

The way her eyes look at him seeing such hatred when she did respond. It was in a quiet tone, a more cool and collective sort of way.

"I know, you are right but don't worry. I will leave at least your family name is saved. Isn't that what you wanted in the first place?"

Wanting to say yes and no, at the same time. Her words were stinging as Thomas, just looks at her. Feeling like a fire boiling from deep inside of him. Slowly dropping his hand.

Before he could respond to her, she said, "You don't have to worry Mr. Fortune. No one in my family will ever find out about this marriage, I promise you that.

Because of what has transpired to me. I can assure you I won't be returning home. When I leave here tonight, no one needs to know of my whereabouts."

Covering his ear not wanting to listen to another word she was saying. The rage just explore, as he said, "What the hell are you talking about?

You are my wife and you are not leaving to go anywhere, do you hear me."

Christa notices how angry he was, but now she must say what's on her heart. Or she may never get this opportunity again and build the courage to speak her mind.'

Taking a deep breath mustering up the courage to continue speaking seeing how angry he was already but she said.

"That was only a show to save your family name, Mr. Fortune. Now you could annul this marriage without anyone knowing. And I won't say a word to another single soul, I promise you."

Feeling such rage inside him unable to control it. Thomas grabbed her shoulder giving her a good shake. "You better wake up from your dream you hear me.

Because you are not going anywhere. And no one is annulling any marriage, now or any time soon that I can promise you.

Now stop all this nonsense and let us go home. Almost everyone has left the building."

Christa wasn't afraid to speak her mind, speaking in the same tone as his.

"If you insist Mr. Fortune, but don't say I didn't give you the opportunity, to walk away as a free man. Whatever happens from here on, don't blame me."

Looking at her seeing how serious she was. As her words replay in his head, 'Thomas wonder what she meant by that, am I making a mistake?'

Sitting in the back seat closing her eyes, Christa pondering concerning the conversation that just occurred,

'At least he doesn't want out of the marriage, but I know nothing about him. I never heard Aliza mention his name in any conversation we had during our stay in college.

Neither was any member of her family, but I trusted her. From what I have observed his parents are so displeased with his decision.

What I want to know is, what has driven him to make such a drastic decision? I can't believe it is only his family name he was concerned about. It has to be something more, I am sure of it.'

Recalling her many conversations with Aliza. Christa knew she have still divulged a few things about her family to Aliza.

Covering her mouth, 'Just supposed Aliza is angry with her because I married her brother.

And supposed she blur out everything about my family and our poverty to everyone. Oh God, what a laughing stock I will be in front of all her family.'

Whispering a silent pray, "Please Lord save me and my family name. I help fix one person's problem but what about mine Lord? What about Your servant Errol's ministry?'

Seeing her lips moving Thomas thought. 'What on earth she was mumbling about now?

Then she sneezes and he notices her crying hasn't stopped as yet.

Switching off the AC and winds down the glass, so the cool breeze could circulate inside the van.

Thomas knew she was hurting, that is why she have behaved in that manner. He could see how scared she was yet his anger didn't stop her from saying what was on her mind.

It took boldness and guts to get across her message to me to ensure I heard loud and clear.

Christa looks at him thinking, 'All I said to him, didn't deter him or cause him to change his mind.

This means he is serious about this marriage and I can see he is aware of my presence.

What I can't understand is why am I feeling this coldness in my body? And this steam that is radiating from my head? Is it because he had made me so angry.

Then if that is so, yesterday I felt the same chilliness? This is a very strangest feeling I am experiencing, why is that ?'

Christa notice he was looking at her through the review mirror. 'Oh God, I wonder what she is thinking about me now?'

Maybe she is thinking about this Paul feller? She had called his name so many times during our lovemaking. How could I tell her I wanted this marriage.

How could I tell her she made me promise to marry her. And that I enjoy the time we spent with each other?

How could I let her know that I will cherish that memory so much, being her first?

Oh God, what can I do, you allow it to happen in such a way that I seized the opportunity to have her close to me.

I didn't mean to throw the blame on her. I knew full well she was asleep and was dreaming. It was never her fault.'

Thomas wipes his face feeling the sweat running down his face and going into his eyes. He felt the burning in his eyes as he wipe to clear his vision.

This time her eyes were focused on the review mirror. 'Was she reading my thoughts, I know she is not stupid.'

Thomas thought, 'For her to think up an annulment so quickly. And to accept my proposal, to save my family prestige, that took real guts.

Michelle knows her better than anyone. Figuring out she wanted to get rid of the girls, so she used Aliza.

I should speak to her, she might enlighten me a little. Or I will like to hope so anyhow?'