving was the only thing that can be heard between them. At one point, Klyde decided to stand up to put the groceries he bought in the pantry. He occasionally looks over his shoulder to check on the alpha still focused on cooking.

He finished arranging almost the same time the alpha announced that he was done cooking too.

“Where will you eat?” the alpha asked as he plated the food.

“Counter’s fine,” Klyde answered quietly.

Wade wordlessly placed the plate on the counter. He was about to step away when Klyde called him.

The omega’s eyes widened at his own action. Idiot. He internally scolds his self. Why did you call him?!

But you prepared enough for two, the other part of his mind supplied. He cooked for you and you prepared everything for two, might as well thank him for that.

“Were you going to say something, Rehan?”

The alpha’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked impatient while looking at him, Klyde bit his lips.

“Oh…uhh,” What great communication skills you have, Klyde. Great job.

“There’s enough pasta for two. Are you not hungry?”

Wade’s eyebrows shot up in shock. His eyes landed on the food, before eventually shaking his head.

“I’m not really hungry right now. Maybe later.”


“Okay,” Klyde answered quietly.

Wade stared at him a little longer and Klyde did his best not to squirm under his gaze. What is it with the alpha’s gaze that makes him want to preen under?

Then he remembered his current state, his old clothes and the messy state of his hair. He probably looks so sloppy right now, with his face void of his usual make-up, his bags must be showing, and he bets he looks both tired and ghostly. Suddenly, Klyde wants to just run to his room, and never get out. But the hungry growl of his stomach is rooting him on his spot, refraining him to run away.

The alpha slowly nodded then, humming as he casting him a last look and finally turned to walk out of the kitchen. Klyde winced at himself as he watched the alpha’s retreating back. He only moved when he was out of sight.

He sat himself back on the kitchen stool, pulling the plate in front of him. The pasta was plated nicely and he smiled at the sight of it. But he can’t help the wince that grazed his face again as his brain involuntarily replayed the interaction again.

As he shoved a mouthful of pasta in his mind, he does his best to shake the embarrassment off of him. The pasta is really good. Wade is a great cook. He almost inhaled the meal as he was so hungry.

His eyes darted to the staircase where the alpha disappeared.

He did not even get to thank him.