

"Who are you?" Caroline felt her heart break. She felt hurt, betrayed, pain, and anger towards the man in front of her. "Who...are you?" Her voice started to break. The man sighed deeply. He stared into the eyes of the person he loved the most in his life and whispered. "I am your Harvey-" Caroline pushed him but failed to make him budge. "Harvey would not lie to me this much." every word was filled with hurt. The man held her in a tight hug that prevented her to escape from his arms. "I have relied on you for so long. I followed what you said and learned everything that I know." She sobbed. "You know me...but I do not know you." The man held her even tighter. "I am still the one who loves you with all my life. Please, don't leave me." She felt helpless. "Was I just a doll that you carry around? Was I a toy that you groomed and played with?" She gritted her teeth. "Was I just your little doll?" She whispered in disbelief to her own realization. "A little doll that you toyed with." The man shook his head as he hugged her even tighter. Meanwhile in the depth of the oceans, a war is brewing and a new heir will rise. A young merman named Kosair roams the human world to stay away from his duties. However, as the war draws near and threatens the whole ocean, it triggers a fire inside him. As it is written by Destiny, he'll fulfill the role as the heir and fight for the ocean and its people. As they find each other, Destiny intervenes. Who's Destiny? The sirens tried to find his identity for centuries and finally, will they be able to find him? Destiny searches for the meaning of his life. As he clashes with a human girl, will he destroy his own creation of the siren curse to have his own love?

Venus_Romero · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Part 37: Better

Malnivero used all his strength to prevent himself from smiling or showing any other suspicious emotion that will make the prince lose trust in him. He only shrugs and rolls up the contract, placing it in a bottle and putting it on a shelf full of all the contracts that he has made with different sirens in his lifetime.

Kosair looked at the shelf with curiosity. "How many are there?" He asked. He thought as well 'How many were fooled into getting the worst?'

Malnivero returned to his table and writes a new contract for another siren. "Honestly, too many to count. Most of them were not good deals at all, I can tell you that."

Kosair looked over Malnivero's contract that he's now writing and saw a familiar name. Iris Siren.

"Iris Siren." Kosair started as he looked at Malnivero. "Why are you writing her a contract?" Kosair couldn't think that it would be for her good at all. She has been long miserable and now she has a contract that could bring more harm to her than good.

Malniveor looked at the prince with boredom because he expected this reaction. He sighed and answered the prince "She's on her way here to sign a contract that will finally give her happiness."

Kosair looked at the siren-witch in disbelief. "Really? What is it about?" He looked at the siren-witch in irritation.

Malnivero calmly replied. "Perhaps my reputation is too tainted. You expect me to play dirty. No, I only do that to the people who have ad intentions and for those who seek revenge. I genuinely help those people who are suffering and just wanting to feel better."

Malnivero understands why the prince is acting this way. Maybe his twin told him to be careful. He showed the contract to the prince, making him read out loud. "To save lonely hearts, bring back the peace inside. Two hearts will be together again, my soulmate will forgive and forget that betraying time."

Kosair clenched his jaw. Iris Siren, his cousin who suffered the loss of who she chose to be her soulmate, now wants to go back to her true soulmate.

Malnivero sighed. "You and I both know she was young and selfish to do it. It led to the death of innocent life. Destiny was at rage."

"She just wanted to love who she loved." The prince try to reason out for her poor cousin.

Malnivero held out his hand to ask for the contract. "Listen, prince. It happens to some of us. She thought she loved him but she was being rebellious as well. She thought she could write her own love story better than Destiny could and she faced the consequences."

Kosair handed the contract back to him. "She was a rebellious siren but after that...her whole personality changed. It was truly horrifying that something so traumatic can change someone so headstrong."

Malnivero took the contract and placed it back on his desk table. "After the death of that siren, her true soulmate gave her so much love and comfort. He was there for her and he made her feel complete." Kosair looked at the siren-witch with worry. "The poor siren felt bad since she still loved that other siren. Even if it was the case. Even when she cried the dead siren's name every night while her true love's ear bleed as he nurses her back to sanity."

Kosair started to feel bad for the siren. "I...thought he was a bad person and that's why Iris picked another one to love."

Malnivero shook his head. "That's a lot farther from the truth." He looked behind Kosair and chuckled.

"I want those hurtful memories to be erased from the both of us." a cold and sad voice echoed through the cave.

Kosair's eyes widened in shock.
