
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 20: Entering The Beast Realm

Today is the day the beast realm opens so the whole city is getting busy, best contractors are making last minute preparations, the shops are bustling with business, the taverns and restaurants are stuffed with people. The city square is filled with beast contractors looking for teammates.

The beast realm is West outside the city so Kali decide to go there early so he can enter earlier, when he arrived there are already dozens of beast contractors waiting for the beast realm to open, no one even gave him any attention, they are all busy doing their own things, Kali looked around and saw a massive stone door it is the entrance to the beast realm, when the door opens a portal will appear and those who walk towards it will be sent to the beast realm, but the entrance will only be open for three months, if they didn't leave the beast realm in three months they will be trapped inside for five years, and this specific beast realm can only be entered by apprentice stage and below beast contractors those above apprentice stage will be rejected, even if they walk towards the gate they will be sent out immediately. The beast realms are created by the first beast contractors, they made beast realm in order to make sure that the number of savage beasts will not decrease when the number of beast contractors increase and also to prevent the savage beast inside the beast realms to make trouble for the humans. He looked for a place to wait, he saw a tree nearby and he sat down and opened his umbrella because the rays of the morning sun is shining directly at his face.

A few hours later the front of the entrance to he beast realm is already filled with people who wants to enter the beast realm, when five figures slowly appeared in the sky, they are all riding a flying type savage beast, the o e in the middle is an old man riding a thunder crow, while the rest of his companions are riding a cloud owl.

He stood up with holding the umbrella in his hand, he looked up and stared at the five figures.

" the one in the middle is at least at grandmaster stage while the rest is at master stage " he assessed the strength of the five beast contractors in the sky.

" we greet the city Lord " said the beast contractors that are residents of Fambre City to the old man.

It turns out that the old man is the city Lord, the city Lord signaled to his to be at ease.

* cough cough *

" today is he day that the Fambre City beast realm opens, I would like to say good luck to everyone and thank you for traveling for miles just to enter our humble beast realm"

He said those words with out shouting but it was heard by everyone, the city Lord used his dominance while speaking to amplify his voice.

" I would also like to thank Quinn family's second young master for coming all the way from the northern territory just to visit the beast realm in my humble city " said he city Lord to the white clothed young man surrounded by youths from different low grade noble family.

Kali looked over their direction and saw a familiar face.

" so he's from a noble family, no wonder he's so overbearing " Kali whispered when he saw young master Halle whom he encountered at the transportation hub.

After the city Lord finished his speech, rumbling sound filled the area, it was like to boulders crashing against each other, they all looked over the direction of the noise, they SW the large stone door slowly opening.

Their eyes filled with excitement because most of them are young beast contractors and it is their first time entering a beast realm.

When the stone door completely opened the entrance was flooded with people, they ran towards the entrance, they want to enter first because they thought that they can get all the good stuff if they got in earlier, but the true danger of the beast realm is just about to happen.

Kali calmly wait for his turn to enter he didn't run, he just walked in a pace that is not fast but not slow, he walked with no sound and there is no wasted actions when he moves. Young master Quinn caught Kali's figure in his peripheral vision, this caught the young master's attention, he stared at Kali for a few seconds, Kali who is walking calmly with his umbrella felt something weird so he looked over where young master Quinn is and their eyes met, young master Quinn bowed slightly as a form of greeting and Kali did the same.

" interesting " young master Quinn said before he turned his head and walked towards the entrance.

Young master Halle heard young master Quinn's words.

" is there something wrong young master? " he asked young master Quinn.

" its nothing don't mind me" said young master Quinn.

Young master Halle looked over where young master Quinn was looking earlier and he saw Kali, his eyes widened then his mouth grinned maliciously.

" you really are gonna enter the beast realm "


Inside the beast realm.

Kali was sent to a random location there is no one near him, he already know about this from the map his parents made, when you enter a beast realm you will be sent randomly inside, there are time s that people are sent in a dangerous place leading to their death.

Kali observed his surroundings to check if there is something wrong around him, when he confirmed that there is nothing he he started to walked around, the beast realm is beautiful, there are a lot of trees, plants and flowers growing around there are small animals and savage beast roaming around and the clear blue sky is filled with flying Savage beasts

" this place is wonderful, it is like a paradise "

When Kali finished saying those words he heard a rumbling sound behind him, he turn around and summoned black serpent, the bush shake and a wolf savage beast appeared.

Apprentice stage - Shadow wolf - beast type - wolf race - dark attribute.

Skills: dark strike, ambush, shadow claw, tail whip.

- they are adept ambushing preys but their strength in a head in battle is not weak.

" though this place is beautiful it sure is dangerous "

Kali commanded black serpent to fight the shadow wolf, they both have dark attribute that is why the snake had a hard time dealing with it

The wolf moves in an unpredictable manner making it hard for black snake to land a hit and it was hurt instead.

" dominance armor " Kali used dominance armor on black serpent's body, when it realize that his defense increased black serpent attacked without dodging or blocking, it is the only way to kill the shadow wolf, after a few exchange of skills and attacks the shadow wolf fell down, Kali opened up its chest and took out a dark colored crystal.

" dark attribute beast crystal " Kali said excitedly, this can help black serpent increase the strength of his dark attribute.

They rested for a few minutes to replenish his dominance but a few minutes won't make him fully recover, but he has no choice since he has to look for a place to use as a shelter for three months.

Inside a small cave.

Kali and black serpent found a small cave near a lake, the entrance can only fit one person and inside is not that deep, it obviously an abandoned savage beast habitat, he decided that this cave will be his residence for three months inside the beast realm, after looking for a shelter he didn't leave the cave, instead he stayed and took the map from his inventory box, he is trying to locate his position in the map so he can plan where he will go for his adventure inside the beast realm, the map I his hands also has information about what kind of savage beasts live in every region, when he found his location on the map, he saw the information about what kind of savage beasts live around, he saw that this region has a lot of dark attribute savage beast like the shadow wolf he encountered earlier, there are also dark stinger bees, shadow claw bears, black horn bulls, and other dark attribute savage beast but it didn't attracted Kali's attention although one of the main reasons he went here is to tame a new savage beast this savage beast are quite normal, and Kali's standard is quite high and his preferences are quite different than others that is why he has a black scale corrosive serpent as his first savage beast.

Instead of taming one of these savage beasts, what Kali had in mind is to hunt this dark attribute savage beasts and collect their dark beast crystals, after determining what he is going to do tomorrow he decided to use the remaining time of the day to meditate.