
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · Anime & Comics
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277 Chs

Chapter 51: Maniacal Laughter

Hello everyone, translator here. I'll be posting my comments at the start of the chapter moving forward due to what seems to be a lack of attention to my comments when I leave them in the author's thought's section. Thank you to everyone who showed support while I was away on vacation. It was relaxing but turned bittersweet due to unfortunate family news. All in all it was some much needed time of to recharge and re-center myself. I'll be playing around with releases across all of my books with the exception of my wacraft fanfic as those chapters are coming from a large stockpile of premium chapters.

What will this mean going forward?

Probably an increased overall chapter rate for a week or so while I adjust to find a new groove that works with my available time. I really want to work on getting an actual small business started by the end of the year so I'll be focusing more of my time on that. In an effort to maintain stead releases I will be attempting to release smaller but more consistent batches of chapters throughout the week and maybe even on weekend.

It is all still in the air but I will be committed to weekly releases for this book.

Thank you and enjoy the next 5 chapters.


Fugaku watched his brother-in-law with a sigh. He had always thought that he, with his Mangekyou Sharingan kept hidden, was the strongest Uchiha. That was until tonight. After watching the battle between Shisui and Dan, Fugaku realized that his strength was at most third in the clan.

However, aside from a small sense of loss, Fugaku was more surprised and pleased at Dan's strength, which far exceeded his expectations. Whether as a clan leader or as Dan's brother-in-law, he was very happy.

At this point, the clan members also came forward, surrounding the three.

"Dan, do you also have the Mangekyou Sharingan?" Hachida couldn't help but ask.

Upon hearing this, Dan nodded without hesitation, "Of course, didn't you see my Susanoo?"

Since everyone mistook his Stand for Susanoo and thought he had the Mangekyou, he might as well admit it.

True to form, Dan's response made Hachida feel even more confident that he had made the right bet by handing over the radical faction to Dan.

"The clan leader, Shisui, and Dan, we Uchiha have three pairs of Mangekyou!"

The other clan members confirmed this news and were extremely excited. Uchiha Shana was so moved that he cried out, "The Uchiha have been biding their time for many years, and we are finally about to rise again!"

"That's right," Hachida took over Shana's words, his eyes shining, "As long as the three pairs of Mangekyou work together, lead the Uchiha in a coup, we can definitely overthrow the Konoha upper echelons and take back our power!"

After saying this, he even knelt on one knee on the spot, looking up at Dan with fervent eyes. Hachida had once thought that Dan's "Jade Shatter Plan" was too crazy, but his view had completely changed now. After tonight's battle, Dan had proven with his strength that he was the true number one of the Uchiha, and even the clan leader and Shisui combined might not be Dan's match.

In Hachida's heart, Dan had become the savior of the Uchiha. Inohi and Tetsuhi saw this and also knelt down, asking Dan, "Dan, please guide us on our future path!"

Under the influence of the three, other radical clan members, and even many moderates, were also stirred up, one by one kneeling down and asking Dan for orders.

Shisui watched this scene, his face ashen. The thing he was most worried about had still happened. Was the Uchiha clan going to take this irreversible step tonight?

Fugaku's face also changed. It was clear to everyone that he, as the clan leader, was completely sidelined. At this moment, Dan was more popular and more like the clan leader.

Fugaku felt a bit bitter in his heart, but what he cared more about was how Dan would respond to the clan members. In Fugaku's understanding, Dan was originally an extreme moderate, even having a tendency to surrender. It was only after being enlightened by his brother-in-law that he stood in the neutral position with him.

Dan's spar with Shisui should also be out of a competitive mentality, and it didn't have much to do with factions. So, given Dan's position, he shouldn't do something rash like leading a coup... right?

More nervous than Fugaku was Kakashi in the tree. As Danzo had said, the Uchi

ha seemed to really be planning a rebellion. What should he do? Should he try to go back and report to the Hokage, or directly use the signal scroll to let the Root ninjas break in? Kakashi was indecisive.

Dan looked down at the clan members who had knelt before him, saw their eager eyes, and simply said, "Stand up first."

"Dan, have you agreed?" Hachida stood up and asked urgently.

Dan didn't answer. Instead, Uchiha Shana glared at Hachida and scolded, "What's the rush? Can't you see that Dan is thinking about the coup plan? What we need to do is to faithfully execute it, follow him into the Hokage building, and take down the Konoha upper echelons."

Compared to Fugaku, these radicals had a completely opposite impression of Dan. They all thought that Dan was an extreme radical, and now that he had the upper hand, he would definitely lead everyone to turn the tables and fight a decisive battle with Konoha.

Facing these two groups of people with completely different expectations of him, Dan suddenly smirked, put his hand on his forehead, and started to laugh softly.

During this process, the curve of his mouth grew larger and larger, until he finally grinned widely, revealing two rows of white teeth, and threw his head back, letting out a series of loud, maniacal laughter into the dark night sky.

"Ha ha... ha ha ha ha..."

It's over, Uncle's gone mad.

Itachi saw Dan's state and immediately had a bad premonition. Indeed, what was happening to Dan?

Just as the clan members were confused, Dan's laughter abruptly stopped, his expression instantly became extremely cold, and he casually extended a finger, uttering those two words:

"Za Warudo!"

In an instant, the gears of time were stuck, the whole world turned gray, and everything froze. The clan members in front of him, still puzzled by Dan's laughter, all had expressions of astonishment on their faces.

The Stand "The World" appeared behind Dan with the time stop, its face as indifferent and arrogant as Dan's at this moment.

Then, let's begin.

"Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!"

At this moment, Dan's body and Stand charged towards the Uchiha clan members, throwing punches. One from the left side of the crowd to the right, and one from the right side of the crowd to the left, finally converging in the middle.

Just after five seconds, time resumed its flow.

With a series of uniform punching sounds, the Uchiha members were all knocked off their feet and flew in all directions before they could react.

These fifty or so people all flew ten to twenty meters away, some hitting walls, some hanging on trees, and some even falling into the Naka river.

In front of Dan, only three people remained: Clan leader Fugaku, the severely injured Shisui, and his sister Mikoto.

"What... happened?" Mikoto murmured, looking around in confusion.

Fugaku and Shisui looked at each other, both seeing shock in the other's eyes. They guessed that Dan was responsible, but what was terrifying was that even their Mangekyou Sharingan couldn't see clearly how Dan did it.

In an instant, he had sent more than fifty elite members of the Uchiha clan flying. One man suppressing a clan.

So, this was Dan's true power?

Around them, the clan members got up one after another, feeling their bodies and finding that aside from minor pain, there were

no actual injuries. This was because Dan had shown them mercy.

However, there were exceptions.

"Itachi, are you okay?" Izumi saw Itachi kneeling on the ground, unable to stand up, and quickly ran to help. She found him clutching his stomach in pain, blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, and his face extremely pale. It seemed he was seriously injured.

Itachi struggled to lift his head, glanced at his uncle in the distance, and realized that Dan was deliberately teaching him a lesson. Was it because he had asked Shisui to stop his uncle and his uncle had found out?

Itachi guessed correctly. Similarly affected was Uchiha Hachida. This second-in-command of the police force was now lying on the ground, wailing in pain. He was more severely injured than Itachi. Not to mention standing up, even moving a finger would cause pain all over his body.

Seeing this, Inohi and Tetsuhi could only make a stretcher on the spot and put Hachida on it.