
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 6: Taming A Savage Beast, Official Beast Contractor

Kali has been in the the forest for twelve days and he came across different savage beasts but none of them satisfied him.

Flame wing swallow, twin tailed pangolin,rose thorn beast, trioptic porcupine, and steel clawed mole. 

In the eyes of Kali those savage beast are normal, after his encounter with the Green Water Lizard, his standard has risen.

Savage beasts of the beginner stage doesn't even attract his attention anymore.

Only three more days left before the end of the ceremony and Kali still haven't tamed a savage beast, thinking about the limited time that he has, he started to look for savage beasts even at night  lessen the time he spent on meditating.

On he fourteenth day Kali found a trace of battle between two beast, he followed the traces and he saw a black snake and a Gale wolf fighting.

"Gale wolf!"

A day before the ceremony started Kali has already decided to tame a Gale wolf, he forgot about the Gale wolf when he encountered the the apprentice stage green water lizard, but the thought of taming a Gale wolf reignites on Kali's heart when he saw the Gale wolf in front of him is also at the apprentice stage not weaker than the Green Water Lizard.

Kali looked over at the black snake that the Gale wolf was fighting.

- Black scaled corrosive snake - reptile type - snake race - dark and poison attribute.

Skills: tail whip, corrosive poison, dark strike, constrict.

-vicious creature that possess a corrosive poison that can corrode metal, it is a great counter for defensive type savage beasts, it is also fast and has a decent amount of defense that it's black scales provide.

"Dual attribute savage beast!"

Kali was shocked to see a savage beast with dual attribute in this forest, dula attribute savage beast are rare in small villages like Bastra where Kali lives.

While further inspecting the black scaled corrosive snake, Kali saw that it is only at beginner stage level four, still one level away from the peak of beginner level.

Watching the fight Kali predicted that the Gale wolf will definitely win, the fake wolf used wind type attaks such as Gale slash which is the wind type attack that Gale wolves possess, it is fast and sharp, but Kali was shocked again because the black snake has no difficulty dodging the wind type attacks, then Kali remembered that dark attribute beasts are fast and unpredictable, the snake move around like a shadow dodging the Wolf's attacks and from time to time counter attacking the Gale wolf with its tale and corrosive poison, but the wolf also dodged it, after an hour of fighting the black scaled corrosive snake and the Gale wolf is still at stalemate which greatly shocked Kali because the Gale wolf should have the advantage against the snake because of its superior stage, so Kali decided to help the wolf deal with the snake, when was about to make a move the two beast stopped fighting and just stared and each other after a few seconds the scales of the black scaled corrosive snake, glistened and it dissapeard in its original place and immediately appeared in front of the Gale wolf like a long streak of shadow 

"Dark strike!" Kali exclaimed

Dark strike is a movement skill that the black scaled corrosive snake possess.

When it was about to bite the Gale wolf, the Gale wolf also dashed forward and open its mouth and revealed it's vicious fangs, the snake bit the Gale Wolf's neck while the Gale wolf but the snakes body, after buying each other they both retreated, the neck of the Gale wolf started to darken, meaning the corrosive poison of the black snake is inside its body, while the snakes body has two holes in it where blood started to flow, the beasts are both wounded, which makes it the perfect time for Kali to make a move and subdue the Gale wolf, but when he was about it approach the Gale wolf it slowly fell down and it whole head is already black, when Kali got close he checked the Gale Wolf's condition and it is already half dead, he tried to use the antidote he brought but it shows no effect, clearly the black snake's poison is so oitent that it can kill a beasts one stage higher than itself.

After Kali was certain that the Gale wolf can't be saved, he looked over the snakes position and it's already gone, there is a trail of blood that is left by the bloody wound on the snake's body after a few minute of following the blood trail Kali saw the black snake in a coil position trying to mend it's wounds but it is to severe that blood is still flowing out from it, so he decided to help out, when he approached the snake it became aggressive and tried to attack Kali for a few times but it has no energy left and is greatly injured, making its strength decrease by a great amount, when Kali was near the snake he took out a medicine from his bag, it is a liquid medicine that has a green color. It is a medicine used to hasten the recovery of any wound, he poured the Green liquid on the snakes two bloodey wound and it slowly started to heal.

He didn't immediately left the snake after using the medicine instead he touched the snakes forehead trying to use his dominance to tame the injured snake.

After the snake's fight with the Gale wolf he decided to tame the black scaled corrosive snake, with its poison that can kill an apprentice stage savage beast despite being only at beginner level, shows that it is not weaker than apprentice stage savage beasts I fact it might be stronger than some apprentice stage savage beasts.

After touching the snake's forehead Kali poured his dominance towards the snake's mind trying to dominate it but it got repelled.

Kali removed his fingers on the snakes forehead and said.

"I will not hurt you trust me" 

Kali poured his dominance on the snakes mind again but it still got repelled.

After failiy again Kali didn't lose his patience and started to look for something in his bag, he took out brown colored pills, it is  medicine that doesn't have any healing effect but it can nourish a savage beasts' body and and improve its strength by a little, it is the lowest level strengthening pill but it is enough for beginner level savage beasts, these kind of pills being at the lowest level still cost Kali a lot of money, the higher level pills has the ability to improve a beasts' attribute, like the fire strengthening pill which can increase the strength and purity of a savage beasts fire attribute.

He put the strengthening pill in front of the snake, the snake observed and inspected the pill in front of it and after confirming that it is not harmful the snake swallowed it immediately, clearly the pill is to the liking of the black snake, after consuming the pill it approached Kali, asking for more.

"I can give you more of those in the future, better ones too, that is if you are willing to follow me and be my comoanion"


The Black Scaled Corrosive snake answered like it understand what Kali was saying.

Kali put his fingers on the the snakes forehead before pouring his dominance to the black snake's mind, this time nothing repelled his dominance, after pouring his dominance Kali removed his fingers and looked at the black snake, white light gliws from its body meaning it is now Kali's contracted beast and he is now an official Beast contractor.