
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 33: Devil Marionette Flower Beast

Inside the cold and spacious room is a huge ice throne, and on that throne, a beautiful and alluring woman is sitting.

" I greet the empress " Celia bowed and greeted the empress.

" I heard a lot about you from elder Barri, " the empress said.

The empress in front of Celia is one of the two emperor stage beast contractors of the northern palace, the Scarlet ice empress Olivia Shik.

" elder Barri took great care of me while I am at the crimson some castle and I owe him a lot, " Celia said.

" The reason I called you here today is that I want you to be my disciple what do you say? " the Scarlet ice empress asked Celia.

" I greet master " Celia immediately half kneeled in front of the Scarlet ice empress, she didn't think before answering because she knows that being a disciple of an emperor stage beast contractor is a dream for every young beast contractor, just the thought of receiving guidance from an emperor stage beast contractor can make a person crazy, not just the guidance, but also the resources and the authority one will possess once he or she became a disciple of an emperor beast contractor can make anyone drool.

" stand up, from now on you will stay here with me along with my other disciple " Scarlet ice empress said to Celia.

" thank you, master, but can I ask a question? " Celia said.

" ask away "

" why me? " Celia asked.

" I chose you not just because of your talent but also because of your mentality, you plan your every move and you have a clear goal, your decisive and also your main savage beast in an ice attribute, simple as that " Scarlet ice empress said to Celia.


The next day.

" what is that true "

" of course it's true, do you think they will lie about this "

" she's really lucky, she's the first of this young generation to receive the attention of an emperor beast contractor "

People are surprised by the sudden news they receive this morning, it is the news of Celia being the Scarlet ice empress' new disciple.

" so you already chose your candidate for the newcomer's competition " a beautiful and voluptuous woman wearing red clothes said while reading a newspaper, she is surrounded by fire but she doesn't seem to be bothered by it and she is also not feeling hot.

" she is always so quick when it comes to picking a new disciple, " a good-looking long-haired man wearing sky blue clothes said while staring at the sky drinking his tea.

" decisive and quick as always," said an old bearded man playing chess with another person.

" I wonder what kind of person her new disciple is, " said the person playing chess with the old man before he made a move.

The whole continent is shaken up by the news of the Scarlet ice empress' new disciple.


Inside the dark realm.

Kali who is inside the dark realm doesn't have any idea about what is happening outside, he and his Demon Panda just finished killing a pseudo master stage savage beast, they have been traveling for a month now and he's been switching savage beast from black serpent to Demon Panda to let his two savage beast train.

" just a little more and I will reach the master stage and become a full pledge master beast contractor," said seriously and full of conviction.

" roar " Demon Panda roared at Kali.

" of course I help you get stronger too, don't worry, I promise you before that I will make you the strongest Demon Panda, and I will fulfill that " he patted the Demon panda's head and continued on their way.

" let's take a break here " he and Demon Panda saw a small lake surrounded by tall trees and he decided to take a rest first and spend the night here before they continue their way.

He set up a fire and ordered the Demon Panda to catch some fish on the lake, they roasted the fish and have their dinner, Kali also fed the black serpent, because of its evolution to Wind Devouring Serpent and its big body, the amount of food it needs to consume is now thrice the amount from before.

He gave both his savage beast dark crystals to absorb and he started meditating.

They had a peaceful night, the morning came and their adventure inside the dangerous dark realm continues, they encounter numbers of strong savage beasts along the way.

" Are we the only ones here? " he asked the black serpent who is traveling with him right now, the Demon Panda is inside the beast ring to take a rest.

The black serpent who had undergone the first evolution, is now extremely strong, with its Devouring skill, the weaker savage beast is easily devoured becomes to come to its food and nutrients, Kali is very satisfied with the result black serpent's evolution.

" I'm glad I chose this evolution path for black serpent " Kali admired the black serpent's strength and hope it will become stronger in the future.

" huh!? " along the way Kali heard a voice.

" you! Get away from me! " a man's voice filled with fear and anger filled the area.

" arrrgh! " the one who is attacking him is another person whose eyes are bloodshot and is drooling as if he lost his mind, its body twists as if it doesn't have any bones and doesn't get hurt.

Kali watched the two fight, he didn't plan to make a move, this place is more dangerous than it seems, if Kali is the position of the person being attacked by the crazy one, the other person will not help him too, this place is a place that follows the rule of survival of the fittest, weak ones will get devoured and the stronger ones will survive, the dark realm is not that different from the outside world it is just more depressing and dangerous.

" How did that person become like that? " Kali asked himself as he continue to observe, he looked around and inspected the two people, the crazy person attacks, and the other person managed to dodge the attack.

Kali's eyes widened because of what he sees.

" that a devil marionette flower beast " Kali is shocked and amazed at the same time, a devil marionette flower beast can release a scent that can control a savage beast a person, that is how they got the name 'marionette', especially if that person has a weak mind, the person who became crazy appeared to be only at early levels of apprentice stage, and the devil marionette flower beast that controls it is at the pseudo master stage already.

" the devil marionette flower beast is rare and great but I don't need a savage beast like that right now " Kali is tempted to catch the devil marionette flower beast and tame it in the future but what he needs right now is a savage beast he can use to travel long distances, that is why he dismissed the idea of taming the devil marionette flower beast.

" aaaaahhhh! " after a few minutes the person being controlled by the devil marionette flower beast successfully killed the other person, brutally at that, Kali didn't even flinch or get scared by the sight in front of him, he has experienced deadly fights against savage beast stronger than him that is why blood at this level doesn't even enter his eyes.

After that other person is killed Kali slowly approaches the person being controlled.

" kill me please, " the person being controlled said in a weak and sad voice, he cannot easily speak because of the control of the Devil marionette flower beast.

" Why do you want me to kill you? " he curiously asks the person.

" brother," the controlled person said while there are traces of sadness and grief on his face and voice, it turns out that the two are brothers, Kali made the wrong assumption earlier that the two are enemies that is why he didn't help at all and just idly watched from afar.

" if you wish is to die I will grant your wish, I will also give you and your brother a proper burial. Kali easily agreed to the controlled person's request because he felt guilty, plus once the devil marionette flower beast releases its control over the person it will immediately die.

The controlled person crazily pounced on Kali.

" arrrgh! "

Kali quickly reinforced his umbrella with dominance and pointed it towards the person running towards him, when the attack came closer at Kali he move forward a little and dodged the attack and swiftly stabbed the person with his umbrella on the neck killing it fast, the way Kali dodged the person's attack is graceful and there are no wasted movements.

After taking care of the man he ordered the black serpent to deal with the Devil marionette flower beast nearby, the flower beast tried to attack the black serpent but because of the black serpent's improved strength, it can resist the Devil marionette flower beast's attempt to control it and got easily devoured by the black serpent.

Sorry I wasn't able to update the story for two days, I have exams and I got sick, sorry again.

Thank you for your support.

VIZCOcreators' thoughts