
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

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277 Chs

Chapter 53: Prisoner at the Foot of the Stairs

"Captain Kakashi?!" Itachi exclaimed in surprise upon seeing Kakashi.

The other Uchiha clan members also recognized him. This infiltrator was none other than Kakashi of the Anbu Black Ops.

Typically, once a Leaf ninja joined the Anbu, they would abandon their previous identity, but Kakashi was an exception. Before Shisui and Itachi joined the Anbu, Kakashi's Sharingan was unique within the organization, and he had used it to earn the title of "Copy Ninja."

Therefore, everyone in the ninja world knew that there was a Sharingan-wielding Kakashi in the Leaf's Anbu.

Tonight, although Kakashi wasn't wearing the Anbu armor or mask, the Uchiha saw it as an attempt to hide his true intentions.

So, dozens of Uchiha ninja quickly surrounded Kakashi.

"Kakashi, why did you sneak into our Uchiha clan grounds without a sound?" Fugaku, as the clan head, sternly questioned Kakashi.

Even without asking, it was clear to everyone that Kakashi was here to spy on behalf of the Leaf's higher-ups.

Seeing Kakashi remain silent, Fugaku became even more displeased, his tone growing harsher: "You should know that even if you say nothing, just for trespassing on Uchiha grounds, the police force can take you in."

Being part of the Anbu in the Leaf usually meant one thing: freedom to come and go. They reported directly to the Hokage and didn't have to explain their actions to anyone else. This was the power of the Anbu.

However, there was one place that even the Anbu couldn't enter at will: the Uchiha clan grounds. The Uchiha had complete autonomy, a truly independent kingdom.

Faced with Fugaku's questioning, Kakashi was at a loss. Should he remain silent and be taken away for harsh interrogation by the police force? Or should he call for backup from the Root division?

Kakashi's hand instinctively moved towards the signal scroll at his waist. If he opened the scroll, the Root ninja already lying in wait outside the Uchiha clan grounds would rush in immediately.

But before the reinforcements arrived, he would have to face the elite of the entire Uchiha clan alone, which would undoubtedly result in his death.

Moreover, after seeing the three pairs of Mangekyou Sharingan of the Uchiha, Kakashi was very doubtful that even if Danzo's Root division came in full force, they would likely not return tonight, ending in total annihilation.

With this in mind, Kakashi's hand gradually loosened from the scroll.

At this moment, Dan stepped forward and extended his hand to Kakashi: "Give it to me."

Kakashi knew what Dan was asking for. After a moment's hesitation, he handed over the scroll.

Dan tossed the scroll to Fugaku, who checked it and immediately narrowed his eyes, saying in a deep voice: "It's a signal scroll. Kakashi isn't acting alone, there are other Leaf ninja outside."

After saying this, he looked towards the dimly lit buildings outside the clan grounds, where the village's surveillance post was hidden.

The Uchiha clan meetings were usually held in an underground chamber, so they didn't have to worry about being eavesdropped on or spied upon.

But tonight, Dan and Shisui had come out to fight, causing such a commotion, and Shisui had even summoned Susanoo. It was highly likely that they had been recorded by the surveillance post.

Fugaku voiced his suspicion. "So, does this mean that our secret of having three pairs of Mangekyou Sharingan has been exposed so quickly?" Many clan members realized this problem, their faces changing.

"Dan, what should we do now?" Uchiha Shana turned to Dan, hoping for his command. This elder, who had inherited the will of Madara and had been imprisoned for rebellion, now saw Dan as a second Madara Uchiha, obeying his every word.

Not just him, but the rest of the clan as well. The Uchiha have always revered the strong, and this has never changed. Even though Fugaku was the clan head and had activated the Mangekyou Sharingan, compared to Dan, he seemed insignificant. At a time when the survival of the Uchiha was at stake, only a supreme being like Dan could win the trust of all clan members.

Even Fugaku himself was mentally prepared. In this critical period, he didn't mind stepping down and letting Dan take the position of clan head. If it were anyone else, Fugaku wouldn't so easily give up his position, but Dan was his brother-in-law, they were family. Whether for face or in his heart, Fugaku could accept it.

What no one expected was that Dan didn't make any decisions for the Uchiha, but looked at Fugaku and said, "I'll follow the clan head's lead."

"Dan..." Fugaku was touched. Dan had truly given him, his brother-in-law, face.

Moved as he was, Fugaku knew that he couldn't back down at this time, or the clan members would be disappointed in him. So, Fugaku made a quick decision, waving his hand and saying coldly, "Let's go meet our guests."

Dan came to Kakashi's side, a large hand resting on his shoulder. With just a light press, Kakashi's brow furrowed, feeling a wave of intense pain. He endured the pain, not making a sound. Dan's meaning was clear: if Kakashi dared to make a move, he would be killed on the spot.

Under Fugaku's command, more than fifty Uchiha marched towards the clan's main gate. The moon was high in the sky, and the night was deep. The shops on the streets within the clan grounds had long since closed, and the lights in the residences were all out. The ordinary Uchiha had all gone to sleep.

As they passed the police department building, "Mikoto, take some people and send Shisui and Itachi to the medical center. Don't let them go anywhere until their injuries are healed," Fugaku temporarily stopped and instructed his wife.

Shisui was loyal to the Third Hokage, and Itachi was also an Anbu ninja. So Fugaku decided: from now on, and for some time to come, they couldn't let the two of them leave the clan grounds to return to the Hokage's office. Unless the events of tonight could be resolved smoothly.

"I'm injured too," Yashiro weakly called out from the stretcher.

The three were sent to the medical center. Then, the Uchiha ninja who had been on duty at the police department came out of the building after hearing about the clan meeting from their fellow clan members.

The number of Uchiha ninja had now exceeded sixty. Under Fugaku's lead, they quickly arrived at the main gate of the clan grounds, their killing intent palpable.

Looking around, there was no one in sight. The buildings around the clan grounds were all dark, all the lights turned off. There was no sign of any Leaf ninja, not even the sound of the wind or the chirping of insects. It was eerily quiet.

Just then, a man in a black cloak suddenly appeared at the end of the dimly lit street, heading towards the Uchiha clan's main gate. At the same time, a series of sinister presences emerged from the surrounding darkness, appearing on trees, walls, and rooftops. It was Shisui's father, along with the Root division he led.

Perhaps by coincidence, when these Root ninja appeared, the moon in the sky was also covered by clouds, making the surroundings even darker. It was as if symbolizing that the Root division was the embodiment of darkness.