
Chapter Eleven


//Jungkook's POV//

What's going on?

I felt my body scream in pain. My head was throbbing and I felt nauseous.

Am I spinning? Am I laying down?

I didn't feel the comfort and safety that I normally felt. I felt cold, broken, sad, and lost.

I felt like I did with my father.

I tried to move, but I was in so much pain that my attempts were in vain. I could feel every fiber in my body screaming in agony. I instantly stopped moving and started screaming. Screaming from the pain and screaming for help. My head throbbed louder from the loud noises and my vocal cords quickly gave up. It felt like they hadn't been used in weeks.

I felt and heard my voice disappear. My ears started ringing. The pain was flowing through my body like waves of fire.

The memories came flooding back to me. I was washing the dishes. Namjoon Hyung coming to check on me before quickly leaving and following Jin Hyung down the hall. Then all the confusion and emotions hitting me after the window broke. Then nothing.

I slowly opened my eyes, squinting at the small amount of light leaking in from the covered window.

The room I was laying in was completely concrete. It was so similar to my room at my father's house. It was freezing in here.

My arm had a needle in it. The tube was connected to a bag of mysterious fluid that was consistently flowing into my body. I felt it running through my veins. It felt dirty, almost like it was poison.

I was naked and chained to the ground. My legs had, what looked like, hundreds of bruises covering them. There were deep cuts that were flowing with a dark red liquid. I was laying in this mysterious liquid. It was sticky and smelled like copper.

What is going on? I wanna go home. I wanna see all my mates. I want them to love and take care of me again.

My body started shaking and I felt the feeling of dread flow into my body. My eyes began to feel wetter than normal as a liquid poured out of them. My vision began to get cloudy but I could tell that this liquid was different from the thick red one. This one was thinner and was salty.

I gazed at the window and saw an ominous big tree. It looked scary but in a way peaceful. The tree was clearly dead, but based on the old swing hanging from one of the branches, it had been loved. The tree had once had some younger child climbing and playing on it. The tree had survived for a long time but was now slowly fading. It was dying. Although it was almost Spring there were no leaves on the tree.

The tree reminded me of my father for some reason. He had once been lively, happy, and used but he changed. After my mother disappeared, he became cold and it was like he was dead on the inside. I was very young when she left, but I still remember how caring and nice she was. She was the most caring person. Who knows if she is alive or dead. I haven't heard from her in years. All I remember from the night she left was the huge fight. My mother was yelling about something inside her. She said she "didn't want to get rid of it" and "it was hers". Whatever that means.

My father was saying something about "it not being his" and he "didn't want to keep it". They had been fighting for hours. Yelling things that I didn't and still don't understand. He said something about my mother being a "cheater" and "betraying his trust". I asked my father about it many times, but never received an answer. All I got was a hard smack to my face. I soon gave up asking and just waited for him to tell me.

But he never did. He never got the chance to explain himself.

I assume he is dead although no one ever told me directly. He wouldn't have just let me leave and that gunshot I heard must've been him...getting shot.

I was glad he was gone, but I wish I had gotten all the answers and knowledge out of him before he...died.

He was the only family I had left...right?

A door in a dark corner opened and a lot of light came into the room. I saw two silhouettes standing in the doorway. One was tall, around my height, and masculine looking while the other was shorter and looked more feminine.

They cautiously walked in. The masculine one closed the door while the feminine one turned on a light. It wasn't that bright, but I still squinted.

"I'm sorry it's bright, I just need to be able to see your wounds." The feminine one said. The voice was smooth and calm, but I could tell that so many emotions were being hidden. The voice sounded familiar.

The feminine one was a small, older woman. She looked tired, concerned, and I saw a hint of fear in her eyes. She looked a lot like me. I don't know why but I wanted to hug her. She sounded like she was caring and loving, just like my mother.

The masculine one was a very tall man, taller than I had previously thought, and he was glaring at me. He had a very professional angry look. He looked like a villain or killer from a scary movie.

The masculine one walked closer to her and scoffed. He didn't seem like a nice and caring person. He didn't sound like my mom. He sounded like my father. He had a way about him that made him seem arrogant and cruel.

"Just hurry up. I want to spend some quality time with him." The masculine one said. His voice had a sharpness that I wasn't expecting and it scared me.

Why would he want to spend "quality time" with me?

The woman carefully approached me and started cleaning my wounds. She was very careful and looked like she was trying not to hurt me. Once she was done, she stood and walked back towards the door. She mumbled something to the man before leaving. The man approached me and frowned.

"Sorry about that bitch. She wanted to come and see you." He said before scanning his eyes over my body. "You definitely got your attractive looks from her though. You look even better in person than you did in the photos."

Wait...What? Was that my mom? Why didn't she say anything? I'm so confused. What photos? Was that what that clicking was? Someone was taking photos of me and giving them to this creep?

My eyes filled with tears and my mind continued racing. I couldn't stop all the questions from filling my brain. The man seemed to notice my confusion and deeply laughed. It wasn't a laugh like when someone says something that is funny, it was more of an evil laugh.

"You didn't know huh? You daddy never told you the truth huh?" He said putting emphasis on the word "daddy". "Well, our dear mommy cheated on your father and became pregnant with me. You, Daddy, didn't like it and wanted her to get an abortion, but she didn't want to. She decided to leave so she could protect me. Our mother chose me over you."

At this point, I was freaking out. This creep was my brother? My 'brother' slowly snuck his hand over my exposed thigh and kept on rubbing it. I whimpered from the touch and he smirked.

"Can't wait to have some fun with BTS's slut." He said has his hand came higher up my thigh. I tried to scoot away but the pain from moving my broken body stopped me. "Aw. Slut, you can't escape from me that easily. I want to have some fun. Right. Now."

He proceeded to tough me but this time it was rougher. He spread my legs. which caused me a lot of pain, and started hitting my thighs. It felt strangely good, but at the same time terrible. It caused me incredible amounts of pain. I realized what he was going to do and tried to protest but he taped my mouth shut.

//Taehyung's POV//

It had been two days. We had spent most of the time tracking the car and the rest of it crying.

I hadn't eaten anything since our last meal with him...

I am sitting in the living room blankly staring at my phone. Instagram wasn't satisfying my depression and I was about to give up when I heard Hobi Hyung scream. It wasn't a scared or frightened scream, like he would do whenever he saw a bug/snake, it was more like a happy scream. I slowly got up and sulked my way over to his room. I wasn't the only one though. Once I got there everyone else was also standing there.

I looked around at everyone and saw the depression and exhaustion that covered our faces. Losing Kookie had taken a huge toll on all of us.

"Were all here now. What is it." Joonie Hyung said plainly.

"I finished! I finished the software that is going to find that car!" Hobi Hyung said smiling and looking at us. He was practically glowing.

"Wair really?" Jimin Hyung said. He sounded hopeful and kinda happy.

"Yeah! It will take a couple of hours for the program to actually find it, but that gives us some time to rest and eat so we can be prepared to kill the bastards that took Kookie from us." Hobi replied.

"Well, what are we waiting for? I want everyone in the kitchen to help make some food then we will all go and take a nap." Jin Hyung said.

-------------------------------------------Time Skip---------------------------------------------

We were all deep into dreamland when a loud *TING* woke us up. We all instantly jumped out of bed and ran over to the computer. We had regained all our lost energy and were ready to see Kookie and kill some people.

After we got the address we typed it into our phones GoogleMaps, grabbed our guns, and ran to the cars. Jin Hyung, Joonie Hyung, and I were in the van while Jimin Hyung, Yoongi Hyung, and Hobi Hyung were in the mini-van.

I am almost certain that we broke every traffic safety law on the way there. We had defiantly broken the speed limit, passed cars when we weren't supposed to, and many other violations. We were finally there though.

We killed all the guards outside the house and walked in the front door. We shot anyone we saw, until a woman begged us to spare her life. She looked a lot like Kookie and didn't seem like much of a threat.

"What will you give us in return for sparing your life," I asked her.

"MY SONS! I will give you my sons. One is a very nice kid. He looks a lot like me. His name is Jung-"She started before I cut her off,

"We don't need your son we are here for someone else," I said as I aimed my gun at her head.

"Stop!" Namjoon said, "What is your son's name?"

I looked at him with a bitch-what-the-fuck look before rolling my eyes.

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook and Jung Juwon." She said shakily.

"Show us." Yoongi Hyung said breaking the short shocked silence. She quickly got up and started walking.

Once we reached the door, we heard a series of pained whimpers. Jimin pushed her out of the way and slammed the door open. We each entered the room guns pointed at the two figures on the floor.

//Jungkook's POV//

After he taped my mouth shut and was about to **** me, the door slammed open. My soulmates came in with there guns.

I was crying and my mouth was covered, but I still managed to smile. Jin Hyung instantly came over and pushed the man off of me. Jin quickly undid the chains, took off the tape, and carefully picked me up into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he carefully carried me out of the room. It was painful but I ignored the pain, I was safe.

When I saw my mom I hid from her and told Jin, "She left me. I don't want to see her ever again." He glared at her and gave a kill-her-too-look to Hobi Hyung.

Jimin Hyung and TaeTae Hyung followed us out. We got into a van that I assumed was there's. TaeTae Hyung was driving while Jimin Hyung and Jin Hyung were taking care of me. They kept on saying things like "You're okay" or "We've got you now, they won't ever take you from us again."

I was still sitting on Jin Hyungs lap when a wave of exhaustion came over me. I leaned my head on his shoulder, wincing from the pain of moving, before slowly falling asleep.


Hey everyone!

I hope you and your family stay safe and continue to stay home. Like always if you ever have any suggestions, comments, or want to talk you can always snap/message me!
