
Saved at the Altar

A marriage of convenience has never been this messy before. Lina was just about to go all in with him, only to end up married to his friend. It was supposed to be just three months, then it turned to a year. Soon she wanted it to be like this forever. Can their love fight the societal problems of being part of the 1%? Not only was she saved at the alter, but his love also saved her.

Hartlow · Urban
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5 Chs


The cold contents of her glass splash against my face. Shock rocks through my body and mind. I'm frozen in place, playing that whole action repeatedly. Each time the action becomes more magnified than before, I can clearly see the liquid soaking in the fabric. The half-chopped cherry that floated in her drink stained my chest's right side.

A complaint and now a debt that I don't know its worth. Wow! Lucky me.

" What did you do!"

I must have screamed because everyone's attention zoned in on us. Kai holds my hand, whispering for me to calm down. I hadn't realized that I was slowly stalking her in an intimidating manner.

She was looking around as if waiting for people to help her. She looks in Kai's direction begging for him to do something. He pulls me back, this time, demanding me to stop.

" What for! She just ruined my dress! And it's your fault!"

I tug my hand out of his grip and walk up to her until our faces are inches apart. My approach to her was unplanned; I hadn't had the slightest idea of what I will do.

She realizes that I don't intend to do anything, which gives her the courage to push me. Luckily Kai lessens the blow by saving me from an embarrassing fall.

" Are you going to stop me now, huh? Did you see what you did?" I angrily shouted in Kai's direction. My back was to the crowd that had gathered. That had started whispering and snickering.

I turned to ask them what was so funny. When Kai embraced me from my back. That action shocked the crowd and me until he whispered, " There is a tag on your dress."

As if the night couldn't get worse. I hear a soft snap as he pulls the tag off my dress.

"Don't thank me for this." That act has me choking up as if I'm suffocating. He quickly turns me to him to ask what's wrong. His hands were on my shoulder, still with the price tag clutched in his hand.

I take in strained shallow breaths as if anyone of them can be my last. With the hand that clutched the price tag, he brought it up my face pushing wet strands of hair that were over my now fully dilated eyes. I then peaked at the title, seeing the number of zeros on them. Then everything goes black.

I could vaguely hear people going back and forth. Someone was screaming, asking if the doctor was coming. Where ever I was. I was on something comfortable, probably a bed. Cracking my eyes open, I find the most incredible face I could get in my imagination. It was Gao Han. He was so close. I had to savour this moment in case it was all in my head. I reach out to touch the side of his face.

"Have you come to save me? Are you my hero?"

He gave me the cutest smirk ever, holding on to the that had been on his face. Someone from my right breaks the moment of bliss I was busy enjoying.

" Are you sure you caught her before she hit her head?"

A glance to my right proves that this is not my imagination. The person in front of me that I just mumbled nonsense to is Gao Han. The one to the right is Liu Chang. I quickly jerked up, forgetting that Gao Han was still crouched over me. We head bump. Which had Liu Chang throwing a fit.

" I think this lady is crazy. Look at her now, injuring Gao Han. People like her are trouble. Did you see how she almost lost it downstairs? We should leave, guys. It seems like she is OK."

" Calm down, Liu Chang. You can see that it was not intentional,"

As Gao Han goes back and forth with Liu Change, trying to calm him down. My eyes meet with Kais standing at the far end of the room. He is expressionless. How decent of him to cause all this and remain a cold statue.

The back and forth between Gao Han and Liu Chang ends with Liu Chang leaving the room, claiming he doesn't want to be part of this mess. I take that as my sign to go. Before I could reach for my shoes which were perfectly placed on the side of the bed.

" Please wait; the doctor is on his way; just have him check on you."

You see why everyone liked Gao Han; simply amazing. He cares and is passionate. Kai has been standing there staring my way and hasn't said anything.

" I'm OK, really. I had a panic attack, that's all. Nothing is wrong with me, I promise."

He stretches his hand in greeting. He goes in to introduce himself, and stupid me, I attempt to speak over him, which has him sending a smile my way.

" I know you might know my name, but let me introduce myself; id like to know you, and you should get to know me beyond what the blogs and social media say."

We shake hands in greeting. His big muscular hand clasping mine had flutters in my stomach. I know many girls can die just to get a moment for Gao Han to say he would like to know them. I was way more surprised that I still had it together. This was Gao Han, the man of my fantasy.

" And forgive my friend. He is a log of grumpiness, but he is genuinely kind. He didn't intend to cause you any trouble. Don't worry, I can compensate for the damage. I will write you a cheque for the dress."

I had been indulging in this surreal moment of Gao Han talking to me that I had forgotten about the dress and all the drama that led to me fainting. And now Gao Han saw me as a charity case. No, can't have that. No matter the cost, ill have to bare it; this man can't see me as a spineless individual who can't afford even her clothes.

"No, don't bother, that tiny thing. I'll handle it. Honestly, I hold no grudges. Even if some people can't be bothered with apologizing, your sincerity is enough for me. It is all water under the bridge now.

I give one final nasty stare in Kai's direction, then put my shoes on, standing up.

" Can I have your number?"

Wait? What! Did Gao Han just ask for my number? Wow! This night was getting more interesting as it went by. Like a deer caught in headlights, I just stared at him. The statement that left my mouth, I couldn't believe it myself. Why did I have to be prideful?

"It's OK. I really hold no grudges. We don't have to, um, speak. I'm serious. I won't take this to the police or the blogs.

Whatever I said just offended Gao Han. It is all written on his face. I can't believe this. I just hurt my fantasy, man. How cruel am I? Feeling an awkward vibe, I excuse myself to the bathroom. I just had to have a breather; everything was happening fast.

I waited to hear that everyone had cleared the room to leave the bathroom. A note was written and placed next to a jacket.

Didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Here is a jacket; considering your dress is messed up, please take this to cover up.

How more unreal can Gao Han get? So considerate. I didn't mess up choosing him as my fantasy man. So sweet. I was a proudful Ling lady, but how can I miss a chance at having one of Gao Han's belongings? Something so intimate, something that he wore. Couldn't miss this up. I put the jacket on and left the room.

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