
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

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Chapter 52: This Move is Called Indra's Arrow

The reason Uchiha Hachida was beaten was due to his actions during the clan meeting. On the surface, he seemed to be submitting to Dan, but in reality, he was trying to use Dan. He not only incited Dan to fight against Shisui but also encouraged Dan to seize the power of clan leader Fugaku and initiate the coup that the radicals had always wanted.

Dan had seen through Hachida's intentions long ago. Therefore, Dan decided to let Hachida lie in bed for a week or two to reflect on his actions. At this moment, Hachida was weakly lying on the stretcher, and the look in his eyes towards Dan was filled with deep fear.

Uchiha Shana saw Hachida's condition and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Shana knew very well that the reason he wasn't beaten like Hachida was probably because he was old and wouldn't live for more than two years, so Dan showed mercy.

Indeed, this was the case.

After a while, the Uchiha clan members on the ground, in the trees, and in the water all scrambled up one after another, looking at Dan with lingering fear. He stood there like a statue, bathed in the bright moonlight. Behind him was the silent and majestic Stand, The World, and behind The World was a new moon that had risen to the middle of the sky. The man, the Stand, and the moon formed a straight line.

At this moment, Dan seemed like a god under the moon. The clan members felt both awe and confusion towards him. Why did Dan suddenly burst into laughter and attack them when faced with their requests?

It was simple. Because Dan looked down on the Uchiha clan. His gaze swept over the crowd, and he slowly said to these fifty or so people, "The Uchiha clan is too weak now. You guys either only think about internal strife or rely on the strong. You never think about relying on yourselves. When your strength can satisfy me, we can discuss the coup."

The Uchiha clan is weak? No one in the entire ninja world would dare to say this, but when it came from Dan, it seemed reasonable. He alone could suppress two Mangekyou Sharingan users and send all the elite members of the clan flying with one move. In front of him, everyone else was nothing more than a bunch of weaklings.

When Dan's words came out, the clan members had various reactions. Some were ashamed, some were angry, and some were thoughtful. "Dan..." Shisui looked at Dan's back, feeling very surprised. He didn't expect that Dan would first take action and then speak, extinguishing the flames of the coup and indirectly helping him complete the task assigned by the Third Hokage. This Dan seemed... different from the madman Itachi had described.

Shana frowned slightly, trying to figure out his nephew's real intentions from his words. Did Dan agree to the coup but feel that the time was not right and the Uchiha clan was not ready yet? Or did Dan not agree with the coup in his heart, so he used this excuse to suppress the restless clan members?

He thought about it and decided it should be the latter, after all, his nephew's position was moderate. Shana came back to his senses, had an epiphany, and said to Inohi and Tetsuhi next to him, "I understand. Dan wants us to prepare for war and improve our strength, so that we can minimize the casualties of the clan in the future coup."

Hearing him say this, the radicals became excited again. These people, based on their own positions, interpreted different meanings from Dan's words, but no one knew Dan's real thoughts.

Except for Itachi.

Itachi stared at Dan, trembling all over, his heart sinking to the bottom. He knew that his uncle clearly despised the Uchiha for being too weak and wanted the clan members to become stronger, so they might stand a chance against Konoha, for his amusement.

As for his uncle himself, he would never directly participate in the coup, he would only watch from the sidelines. Just as Dan himself had said - he didn't identify with the clan or the village, he just wanted to watch the world burn. But Itachi couldn't say these things because no one would believe him right now.

"Dan, how did you manage to... send all of us flying in an instant?" At this time, Inohi couldn't help but ask Dan.

Before Dan could speak, Fugaku frowned and reprimanded, "Inohi, don't ask what you shouldn't." Asking for other ninja's information was a taboo, even if it was a clan member.

"It's okay." Dan waved his hand indifferently and began to make up a story, "This move of mine is called Indra's Arrow. It can release a powerful repulsive force from within the body, sending all enemies flying. It's an invincible Mangekyou Sharingan technique."

Indra's Arrow? Dan believed that instead of letting others guess his time-stop ability, it was better to take the initiative to "expose" it and lead their thinking in a seemingly reasonable but completely wrong direction.

Sure enough.

Manipulating repulsive force? Hearing the principle of this technique, the clan members were all shocked and then amazed. Hearing its name "Indra's Arrow", they felt it was incredibly domineering.

Fugaku and Shisui both fell into thought. Each Mangekyou Sharingan, when awakened, would host a special eye technique in the eye, and this ability was often unique. Was Dan's eye technique the ability to manipulate repulsive force, Indra's Arrow? Sending all beings flying, the invisible hand of God!

It was indeed powerful. At the same time, the two of them couldn't help but subconsciously compare Dan's Mangekyou Sharingan technique with their own abilities. Fugaku glanced at Shisui next to him. He was puzzled as to why Shisui didn't use the Mangekyou's exclusive eye technique when he fought against Dan. Could it be that Shisui's ability, like his own, was also a non-combat type eye technique?

Shisui also knew nothing about Fugaku's Mangekyou ability. But what he knew was that he could never expose the power of Kotoamatsukami like Dan did. Because this power was too terrifying and would make everyone wary. After all, who could tolerate a person who could silently change others' thoughts and will existing by their side?

Just as the clan members were discussing Dan's "Indra's Arrow", Dan suddenly looked up at the forest not far away and said, "You've been watching for so long, isn't it time to come down?"

It turned out that when Dan entered the time-stop, his perception would greatly increase, and he could observe everything in that gray world clearly. During his use of Indra's Arrow, he noticed Kakashi hiding in the distant trees. It had to be said that this guy's stealth technique was very good, he could hide so well.

Someone?! Dan's words startled all the Uchiha clan members. In an instant, more than fifty Sharingan eyes all looked in the direction of the forest, each pair of crimson eyes spinning rapidly, searching the area.

Perhaps because the battle between Dan and Shisui was too exciting, the clan members had been watching intently, so they had overlooked the situation around the clan grounds. The thought that someone had been hiding in the shadows, spying for so long, made all the Uchiha clan members feel deeply humiliated.

Under the scrutiny of dozens of Sharingan eyes, Kakashi felt a chill run up his spine, making his scalp tingle. Should he run? He had just thought of this when he dismissed the idea. Under the lock of three Mangekyou and dozens of Sharingan, how could he possibly escape?

So an "Ah, this is troublesome." Escaped from Kakashi as he sighed, muttering a sentence, then voluntarily dispelling his stealth technique before jumping down from the tree.