
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 31: Escape

Kali and the black serpent who is facing the barrage of attacks from Hell Pursuer and Death Snow can't do anything but block the attacks, Kali knows that if this continues he will die, so he started to look for a chance to escape the barrage of attacks, and make a run for it.

" shit these guys are set on killing me, this is bad! " Kali said while gritting his teeth doing his best to dodge and block every attack.

" just surrender kid, you can't escape us anyway," Hell Pursuer said confidently.

" I have to think of a way to make them stop their attacks even for a few seconds " Kali is confident in his speed and he knows that he can run away if he's given at least a few seconds.

While blocking the rai of attacks Kali is thinking of a way to make the two-stop attacking him and escape.

" I surrender so stop attacking now," Kali said calmly.

" why would we stop, even if you don't surrender we can still kill you, " Death Snow said arrogantly.

" the thing you're looking for is not with me I hid it in a different place where only I know," Kali said, his words ringing in Hell Pursuer's ears.

The black serpent who is behind Ali the whole time slowly slithered and wrapped around Kali's body while Kali is talking to Hell Pursuer and Death Snow.

" stop " Hell Pursuer stopped Death Snow from attacking.

" we'll stop attacking now lower your umbrella, recall your savage beast and lead the way, " Hell Pursuer said.

Kali slowly closed his umbrella.

" now! " Kali shouted and his body that is entwined by black serpent blurred and turned into a dark streak of light, black serpent just used dark strike and carries Kali away from Hell Pursuer and Death Snow.

" shit! " Hell Pursuer cursed loudly when he saw Kali's figure disappear.

" you brat you think you can run away using your tricks, " Death Snow said as he and Hell Pursuer started chasing Kali again, but their speed is greatly reduced because of their injuries and they used up most of their energy in the earlier chase, Kali is not doing better either his old chest wound opened up making him suffer great pain but he has no choice but to bear it if he wants to live.

" good work black serpent " Kali praised his savage beast as they continue to run.

They have been running for about two hours now and he just realized that the direction he run off to is headed towards the dark realm.

" is this brat planning to enter the dark realm!? " Death Snow asked Hell Pursuer.

" I don't know but we better catch him before he does something stupid and enter the beast realm or else it is over for us, " Hell Pursuer said.

" wait is this a dead end? There is nothing here other than the gate leading to the beast realm " Kali said when he arrived at an open huge stone gate.

" Stop right there kid! " Hell Pursuer said.

Kali turned around and looked at Hell Pursuer and Death Snow when he heard Hell Pursuer's shout.

" There is nowhere to run, just quietly come with us, " Death Snow said.

Kali grinned at the two.

" There is still one way," Kali said and entered the gate to head inside the dark realm.

" dammit he entered the dark realm what should we do, " Death Snow asked Hell Pursuer.

" I don't know, you want to enter the dark realm? " Hell Pursuer asked back.

Death Snow frowned at Hell Pursuer's answer.

" well he will die inside so I'll just report to the young master what happened here, but I'm not sure if it is okay for you I mean you need something from him right? Why dot you go after him " Death Snow said mocking Hell Pursuer.

Hell Pursuer's face turned sour hearing Death Snow's words.

He gripped his dagger hard and glared at Death Snow releasing his killing intent.

" are you sure you want to fight me right now? " Death Snow asked while looking at Hell Pursuer's severed arm.

Hell Pursuer didn't say a word and just angrily turned around and make his way towards Fambre City, he can't do anything about Kali, he doesn't want to risk it and follow him inside the dark realm, Death Snow quickly follow behind him, since Kali entered the dark realm he is as good as dead.


Inside the dark realm.

Kali was sent to a place where the cold wind blows and the skies are dark and the clouds are grey, inside the dark realm is a depressing sight opposite to a paradise-le a scene inside a normal beast realm.

When he just step foot inside a pseudo master stage savage beast already tried to kill him, showing how dangerous the dark realm is.

" I need to be careful here, the weakest savage beast here is as strong as my strongest savage beast, plus the Demon Panda is still not fully recovered, " Kali said to himself.

He started roaming inside the dark realm to find a place to be his shelter for the time while he is inside.

He found an abandoned cave.

" This place will do " Kali decided to settle in this cave.

He sat down inside and started to treat his injuries.

" this chest wound won't heal in a short time," Kali said as he started to remove his bandages.

After having injuries treated he proceed to feed his savage beasts and readied himself to start meditating, and while meditating he started thinking about how will he need to stay inside the dark realm.

" I can't leave this place, for now, I am still too weak, Hell Pursuer and Death t will just chase me again and I will not get this lucky next time, " Kali said to himself.

" I need to get strong and this place is the perfect place for me and my savage beasts to train " Kali clenched his fist.


Crimson Snow castle.

" We greet the 2nd young master " every member of the crimson snow castle lined up and welcomed young master Quinn.

" young master Quinn, I am elder Barri the one in charge of this crimson Snow castle " elder Barri greeted young master Quinn who arrived at the castle along with his followers including Death Snow.

" I thank the elder for greeting this young one " young master Quinn greeted elder Barri respectfully, his followers also did the same even Death Snow who possess a unique title and popularity greeted elder Barri with full of respect. They are respectful of elder Barri not just because of his position as an elder of the northern palace and also the leader of the crimson snow palace but because of his great strength, of everyone inside the crimson snow castle including young master Quinn and Death Snow he is the strongest.

" hahaha come this place is not the appropriate place for talking plus I asked the chefs to prepare a great dinner for all of you " elder Barri invited young master Quinn and his men inside the castle.

" I would like to thank the elder for letting us stay here for a couple of days " young master Quinn said to elder Barri while they are walking towards the dining hall.

" oh come on we are from the same faction it is one of my duties to offer shelter to one of my own " elder Barri said.

Elder Barri and young master Quinn continued their conversation until they reach the dining hall.

" I greet the elder " Celia greeted elder Barri when he entered the dining hall along with young master Quinn and his men.

" oh right young master Silas this is one of the most outstanding members of my crimson snow palace " elder Barri introduced Celia to young master Quinn, elder Barri calls young master Quinn using his first name since he has superior strength and status.

" greetings to young lady, may I know your name? " young master Quinn greeted Celia and asked for her name.

" greetings to young master too, my name is Celia " Celia greeted back and introduced herself.

" Such a beautiful name suits you " young master Quinn praised Celia as pleasantries, he is also kinda wary of her because he sensed that her strength is much higher than him, and she is also elder Barri's subordinate and it is widely known that elder Barri is one of the loyal followers of the Scarlet ice empress, so he doesn't dare to be rude of her even if he has a higher status than her.

The servants guide them to their seats and start their dinner, elder Barr and young master Quinn is discussing something while Celia is quietly eating.


Outside the dark realm.

" make sure to guard the gate, and once someone emerged from the fate quickly report to me " Hell Pursuer ordered his men to guard the outside of the gate of the dark realm to wait for Kali.

" you brat even if you survive inside and manage to get out I will not let you go easily and make you wish you were dead," Hell Pursuer said in his mind.

Inside the dark realm.

" black serpent finish him " Kali ordered his savage beast to kill the last soldier fire ant, around them are hundreds of apprentice stage soldier fire ants corpses that black serpent disposed of, solder fire ants are weak but fighting hundreds of them is still a challenge. Kali already started his and his savage beasts' training inside the dark realm.

" take a rest inside the beast ring for now " Kali summoned the black serpent back inside his beast ring and summoned the Demon Panda who had just fully recovered.

it's your turn to fight, are you ready? " Kali asked the demon Panda while rubbing its head.

" roooaaar " the Demon Panda roared in excitement, it had been inside the beast ring for a long time and had been itching to go out and fight that is why it is really exciting.

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