
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 23: Demon Panda

The savage beast behind the bamboos greatly shocked Kali, he didn't approach it carelessly, he slowly draw near the savage beast he already has a rough idea about what kind of savage beast is it but he wants to take a closer look and inspect it to determine its species.

Demon Panda - beast type - Panda race - dark attribute.

Skills: beast claw, stomp, close combat, dark strike, shadow punch.

- savage beasts with mild nature but once provoked they will turn into ruthless killer and will not stop until they are satisfied, they are called melee specialists since they have great close combat capabilities, because of their skill called close combat.

" an apprentice stage Demon Panda!, it is young too " when Kali saw the Demon Panda he decided that it will be his second savage beast.

Though it is still young it is already at apprentice stage, its stage is just one of the reasons why Kali decided to tame the Demon Panda the second d is that it is a savage beast that is good at close combat and has great defense and speed because of its attribute, Kali's weakness right now is his lack of killing move, his black serpent although strong still lacks the variety of attacks and most of the time that it kills and opponent it rely on its poison, but with the Demon Panda almost every skill it has is offensive skills, it will greatly increase Kali's strength and cover his weakness.

" are you the reason why the shadow Alpha wolf is holding back his attacks " Kali said curiously to the Demon Panda but it just looked at him with innocent and curious eyes.

He inspected the Demon Panda and his discovery startled him, the Demon panda's dark attribute is so pure that it even exceed black serpent's dark attribute when it comes to purity even after all the dark beast crystals it consumed.

" the shadow Alpha wolf must have used his own dark attribute to purify your dark attribute, but why? "

Kali pet the Demon Panda and it didn't seem scared and apprehensive when Kali approach it, it is because they have mild nature.

" well the shadow Alpha wolf is dead now so there is no point thinking about it "

After petting the Demon panda's head he put his two fingers on its forehead and poured his dominance on its mind to make a connection.

The Demon Panda trembled because it was surprised of Kali's actions but it calmed down after a few seconds when it determined that Kali means no harm, after a few seconds the Demon Panda glowed a white light, meaning it's mind is now connected to Kali's through dominance and it is successfully tamed.

" you are now my second savage beast, I will make you the strongest Demon Panda "

The Demon Panda made a few cute noises before it hugged Kali's leg, Kali petted its head and summoned it inside his beast ring. Kali watched the Demon panda's reaction towards the beast ring space through his dominance, it was curious and cautious at first but when it realized that there is nothing wrong, it started sleeping, its actions made Kai smile which is a rare occurrence.

After checking the Demon Panda he started picking up the herbs and plants that can be used as food for his savage beast, especially the Jade bamboos that the Demon Panda loves.

Kali cleaned the whole cave of its resources and left as if nothing happened inside.

Kali is walking while looking at his map, and according to his map he is now near the border between the shadow woods and gray steel mountains.

Gray steel mountains is another unique region in the beast realm, it consist of tens of small mountain and is filled with steel attribute savage beasts. Since it is near them Kali decided to head towards the gray steel mountains, and try his luck if there are rare resources or savage beast that he can catch, he wants to catch a rare savage beast to sell or auction of because he needs the money to strengthen his savage beasts, he still have his beginner beast ring and it can be used to store an untamed savage beast as long as it is willing.

Although they are already near the border of the shadow woods and gray steel mountains it will still take him two weeks to reach the foot of the nearest mountain.

" let's go " Kali said to black serpent.

While travelling they encounter a few savage beast but Kali didn't make black serpent fight instead he summoned his Demon Panda to fight, he wants to train his Demon Panda while travelling, to make it gain fighting experience.

" Panda use melee combat " the Demon Panda dash towards the Swift tail monkey, the Swift tail monkey is incredibly fast and has a long whip like tail, when the panda entered its attacking range it started bombarding the Swift tail monkey with punches and kicks.

" now use beast claw "

The Demon Panda used beast claw and hit the Swift tail monkey's chest, creating a bloody wound, blood started gushing out, and the Swift tail monkey slowly fell and died.

" good job" Kali said while petting the demon Panda, it seem like it really loves being petted on its head, maybe because it is still young that is why.

He crouched down and took the Swift tail monkey's wind beast crystal.

After taking g care of the swift tail monkey the three of them continued their journey towards the gray steel mountains.


It's already night time and Kali summoned his savage beasts back to his beast ring after feeding and giving them beast crystals to absorb.

Kali is sitting in top of thick tree branch, he cannot find any cave nearby so he decided to spend the night on top of a tree, he is looking at the silver dagger in his hands that his parents left him.

" I'm still too weak once I have enough strength I will look for the people behind my parents death "

He put the silver dagger back to his inventory box and took out the evolution paths book. He flipped through the pages and stopped ta the information about the wind Swallowing Serpent.

" should I choose the wind Swallowing Serpent as black serpent's first evolution? " Kali asked himself.

Though not certain he really wants to try and evolve his black serpent into the legendary Moon Devouring serpent one day and the evolution of wind Swallowing serpent is the closest evolution to it.

He stared at the book for a few seconds before putting it back inside the inventory box.

He crossed his legs and started meditating, meditation every night has been his habit, he cannot sleep if he didn't meditate but because of this habit he is now close to advancing one level in the apprentice stage.


In a different part of the beast realm.

" Young master Quinn we are just a few kilometers away from the core of the beast realm " young master Halle said while riding a wind riding colt.

" great the faster I get there the better, make sure you guys to not let anyone enter the core of the beast realm while I'm still inside, if you did a good job I will reward you handsomely "

Young master Quinn said while riding a tiger savage beast.

" we will do our best to assist young master " said by young master Halle.

" we will do our best " the other young masters said in unison.

And they continue their travel towards the core of the beast realm.

' this beast realm is really lame there is not a single savage beast that suits my taste ' said young master Quinn in his mind. At a young age he is exposed to strong and rare savage beast because of his background and because of that his standards when it comes to his own savage beast is high, they must be rare and has a great potential, just like the white tiger savage beast he is riding.

Tundra tiger beast - beast type - tiger race - ice attribute.

"This young master Quinn is really arrogant he just treat us as if we are his followers" one of the young master whispered at the blonde young master ears while they are travelling.

" even if we don't like it we cannot do anything about it, just suck it up for, after the beast realm closes he will return to the northern territories anyway " said by the blonde youth.

" but still " the young master was about it say something.

" we cannot fight him head on, just focus on getting stronger, after five years there will be a new comer competition for new beast contractors to show off their strength, if you performed well you might receive a unique title, and if you defeated a young master from a first grade family and the six great powers, that will alleviate you and your family's status " young master Halle said to the other young masters.


It is the dawn of the day and Kali woke up to continue in his journey to the gray steel mountains. He summoned his Demon Panda to accompany him in his travel and also to train it along the way, and he let black serpent stay inside the beast ring to rest and also because although he can now have two savage beast he can only summon one at a time because of his dominance. Once he became a master beast contractor he will be able to summon two savage beasts at the same time and use them in battle.

" let's go Panda " Kali ran off and the Demon Panda chase after him not wanting be left, it will also act as speed and stamina training for Kali and Demon Panda.

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