
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 25: Inside The Old Ruins

" I wonder how old these ruins are," he said while walking down the corridor, he is holding a torch to light up the surroundings, he saw a small light getting closer in front of him.

He entered the room and what welcomes him is what appeared to be a small library.

He excitedly scanned the shelves to look for books that may be of help to him, he skimmed through books after books, he was about to lose hope, because almost all the books he saw are about useless to him they are normal books that can be bought or borrowed in any city, but when he opened the black book without a name on it his eyes widened.

" a skill book! " Kali hurriedly open the pages of the book to confirm if it is a skill book while reading the contents of the book he slowly smiled.

" dominance reinforcement " the book is a skill book that teaches how to use dominance reinforcement, a beast contractor can use his dominance to strengthen a specific part of a savage beast or an item. Though it may sound useless to others, to Kali it is a great skill, not only it can strengthen a specific part of a savage beast by sixty percent it also uses up only a small portion of the beast contractors dominance since he will only strengthen a small part if Kali wants his demon panda's beast claw attack to break something hard like a steel door he can reinforce its claws to make sure it won't break and hurt his savage beast.

He decided to learn the skill on the spot since he doesn't know what dangers he will face inside this ruins, after a few hours he opened his eyes that is filled with joy and excitement because he successfully learned the dominance reinforcement, he stand up and store the skill book in his inventory box which he keeps on his waist.

Without a word, he left the library and head straight towards the only tunnel leading forward.

It took him a few hours before he arrived at a spacious hall it has a high ceiling, the ceiling is filled with paintings of a dark-colored turtle that has three heads and each head breathes three different elemental attacks, the one in the center breathes fire the one on the left breathes thunder and the one on the right breathes water.

" tri element turtle beast " Kali recognizes the painting In the ceiling as one of the rarest savage beasts it only appeared in ancient times and its last appearance was recorded one hundred and fifty years ago.

After eyeing the painting of the tri element turtle beast for a few minutes he roams his eyes across the whole hall and he saw four different passages in every direction of the room, the one behind him is the passage he came from which is also the south hallway There are three more hallways but he doesn't know which one to take.

" This is tricky " Kali can't decide which path to take, he summoned black serpent to make it sense the surroundings if it can feel anything coming from the hallways.

" hiss hiss hiss " black serpent hissed telling Kali that someone is coming from the north hallway and that the west hallway gives off an aura similar to the demon panda.

When he heard that there is another person inside the ruins other than him he is startled because he never thought that there is another person who knows the existence of this ruins. Though he is not scared of anyone who entered the beast realm, just to be safe he heads toward the west hallway and looked for a spot where he can hide but still see the inside of the hall.

A figure emerges from the north hallway and started to observe the surroundings.

" tri element turtle beast, the owner of this castle must have the tri element turtle beast as his main stage beast.

When Kali saw the person who came from the north hallway he is surprised because it is the young man who is with the young master he encountered at the transportation hub.

" he must be from a mid or first-grade power to be able to make young master Halle follow his orders.

He guessed the young man's identity, and decided not to mess with him, he is not scared of him but he is scared of the trouble that will come his way it will greatly affect his training if that happens so after a few more glances at the young man wearing full white clothes and he saw that it enter the east hallway he heaved a sigh of relief and also went on his way.

After walking for a few hours he arrives at the end of the west hallway, he enters a room filled with cabinets he inspected each cabinet and the items inside make him smile like an idiot though he is always calm and collected that is not the case this time, the cabinets are filled with attributed beast crystals, there are different cabinets filled with different attribute beast crystal and the other cabinets store rare herbs that can be used in concoction of rare medicines.

He cleaned up every drawer excitedly, after clearing the other cabinets he arrived at the center of the room there is a glass box, and inside is a pitch-dark stone that is the size of a fist, he first inspected the glass to see if it will trigger any trap if it is broken, when he confirmed that it is not a trap he breaks the glass and he picks up the stone after picking up the stone the room started to shake.

" shit the to e triggers the trap, not the glass " he realized his mistakes and put his guard up, and summoned the demon panda, the walls cave in and a square hole appears, Kali heard a mechanical sound coming from the holes then suddenly countless arrows rain on him from every direction. He opens his inventory box and takes his white umbrella, he opens it and uses it as a shield against the arrows, the demon panda uses its paws to deflect the arrows, after a few minutes of continuous rain of arrows it finally ceased, Kali and his demon panda lowered their hand the demon panda sat down because of exhaustion, Kali inspected his umbrella and saw that it is still in perfect condition.

" just as I thought, dominance reinforcement is not useless " he used dominance reinforcement to strengthen his umbrella so he can use it as a shield against the arrows.

After dealing with the arrows he checks the demon panda's condition, it received a few scratches from the arrows but the wounds are not that deep and they won't affect the demon panda's movement and strength, he treated the demon panda's injuries, after doing all those things he opens the door that appeared after the rain of arrows ended.


The door made creaking sounds when Kali opened it, what welcomed him behind the door is an empty room but when he stepped inside he felt different, it is as if he is brimming with energy and strength.

" What is this place? " while Kali is inspecting the room, his demon panda walks around the room for a few minutes before it found a place to sleep, it fell asleep instantly as if it is in its room.

Kali observe the sleeping demon panda and he got surprised by his finding the demon panda's wounds started to recover and it is visible to the naked eye, the wounds started to close up as if nothing happened.

Because of his discovery, an idea came into his head, he sat down and started to meditate.

" just as I thought, this room not just increases recovery speed, it also increases the speed of one's meditation " after verifying his thought he continue to meditate, hours passed and he suddenly opened his eyes.

" apprentice stage level four! " his level increased just by meditating in this room for a few hours, he got excited about the fact that his level rose just after a few hours of meditating if he can increase his level in a few hours what more if he meditated for a few days or weeks or months.


On the west room.

" so this is the baleful ice stone," said young master Quinn while holding a transparent fist-size stone that releases a chilling aura.

" I should go check the other rooms if there are any resource in them that has the same value as this baleful ice stone " he out the baleful ice stone and walked out the west room, he didn't trigger any traps because the northern palace gave him instructions on how to take the stone safely.

He walked for a few hours before he arrived at the hall where the ceiling is painted with the tri element turtle beast, he directly heads towards the south room where Kali first arrived, he entered the room and saw countless books he got excited because he thought they are rare books but after scanning the books he realizes that the books are just common books that even beggars could have access to.

" What a trashy library, no wonder the owner of this castle is a nameless beast contractor, the only valuable thing he has is the baleful ice stone " he left the southern room and decided to head to the western room since it is the last secret room of this old castle.

" eh someone was here " he saw thousands of arrows on the floor and the glass ox at the center is broken meaning someone had already taken the resources here, he inspected the room he picked up an arrow and noticed that the arrow is cut in half but the cut marks look new.

" There is someone here other than me, those stupid low-grade plebeians," said the young master Quinn.


Kali who is inside the secret training room sensed the presence of young master Quinn outside, he didn't do anything instead he continues to meditate in peace, young master Quinn won't be able to find him because the entrance to the training room disappeared when he entered the room.

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