

Walking away, seeing a sidewalk that will take her outside of the auditorium. Christa, knew she had to find a way to do the same, but how?

Paul is back home and what will become of Errol Ministry?" Almost to the end of the building, stumbling for her eyes were blurry with tears.

And not seeing the heap of bricks when a firm hand-grab hold of her hand, as a support so she won't fall.

Saying, "Thanks," Christa then wipe her face to see who it was that help her.

The entrance was clear and not a soul was in sight. Shaking her head feeling a bit puzzled and confused.

She then considered it for a moment, 'Well what does it matter anyhow, I don't know anyone here.'

Reaching the exit out of the compound. Noticing the young lady entering in. Christa ponders within, 'Wasn't she the one he was speaking to at the airport?

Well, who cares, I have my problem to deal with, let him handle his. For the sake of my friendship with Aliza, I help him save his family name.

But when the villagers hear about what I did, Errol will be ridiculed and put to shame.

And besides that, he hid from Papa what I was doing. Now all fingers will be pointing at him."

Feeling as though her heart was being shattered and torn apart. For causing this pain upon Errol and her family.

"Oh Lord, Paul will be devastated when he received this news of my marriage.

Please soothe his heart, we had made so many plans, and I am the one responsible for breaking all our plans.

You know my heart oh Lord, and You knows and sees everything that had transpired.

So please be merciful unto me and help me out of this big blunder I made. Lord, I am so sorry and I don't know what to do."

Sitting quietly as memories flooded back, with her eyes close. Christa; could see Paul in her mind when he asked her to marry him three months ago.

'Although we had met two years ago, we had grown to care for each other.'

Recalling when Errol saw him the first time, he was very angry with me saying. "This young man is not suitable for you Christa."

Papa on the other hand said, "I am making the biggest mistake in my life by wanting to marry him."

A few times Kate told me of her shortcoming, and her words were. "If only I had listened to Papa and Errol about what they thought of Roger.

Today I would never have married him. My stubbornness has me suffering today. Because he turns out to be such a rouge, just how Papa said he would."

Recalling how Kate was pleading to her, "Not to make the same mistake as she did. And to listen to Papa, you won't believe it, but Papa instinct is right."

She felt like everything jumbled up in her head making her more confused. "Oh, Kate you were right, I should have listened to Papa.

Instead of sneaking away, and now look what kind of hot water's I am in."


Thomas searches for Christa for almost ten minutes, thinking, 'I only hope she hasn't left.

She is a guest in our home and a stranger in this state of Dallas.

How would I know where to begin looking for her if she takes a taxi or begins walking.'

About to enter the street Thomas sees her with her head leaning back on the wall as she sits.

Taking a deep breath feeling so relieved to see her. Her face and the front of her dress were soaking wet from tears.

Sitting next to her seeing how heartbroken she was. Having no idea what word to say or how to comfort her.

Whispering to her, how sorry he was. "Let me take you home now, it was a long and trying day."

Thomas holds her hand, but she snatches it away. Looking at her seeing how angry she was. As she stood up in her rage.

Not aware that his foot was on her dress as she misbalanced. Having to catch her seeing the fear in her eyes as she looks at him.

Helping her to stand up the firm as she sturdy herself. Saying once more how sorry he was.

As she takes a step away from him gritting her teeth saying. "Don't ever touch me again, do you hear me. You are the cause for all of this that is happening.

If only I had listened to Papa, but I trusted Aliza when she told me nothing will happen.

Have you any idea what you had done? I cannot return to my family, with what had happened last night between us.

I can't believe I could be so naïve and stupid. Now my family name would be smudged all because of me.

You should be happy knowing your family name is saved, but what about mine?"

Unable to believe the venom she was spitting out, 'And Aliza said she is quiet. Quiet my foot,' her words had angry him so much.

Causing venomous words to spill out also from his mouth. Which he was unable to control. "So why the hell did you come into my room. Don't blame me for your stupidity.

And for your information, you encouraged it. Now, this is all your fault so stop all this drama and let us go home."

Seeing how pale her face had become when she looks at him. Her mouth stood open just staring at him.

The tears had started all over again as her body glides down slowly, as she sits down once more on the ground.

Thinking her beautiful gown will get soil, but nothing seems to matter to her.

Wanting to take her in his arms and wipe the tears away, but then she look at me with such rage as though she was ready to explore.

Stepping back thinking, 'She will erupt once more and we might get into another heated argument.

When she was about to speak, Thomas took courage and take a step closer.

Reaching out his hands to enfold her hoping she might calm down knowing this was his fault.