
Chapter Twelve

//Jungkook's POV//

This is so comfortable...Wait, where am I?

The last thing I remembered was being with my stepbrother...if you could even call him that. And my mom. I can't believe that she would leave me and with that monster. She never called or sent me a letter either.

She really did choose him over me. Even though my father and my stepbrother never met, to my knowledge, they were almost the exact same person.

But this feeling wasn't like I was there in that hell, I felt warm and safe. The memories of my mates came flooding in.

They saved me...So that must mean I am safe...I am with them again!

I quickly opened my eyes and my eyes darted around the room I was in. It was very similar to TaeTae Hyungs room but the bed was much bigger. My eyes then landed on a figure that was holding me against their chest.

How did I not notice this first? God, I need to be more observant.

It was Jin Hyung. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. He was so handsome and I wish I could take a picture of him.

I felt someone cuddle me closer, but this person was behind me. I slowly turn my head so I didn't wake either of the two people up.

It was Jimine Hyung. He was smiling and seemed to be enjoying whatever his dream was. He was handsome as well, but his beauty as different. I stared at Jimin memorizing his face before turning back to Jin Hyung and doing the same.

I kept on staring at each of them until, when I was looking at Jin Hyung for the 20th time, I heard a small chuckle from Jimine Hyung. I turned back to see what he was laughing about. His eyes were open and he was staring at me. He smiled once I locked eyes with him, blushing I realized that I was caught staring.

His eyes became adorable crescent shapes when he smiled. After what felt like ages of him staring at me, which was only about 30 seconds, he said, "You know it's rude to stare."

His voice was rough and deep almost like he was growling. He was smiling indicating he was being playful and trying to make me smile. It obviously worked, but I also blushed along with smiling. Not long after I felt Jin Hyung shift behind me. I turned to look at him and he was also awake and smiling. I blushed even more. My face felt like it was on fire.

How did I not notice either of them woke up?!?

I hid my face in my hands earning a chuckle from each of them. Not long after we heard a crash and a yelp from downstairs. Both Jin Hyung and Jiminie Hyung groaned and got up.

I quietly whimpered from the loss of warmth and the fact that if we left my bed someone would be able to get me. Fear quickly filled me as I realized that I was being left all alone. I grabbed onto Jiminie Hyung's wrist. I wanted to be close to someone and never let them go. He picked me up and held me really close. It was like he was saying "we aren't going to leave you alone" then no words were spoken at all. It calmed me down but I still held onto his neck tight. Almost all of the pain was gone. I must've not broken any bones, probably just bruised them.

Am I seriously that light that they can just scoop me u like this?

Jimin carried me out of the room and downstairs. Jin Hyung wasn't too far in front of us so we followed him into the kitchen.

Once we got there I saw that everyone was trying to cook breakfast. There was what looked liked pancake mix(like the stuff that comes in the box that you just have to add water too) all over the counter and on each of their chests and in their hair. I saw some bacon cooking in a pan on the stove and some pancakes cooking in another one.

Jin Hung and Jiminie Hyung stoped in the doorway to watch what they were doing. They didn't notice our presence and just kept on bickering or cooking. It was funny, but I was trying not to laugh because then everyone would hear and know we were there.

I noticed that Hobi Hyung was trying to cook the bacon almost completely ignoring the whole world, while TaeTae Hyung, Joonie Hyung, and Yoonie Hyung were fighting.

"Namjoon you couldn't just cut some lettuce without breaking something? And you had to make this huge mess doing it!" Yoonie Hyung said in a frustrated and annoyed tone.



"WHY DON'T YOU STAY OUT OF IT AND JUST MAKE THE EGGS!" Yoonie Hyung said while looking at TaeTae Hyung.

"OH FINE! I'LL MAKE THE EGGS!" After saying that TaeTae Hyung picked up and egg and threw it at Yonnie Hyung.

This started a war. The three of them were throwing eggs, flour, and anything they could grab on the counter at each other. Jimin and I were really trying to control our laughter that as threatening to erupt, while Jin Hying looked horrified and pissed off. They were acting like four-year-olds.

"Guys be quiet or you will wake Kookie, Jiminie, and Jin Hyung." Hobi Hyung said in a calm warning tone, "You don't want Jin Hyung to come down here and whoop us for being noisy and making a huge mess do you?" After saying that he looked at each of them and rolled his eyes. They had stopped throwing the items and were glaring at each other.

This made Jiminie Hyung and me burst into laughter. While everyone else looked in our direction obviously shocked. Right after Jin Hyung yelled "YAH! WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO TO MY KITCHEN! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO MAKE A SALAD, PANCAKE, EGGS, AND BACON AND YOU ENDED UP MAKING THIS BIG OF A MESS! ALSO, NAMJOON YOU BROKE ANOTHER GOD DARN KNIFE!! YOU WERE ONLY HERE FOR LIKE AN HOUR!"

I was crying from laughter at this point. The three "chiefs" looked horrified while Hobi Hyung looked at them with an 'I-told-you-so' look on his face. The kitchen was a complete mess. Raw eggs were dripping off of the counters and cupboards in the areas that weren't completely coated in flower. It would take at least an hour to clean all of the mess up, but it was still hilarious.

"WHAT! YOU AREN'T EVEN GONNA SAY ANYTHING?" Jin Hyung yelled. His face and ears were red with rage but I could tell that he thought it was also funny he was just too angry to laugh at it.

No one dared to say anything, all that was heard was Hobi Hyung's bacon sizzling and Jiminie Hyung's and my quiet laughter.

"s-s-sorry h-hyung," Yoonie Hyung said in an almost silent whisper. He was always tough, cold, and quiet on the outside but is adorable on the inside. He gets super shy whenever any of our other mates are mad.

"T-they were f-fighting I w-wasn't a p-part of it!" Hobi Hyung pleads looking at Jin Hyung while pointing at the other three.

"Thank you for apologizing, Yoonie Baby, and Hobi I saw that you weren't involved in the fight so you aren't going to be punished. Joonie and Taehyung you are in serious trouble," Jin Hyung says while glaring at them, "go to our room(Jin and Namjoons room/the room Kookie woke up in at the beginning), and you better be ready by the time I get up there."

Joonie Hyung and TaeTae Hyung went racing towards the stairs and up into his room. By this point, we weren't laughing anymore and were just waiting for Jin Hyung to say what we were supposed to do.

"I assume that you four can manage to finish making breakfast without creating any more of a mess?" He said looking a each of us with a pleading hopeful look. We quickly nodded. "Good. I will have them clean the mess after...we are done." Jin Hyung said before leaving the room and going upstairs.

We each started cooking having small random conversations every now and then. It was fun. It was awkward every time we would hear a random squeak or yell from upstairs. Everyone tensed up like they knew what was going on, but I had no idea.

------------------------------------------Time Skip----------------------------------------------

Breakfast was amazing I didn't really know how to cook beforehand but they taught me. It was really fun and easy! When we were almost done cooking, Joonie Hyung and TaeTae Hyung joined us. They were mostly cleaning though. I couldn't help but notice how they were shifting in there chairs during the meal though. They wouldn't sit flat on their butts it was weird but I felt like it would be weird to ask them. We went into the living room to watch movies after we all finished eating.

"I wanna do a Disney marathon," I said with the best puppy dog eyes I could make. They all took one look at my eyes and immediately said yes. I was scooped from my spot on the couch and placed on TaeTae Hyungs lap.

"Sorry about waking you up," He whispered in my ear so only I heard him, "I didn't mean to get that loud or make that much of a mess."

"You didn't wake me up. I woke up before you were yelling and once Jinnie Hyung and Jiminie Hyung woke up, we heard you yelling so we went downstairs." I said in an equally quiet tone while giggling at his excuse.

"Oh." He said before the movie started and we went quiet.


Hey everyone!

I hope your all staying safe! Like always if you ever have any suggestions, comments, or want to talk you can always snap/message me!