

Driving into the garage, only to see the whole family coming through the hallway. As the girls stand on either side of the van doors, cornering us inside the vehicle. "Now, what is their problem?" Thomas snarled.

Christa realized he was still angry from their argument, but who cares. When he sends down the glass, hearing his four sisters saying. "You have to pay us then you can enter the house."

"Hello, I am not paying anything, so move aside," he shouted.

"We are not moving," one of his sisters said. Christa looks on thinking, 'She seems to be the eldest.'

"Is that so?" Christa, listen to them then looks at him, but just sits there as he winds up the glass.

He doesn't seem to care who is elder or younger, the way he shouts and disrespects them.

Angry with him wondering what kind of people they are, and what had she gotten herself into?

When he turns to face her in the back seat asking. "Do you have any idea what our next move should be?"

'Why is he asking me that? What he should have done was ask my permission before he invaded my body?

Not caring for a minute, they all seem like control freaks anyhow.' Christa thought. "It's your family so handle it, I am tired."

When he opens the van pocket, Christa observes him closely. He took out a few envelopes, holding them in his hand. He then opens them all, seeing that they were all containing money.

From one envelope he slips out the majority, only leaving a few hundred dollars bill. He then drops the other envelopes at her feet to the back, then sends down the glass.

Holding out the envelope he said, "This is all I have on me right now, so can we pass please?"

"Liar, let me check, I see you throw something to the back." As Massy opens the door on Christa's side.

Thomas notices when Christa shifted her dress to cover the envelopes at her feet.

"I can't believe that's all you have." Massy stamp her feet.

"Hello, asks your baby sister, she was the one getting married. If I knew it was going to be like this, then I would have gone prepared."

Thomas looked directly at Aliza and said, "You all know how angry I am when plans are rearranged without being properly informed. And someone will have some answering to give."

Aliza bend her head knowing, 'He was speaking directly to her.' Thinking, 'She will just have to take her buff and shut her mouth, he had warned her.'

Looking at him seeing how angry he was. And the others must be making him even more ashamed in front of Christa. If I tell them something, they will all jump in her case.

Stepping back feeling as if the earth could open up and swallow her, all her shame and guilt will be wiped away.

What she never expected was for him to jump in and save the family name. If only he will take some time to know Christa, he will realize she is the perfect choice for him.

I didn't like that Paul fellow she was going to marry anyhow, according to Michelle's description, but by her stepping in just proves that she is truly a good friend to me, and now she is my sister-in-law which is even more perfect.

I planned to get her a wedding gown as a gesture for all her help in school, and for being there in my time of need.

It had never crossed my mind not even once, that I will be attending her wedding instead of mine.

And seeing Tom taking that leap, knowing he has all those women following him anywhere he goes, just to help me.

When I told her I know she won't disappoint me. I never meant this, but this is even better.'

Hearing Tom snapped at them saying, "Now, I have enough of this nonsense, so get out of my way. This is all the cash I have and it is a good thing.

If I had any idea you four was going to bombard me, I would have just stayed in my apartment in the city."

"Okay, I have no choice,' Massy said.

"Hello! That's not for you alone, you have to split it four ways."

"I know, but I needed a five hundred."

"Sorry, I cannot help right now."

"You dog," before she could move away from Christa's door. Thomas reaches across and snatches the envelope from her hand.

Starting the van, "Why did you have to do that?" Massy shouted at him.

Christa on the other hand was tired of his horsing around. Reaching down at her feet and grabbed an envelope slipping out some money.

Shouting at her, "Are you mad? That money is to purchase some herd tomorrow." Seeing she continue to ignore him as though she didn't care or she wasn't afraid.

Knowing he wasn't getting through to her, Thomas spoke quietly hoping he will get through, "Christa, please listen to me? And kindly stop, now what are you going to do?"

But she just throws it out the window, saying, "When tomorrow comes, you will cross that bridge? Right now I need to use a washroom and get out of this stupid dress."

While everyone was grabbing what money they can find, Thomas looks at her as she steps out of the van and walks away, leaving him to stare after her.

"I can't believe it, she detests the dress so much, but who can give her wrong? Hearing everyone praising her in it before.

God, she looks so beautiful and happy before I proposed, then it becomes a stupid dress.

I have stolen the glory out of it, and seeing how she wanted to get out of the marriage, and now away from him.'

Driving the van to the back yard then alighted the van. Thomas took up all the envelopes placing them inside the pocket then lock up.

'Knowing it was going to be a long night, he was tired from the whole escapade himself.

With all those pictures, and people who he doesn't even know coming and congratulating us.

But thanks to Stephan, my promise is fulfilled, and I don't have to worry about losing her.'