
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 24: Gray Steel Mountains

Kali along with his Demon Panda arrived at the foot of the Gray steel mountains.

" this mountain really deserves the name Gray steel mountain, it is giving of such sharp and dangerous feeling " Kali said as he looked at his Demon Panda who is a little bit reluctant to enter the mountains because of the feeling it is giving off.

" it is fine you've become stronger this past few days, I'm sure we will be just fine " Kali reassured the Demon Panda and petted its fluffy head.

During their journey these past few days the Demon Panda advance two levels, from level one apprentice stage to level three, the level up increased the Demon panda's strength, it has great potential even exceeding black serpent, that is why it is able to level up easily.

Kali and Demon Panda started to hike the first small mountain of the Gray steel mountains,

Along he way they come across some steel attribute savage beasts but they do not attract Kali's attention, they just became Demon panda's sparring partner.

Kali wants to catch a rare savage beast with great potential to be able to fetch a great price, because he is need of funds for black serpent's training and power up, black serpent is already at level five it is one step away from being a master stage and is about to undergo its first species evolution. Species evolution happens when a savage beast advance from apprentice stage to master stage, but it still depends on the beast contractors if they want to make their savage beast undergo a species evolution, because there are time that beast contractors wants their savage beast to have a pure bloodline, just like the village chief's Moon tiger it didn't undergo a species evolution and is a pure blooded Moon tiger, evolved savage beast or not they both have their advantages and disadvantages so it depends on every beast contractor. Kali still haven't decided on what evolution path black serpent will take that is why he need a lot of funds to support either the Abyss poison serpent or the wind Swallowing Serpent.

He and Demon Panda continue on their way towards peak of the first mountain.


" Ying master Quinn we have arrived " young master Halle said when they arrived at the core of the beast realm.

" great, now you guys close the perimeter and do not let anyone enter the core area at all cost " said young master Quinn.

The young masters nodded and they all go to their posts.

" now let's go take that stone and head back the northern territory " young master Quinn said and rode off on his tundra tiger beast.


Kali is holding a steel beast crystal I'm his hand.

" we already travelled three of the Gray steel mountains but still haven't found any rare steel attribute savage beast " Kali said to his Demon Panda who is eating a bamboo while sitting on the ground, the Demon Panda fought the whole day nonstop so Kali gave him a treat which is its favorite Jade bamboos, it is eating the bamboo happily while Kali is recuperating his lost dominance.

He opened his eyes and the sun is already setting the Demon Panda beside him is sleeping soundly, they are relaxed because almost all the savage beast around them is scared of the Demon panda's aura, he is giving off an aura of a natural predator, despite its cute and fluffy appearance and mild nature it is one of the most dangerous Panda race savage beasts, so no savage beast dare approach them.

" wake up " Kali petted the Demon panda's head and it opened its eyes, it yawned revealing its fangs, it stood up and roared.

since he can't find any suitable savage beast at day Kali decided to look for one at night.

He and Demon Panda started their journey under the bright moonlight, after a few hours he saw a silver spiked crocodile sleeping, he saw it because of the silver colored spikes protruding from its head, all over its back and tail.

" that is a good one but it is already adult and didn't have much potential " he inspected the silver spikes crocodile from a far and learned that it is already an adult based on its size and length of the spikes.

Since there are adult silver spikes crocodile nearby, there is definitely a young silver spikes crocodile or much better an egg. He slowly and carefully roamed the surroundings to find the habitat of the silver spiked crocodile, after a few minutes of searching he came across a shallow pond not far away from the adult silver spikes crocodile he approached the sleeping young crocodile, he was about to use his beginner beast ring to capture the sleeping savage beast when he suddenly heard the sound of something running getting closer to him, he looked back and saw that the adult silver spikes crocodile is fiercely running towards him, he didn't panicked since he is already prepared to fight it the moment he saw it.

" Demon Panda intercept it don't let it get close to me"

The Demon Panda dashed towards the running crocodile and engage in a melee battle.

Kali used the beast ring to store the sleeping young silver spikes crocodile, beast contractors can catch and store savage beasts on their beast ring, if the savage beast is willing or if they can overpower it with their dominance, but in Kali's case the savage beast is sleeping and is caught off guard, so it didn't even had the chance to retaliate.

The Demon Panda and the adult silver spikes crocodile is still fighting, Demon Panda used beast claw but the silver spikes crocodile used its spikes to block the attack seeing that his attacks do not work, the Demon panda's right paw started glowing in black light it is as if black colored flame is burning, he punched the silver spiked crocodile's back which is filled with silver spikes, the silver spikes started to crack and after a few moments it got destroyed into little fragments, the silver spiked crocodile cried in pain and started to curl on the ground because of the pain from having its silver spikes destroyed, after destroying the silver spikes the Demon Panda punched it again in the head, ending its misery, after killing the silver spiked crocodile with its dark attribute skill shadow punch, it turned around and looked at Kali, its eyes that are filled with killing intent and madness started to turn back to the normal lazy and sleepy eyes, and the black colored glow on its clenched paw started to dim and eventually disappeared, it ran towards him cutely, Kali smiled and petted the Demon Panda that is hugging his leg.

" you did great " Kali praised the Demon Panda.

After successfully catching the silver spiked crocodile Kali decided to end the night and he started to meditate after feeding the Demon Panda and summoning it back to his beast ring, he then summoned black serpent to let it breath some fresh air and be on guard duty while he is meditating, black serpent who got summoned after a few days happily hissed at Kali.

" do you really hate the space in the beast ring that much? " Kali asked black serpent while putting it's head, it is now fully tested and recovered its strength to its peak.

Kali started his meditation after playing with black serpent.


" this place is really old, there are dust and web everywhere " young master Quinn complained while walking in an old corridor with a torch in his hand.

He is inside the ruins of an old castle, this old castle is used by an ancient beast contractor as his residence when he is about to die, so this place is full of his inheritance, rare materials or resources, there is also a possibility that there is a rare savage beast egg inside. Old ruins are treated as a treasure trove by the current beast contractors, that is why other than training and gaining experience, beast contractors go on an adventure to search for old ruins.


Morning came and Kali woke up early.

" come on black serpent, we have a long journey ahead of us " Kali said to black serpent.

They started travelling towards the tallest mountain in the gray steel mountains, on the way up they encounter a few savage beast and black serpent took care of them easily, black serpent's fighting style is different from the Demon Panda, the Demon Panda likes to fight head on and in close combat it fights violently and brutally. while the black serpent likes to fight efficiently he wants to end the fights quickly, with his fluid movements the black serpent fights elegantly, even Kali is amazed by how beautiful black serpent fights.

After travelling for two days Kali arrived at the peak of the tallest mountain in the gray steel mountains, there is a cave I front of him, cold wind blows on his face that came from the cave

" were here " Kali said as he grinned.

Kali came out from a small tunnel that is connected from the cave on top of the tallest mountain in the gray steel mountains. What welcomes him is a spacious stone room, the room is empty and dark, the stone room where Kali is, is a part of the old ruins that young master Quinn entered, he learned the existence of the ruins from the map his parents left him.

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