
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 5: Crimson Leaf Forest

Trees surrounded Kali as he walked the outskirts of the forest,while walking he encountered other participants who are trying to track footprints,claw marks, or bite marks of savage beast, they are already trying to look for beasts to tame, unlike them Kali wasl looking for a place to rest and spend the night instead of looking for beasts immediately, because it is already afternoon and a few hours from now the sun will set and looking for a shelter is hard.

Kali found a stone formation that looks like a cave it is not too deep and the entrance can only fit one person, with Kali's twelve year old body this shelter is enough for him alone.

When nighttime came Kali ate his ration and prepared to meditate, he put his black dagger beside him so he can react immediately if there is trouble, he put simple traps around his cave shelter and other simple alarm system to alert him if someone or something is nearby, once everything is settled he began to meditate, hours passed and Kali suddenly opened his eyes, he heard a cracking sound from nearby so he immediately stood up, picked up his dagger and slowly walked out if the cave, and he saw one of his trapped is ruined meaning something approached the trap, he looked over at the trap and saw a mouse like creature trapped in the hole on the ground.

-Golden Stripe Mouse - beast type - mouse race - metal attribute.

Skills: Swift dash, metal shiff.

- a small savage beast with great sense of smell especially when it comes to metallic things, they have great speed but no offensive and defensive ability. This type of savage beast are used by miners to locate gold and other minerals, and little kids use it as a pet since they  docile and cowardly.

Kali smiled and he picked up the little guy and set it free, and he continued his meditation until midnight.


The sun rose and the forest became lively again, the participants of the ceremony started to search for savage beast habitat, some kids form teams of three while the others like Kali are about to venture the forest alone.

While searching the forest the whole afternoon, Kali spotted a fresh footprints, he followed the footprint and was shocked about what he saw, there is a lizard like creature that is basking in the sun on top of a big stone, it's body is two meter long including its tail, its claws are long and vicious, it has spikes growing out from its back, and it's color is dark green with a faint dark blue lines 

-Green water Lizard - reptile type - lizard race - water attribute.

Skills: rip claws, tail whip, water dash, water blast.

- lazy savage beasts with docile nature, they won't attack you if you don't provoke them, they are extremely fast in water.

What shocked Kali more is that this lazy lizard is in apprentice stage, though he planned on taming a Gale wolf, he can't resist the temptation of an apprentice stage savage beast.

Kali started t preparing to subdue the Green water lizard, he took out his dagger, he set up traps, after doing his preparation he slowly walked up behind the lizard, when a few steps away he jumped on its back and put his left hand on its neck and his right hand on its tail to restrict it's movement, but Kali underestimated the strength of this lazy savage beast, it continued to move crazily to get away from Kali grasp.


It got away from Kali's grasp and put a distance between him and Kali, it looked at Kali with anger, it's long claws were like knives that are ready to kill someone, Kali looked at the Green water lizard without blinking, he held his dagger with his right hand and assumed combat positik, and with out a warning the lizard beast charged at Kali, it jumped and brandished it's knife like claws at attacked kali, Kali took a few steps back and uses his dagger to block the lizard's charp claws, after successfully blocking the lizards attack he charged at the lizard beast and used his dagger to attack.

*slash, slash, slash*

After a few attacks Kali managed to hit the lizard beast, it took a step back and stabilized it's footing and it looked at Kali with anger and after a few moments, while Kali was looking at the angry lizard beast blue water like luster appeared on the lizard beast covering his whole body.

"It's about to use water dash"

It's one of the green water lizard's skill it covers it's body with water like luster and improve its speed greatly even if it's not on water.

If it used water dash and attacked Kali it will be dangerous.

After realizing that the lizard beast is about to use water dash Kali ran towards the ground traps he prepared earlier, the lizard beast used water dash to chase Kali, when it was a few steps away from Kali, Kali stopped and the lizard beast continued to chase him and was about to attack when it suddenly fell, it stepped on the trap that Kali made earlier, it is a hole in the ground which can fit an adult, humans will not fall for such simple trap but it is effective towards savage beast with low intelligence like the lizard beast.

Kali approached the trapped lizard beast while the beast is looking for a way to escape, so Kali attacked it for a few more times before it stopped moving, clearly it lost a lot of energy and is exhausted, Kali jumped down on the hole and touched the lizard beast's forehead when he was about to use his dominance to tame the lizard beast, he heard a loud roar from where hevsaw the lizard beast.


It was a roar with a light screeching sound which hurts the ears, Kali looked at the direction of the roar and saw a massive Green water lizard, it was the mother of the green lizard that Kali was about to tame, when Kali saw the massive lizard beast, his back started to sweat, without thinking too much Kali jumped out of the hole and ran towards the trees, the mother lizard beast ran towards the trapped young lizard beast, it looked at Kali who is already on top of a tree a few meter away, away a few moments it took the trapped lizard and walked toward the river and disappeared.


Kali heaved a sigh of relief when the mother lizard left he sat down on the tree branch where he was standing and started to calm himself.

"I was lucky the mother lizard beast didn't chased me" 

After calming himself Kali jumped down from the tree and walked away heading to his cave to rest because fighting with the lizard beast used a lot of energy.

Not far away from Kali there was a figure of a man and a red furred monkey who was watching the whole scene, it was one of the guard captains assigned to watch over the safety of the kids, he was ready to make a move if the mother lizard beast chose to attack kali, with his apprentice stage level five red furred monkey he can easily fight against the mother lizard beast who is at the same stage and level as his red furred monkey.

After Kali left the scene, he also disappeared without a trace.