
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 32: Black Serpent's First Evolution

Kali has been inside the dark realm for six months now he has grown taller and his body started to develop muscles, and he has reached the pseudo master stage, it is only a matter of time before he reaches the master stage, beside him is a big black colored serpent with small horn-like spikes growing on its head making it looks terrifying and vicious, it is the black serpent it has reached the master stage and has undergone its first evolution and became a Wind Devouring Serpent.


Six months ago.

Kali and the black serpent are inside the cave training.

" Here drink this " Kali gave the black serpent a bottle of the black liquid he got from Banu.

The black serpent quickly drank it and its body suddenly trembled, the bottle of black liquid contains the dark and the rare space attribute, it came from the dark crystals, heart crystal, and the dark void stone he got from the old castle ruins.

He found out the name of the black stone he got from the ruins from Hell Pursuer, and he research its properties and found out that it contains a little of space attribute, space attribute is one of the rarest attribute, space attribute savage beast and materials are usually monopolized by strong families and factions to boost their strength, that is why she Kali found out about the dark void stone, that is when he decided to let black serpent evolve into a Wind Devouring Serpent, plus he also possess a lot of dark attribute materials, and about the poison gland that elder Barri gave him that can be used as the main material to evolve black serpent into an abyss poison serpent, he gave it to Banu as a reward for helping him.

After the black serpent trembled violently it calmed down and started to absorb and integrate the dark attribute and space attribute in its body.

When Kali saw that the black serpent is in a stable condition he proceeded to his meditation. The black serpent took a week to fully absorb the attribute energy from one bottle of the black liquid and he still has two left, after the black serpent finished his first bottle of the black liquid Kali didn't immediately feed it another one instead he took it outside the cave to test its strength, they traveled for a few minutes before they encounter their first sparring partner a pseudo master stage Blazing Ape, it has red fur and it's back and claws are burning in red fire.

" perfect, black serpent don't hold back " Kali ordered black serpent, after hearing Kali's order it immediately disappeared from its current position and arrived in front of the blazing ape in a blink of an eye, black serpent just used dark strike but it became faster and more unpredictable because of the increase in his dark attribute and the addition of some space attribute, the dark strike skill is now similar to blink which is a skill of space attribute savage beast that enables them to teleport in a short distance.

After arriving in front of the blazing ape black serpent immediately use tail whip and hit the blazing ape on its neck knocking it down, but the blazing ape still manage to stand up, showing its strength as a pseudo master stage, it attacked black serpent with its flaming claws but black serpent dodged it gracefully, and then made a counter attack and bit the blazing ape's neck, the blazing ape struggled but the black serpent didn't let go, after a few seconds of struggling it stopped moving and it's arms fell down as if the blazing ape lost all of its strength, black serpent killed the blazing ape in just two moves, its strength increased greatly after absorbing one bottle of the black liquid made from dark attribute materials, Kali and black serpent spent the whole afternoon fighting savage beasts even Kali started joining the e fight, there are times that he can defeat a savage beast on his own without teh help of the black serpent, he now use his white umbrella as a weapon, he use dominance reinforcement on it to make it as sturdy as steel, and like black serpent Kali now moves gracefully and silently like how black serpent moves, his movement patterns when it comes to fighting is similar to a serpent, because he's been studying black serpent's movements, Kali's strength also increased along with black serpent, he continued to feed black serpent the black liquid after and after completely absorbing the attribute energy from the liquid black serpent went to hibernation, it lasted for a month, when black serpent woke up it already reached the master stage and evolved from a black scaled corrosive serpent to a Wind Devouring Serpent, black serpent's species changed along with its attribute it is not a poison and dark attribute savage beast but became a dark and space attribute savage beast, though it still has the corrosive poison its potency stayed at the apprentice stage and it will not change, it also learned new skills, Devour and night assault. Devour is the space attribute skill that lets the black serpent who is now a Wind Devouring Serpent to devour its enemies, and the night assault is the improved version of the dark strike, which contains the dark and space attributes.



" Today is the day we will venture deeper into the dark realm, are you ready? " Kali asked the big and terrifying black serpent beside him.

" hisss hisss " it hissed loudly and full of battle intent, black serpent wants to fight a stronger enemy since it advanced to the master stage and became a Wind Devouring Serpent, because he wants to test his improved strength, and the deeper they go inside the dark realm the stronger the opponents are.

Kali and the black serpent ran towards the forest in front of him, Kali still runs when he travels because he doesn't have a savage beast he can ride and although the black serpent grew in size it still can't carry him.

" once I reached the master stage I need to tame a savage beast I can use to travel around," Kali said.

He and the black serpent disappeared into the horizon.


" Miss Celia are you feeling more comfortable now " young master Quinn asked Celia, who is having her favorite tea while looking at a huge snowy mountain.

When young master Quinn left the crimson snow castle he took Celia with him as per request by elder Barri.

They have arrived at the Northern Palace four months ago and Celia has been staying here for about two months now.

" yes, thank you for young master's hospitality " Celia thanked young master Quinn.

" then I will leave you alone now I have some matters to attend to, enjoy your tea " young master Quinn left Celia alone.

" wherever you are you must join the newcomer's competition five years from now, I will defeat you then," Celia said.

The newcomer's competition she mentioned is a competition held every five years to find out who is the strongest of the younger generation of that year is, almost every emperor stage beast contractors joined the newcomer's competition before, and who are the emperor stage beast contractors? They are the strongest existence in every continent, in the newcomer's competition participants who performed well might receive a unique title, and a unique title represents the best contractors strength and fame if a beast contractor possesses a unique title he or she is an expert and is not to be trifled with, unique titles are bestowed with the approval of all the great powers that is why people covet a unique title, and also the newcomer's competition is the most famous in the whole continent because every faction will send their strongest and most talented young beast contractors to fight and these young beast contractors are the future experts of the continent some of them might even reach the emperor stage that is why everyone gave the newcomer's competition great importance and attention.

Though the competition will be held five years from now the younger generation of each faction are already preparing because it is easier to advance in the early stages and five years for beast contractors to pass in a blink of an eye.

" lady Celia the empress would like to meet you " a servant girl interrupted Celia's tea time because of a summon from the empress, when Celia heard the word empress her eyes widened, and immediately stood up.

" lead me to the empress," Celia said to the servant.

" yes, follow me my lady " the servant girl guided Celia in a cold and spacious room inside the huge northern palace.

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