
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 30: The Chase

Kali entered the woods and summoned a black serpent, the two groups chasing him followed him inside the woods, Kali looked back at them and smiled mysteriously his pursuers didn't see his smile but they feel uncomfortable as if something is wrong.

" aahhh! " a young man shouted in pain, he is a member of the snow wind brigade that young master Quinn dispatched to chase Kali, he fell on a ground trap that is full of spikes, the trap is simple but if a person is careless it can still be dangerous.

The leader of the snow wind brigade squad looked at the young man's figure and shook his head, " stupid " the leader said and continued to chase Kali.

Kali saw someone fall on one of his traps so he started to lead them towards places he filled with different kinds of traps, the snow wind brigade and Hell Pursuer's men followed Kali blindly, they activated the traps along the way giving them a hard time, though they didn't die from the traps it still greatly injured them and used up a lot of their strength and energy, seeing their men being toyed with by Kali Hell Pursuer and the leader of the snow wind brigade squad decided to take action personally, they didn't care about each other's existence earlier but now that they are about to make a move themselves they need to be careful.

" what do you want with the kid, " Hell Pursuer asked the masked man.

" our young master wants us to catch him " the leader of the snow wind answered.

" I see, you can have him after I take something from him, " Hell Pursuer said to the leader of the snow wind brigade squad.

" what is so important in that kid's hand that even the famous Hell Pursuer has to make a move, " the leader of the snow wind brigade squad asked Hell Pursuer curiously.

The Hell Pursuer stared at him before answering.

" you don't have to know that, but I am also curious, how come the fearsome death snow became the second young master's dog "

" you! " after being called a dog, death snow can't keep his cool anymore and summoned his savage beast ready to fight.

Death snow is similar to Hell Pursuer he received a title despite being a master stage beast contractor.

" oh the death Snow's Frost Alpha Wolf, " Hell Pursuer said after seeing death snow's savage beast.

Frost Alpha Wolf - beast type - wolf race - ice attribute.

Skills: ice fang, Frost claw, tail whip, snow tackle.

- fierce savage beasts with cold nature, they are natural killers since they are an apex predator, they are the rare kinds of wolf race savage beasts.

After seeing death snow's savage beast Hell Pursuer also summoned his Hell hound and is ready to fight the death snow.

" boss! "

" sir! "

" the kid is getting away " the two leaders both looked in Kali's direction at the same time and saw that he is getting far and far away from them.

" shit " Hell Pursuer cursed, he got distracted by his eagerness to fight the death snow.

" let's catch the brat first, and we will finish this later, what do you say? " death snow said to Hell Pursuer.

" I have no problem with that " Hell Pursuer said with a grin on his face, Hell Pursuer likes to fight strong enemies more than anything, that is why death snow's proposal is very much to Hell Pursuer's taste.

After the two came to an agreement they started to chase Kali seriously. They chase him along with their savage beasts.

" they are already close " Kali saw Hell Pursuer and Death Snow getting closer to him.

He turn left and the two followed him without hesitation, with their strength Kali's traps and tricks won't work with them, that is why they are confident in catching Kali alive.

When Hell Pursuer and Death Snow is only a few meters away from Kali, Kali suddenly stopped running and turned around to face them so the two of them stopped moving too.

" you can't escape us, just surrender quietly," Hell Pursuer said.

Kali just stared at him without saying anything.

" I promise I will give you a quick and painless death, " Death Snow said to Kali.

" you guys sure are persistent, but I'm not gonna surrender, " Kali said calmly.

" then what are you going to do, run? You can't escape us " Hell Pursuer said confidently.

" Sure I will run after this " Kali said as he pulled something in the air, Hell Pursuer and Death Snow got curious about Kali's move so they carefully observed Kali's fingers and saw something shiny.

" silver thread! " Hell Pursuer exclaimed.

" shit," said Death Snow.

As the two got surprised by Kali's trap the crisscrossing silver threads swiftly close in on the two of them whenever the silver thread pass through a stone or a tree or a branch they will get sliced cleanly, that is how sharp the silver threads are making them one of the favorites by assassins.

Hell Pursuer took out his dagger to block the incoming silver thread while Death Snow pulled out a curved short sword, every Snow wind brigade member uses the curved short sword.

After taking out their weapons to block Kali's traps, they ordered their savage beasts to block the silver threads as well.

" you brat I will skin you alive," said Hell Pursuer.

" damn it these silver threads are coated with poison " Death Snow discovered that the silver wire is filled with poison so they both look beside Kali and saw a black serpent.

" corrosive poison " Hell Pursuer and Death Snow said at the same time, they both recognize the poison when they saw Kali's black scale corrosive serpent. Their weapons are only made of normal steel, it slowly started to corrode.

" shit this is bad," said Hell Pursuer.

After watching Hell Pursuer and Death Snow for a few minutes Kali started to run away from them.

" that kid got us, " Death Snow said.


Kali who is running away didn't even look back even once since he started running away, he knows that the silver threads he got from the weapons shop inside the city won't be able to kill them that is why he never relaxed and ran as if someone is still chasing him, he didn't know where he is right now that is why ha stopped to look at his map, he found his current location and started studying the routes and paths GE can take to successfully and safely reach the nearest city.

" eh!? There is a dark realm near here? " Kali asked in surprise when he saw that West of his location is a dark realm.

Dark realms are similar to beast realms they are places that exist in different dimensions but they have an entrance and exit throughout the continent, the difference between the dark realm and the normal beast realm is that they are filled with danger, they are more dangerous than the beast realm, inside the dark realm your enemy is the whole dark realm it is filled with dangerous places and it is hard to survive inside that is why only the Lord beast contractors and above are the only beast contractors who would dare to enter dark realms.

" I better stay away from the beast realm, " Kali said to himself so he decided to take the eastern route, it will lead him to the nearest city.

" so you're here! " Hell Pursuer said angrily, but something is missing on Hell Pursuer's body. He lost an arm from Kali's silver thread trap.

He sacrificed an arm to escape the silver wire, and he immediately drank an antidote to cure the poison. Death Snow is not in great condition either though he didn't list an arm he lost a few fingers and is filled with deep cut wounds all over his body.

" this time I will kill you," said Hell Pursuer as he commanded his Hell hound to attack Kali.

Death snow did the same.

Two master stage savage beasts simultaneously attack Kali.

Kali took out his white umbrella to block the attacks, black serpent also did his best to block the attacks. The reason Kali managed to injure Hell Pursuer and Death Snow to this extent is that they are holding back to not kill Kali, but now they don't have anything in their mind other than the thought of killing Kali in the mist brutal and painful way, the two Master Beast Contractors who received unique title despite their stage are played with by an apprentice beast contractor, if the news about this got out they will be the laughing stock and joke to all beast contractors and their fame and prestige will be greatly damaged.

They continue to rain attacks on Kali, Kali and the black serpent received quite a few injuries from their attacks, and Kali's old chest wound opened up making it harder for him to defend against the barrage of attacks, he is now in a great crisis and cannot think of a way to escape this dilemma.

Guys we've reached 30 chapters, thank you for all the support I love you all.

Leave a comment and a review if you guys have the time, I will appreciate it, thank you again, and have a good day

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