
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 19: Young Master Quinn

There's only two days left before the beast realm opens and Kali still haven't made a decision, some Beast Contractors easily made this kind of decision but it was different for Kali his goal is not limited to emperor stage beast contractor but to reach a higher stage than that, that is why black serpent's evolution can't be taken lightly. He w is on his way to the city library again, on his way he was thinking about his and black serpent's weaknesses, and one thing stood out, it was the lack of offensive capabilities especially in head on combat, because of snake race savage beasts' body their attacking patterns and skills are limited, they can only use they tail body and fangs their attacks are simple and cannot make a critical damage, unlike beast type savage beast were they can use their claws, tail, and fangs, they also have attributes that contribute to the strength and effects of their attacks. He returned to the library and look up the information about the Abyss poison serpent and wind swallowing serpent, to determine their attacking capabilities since it is Kali's greatest weakness the lack of a killing move, he cannot rely on black serpent's poison forever because once savage beasts reach higher stages the advantage of poisons will start to decrease, unless he decide to specialize in poisons, but Kali has no intention to specialize in a specific type or attribute savage beast.

He reached the library and started looking for the information about the two possible evolution path for black serpent.

Abyss poison serpent - reptile type - snake race - poison attribute.

Wind swallowing serpent - reptile type - snake race - dark attribute.

He received a poison gland from elder Barri which can be used to make black serpent take the Abyss poison evolution path, but Kali is still reluctant, to use it on black serpent.

He continued read books about serpents. The evolution path of Abyss Poison Serpents are mid sized savage beast they can only grow up to twenty meters in length. Wind Swallowing Serpent evolution path is collosal sized savage beasts they can grow up to more than fifty meters and it is even possible for them to reach a hundred meters in length, but there are no further records in this evolution path that reach the king stage and emperor stage that is why it is only a possibility, but to Kali a possibility is enough, if it will make black serpent stronger.

" why is it so hard to decide " Kali is having a head time making a decision about black serpent's evolution.

He continued to read the books and he will spend the whole day again inside the library.


" welcome young master Halle " a young and beautiful girl welcomed the young man that Kali met on the transportation hub.

He was the young master of the low grade noble family, the Halle Family, he came to Fambre City to enter the beast realm and polish his skills as a beast contractor.

He entered the restaurant and saw that there are already five young people sitting in a huge round table.

" I am sorry for being late, there are things that I have to took care of along the way" said young master Halle.

" hahahahahahaha it's fine young master Quinn still haven't arrived yet" a carefree blonde haired teen said to young master Halle.

When he finished saying those words, the door opened and a dark haired youth with a sharp and handsome looks entered the restaurant he was wearing silver white clothes, he went to where the rest of the young masters are sitting and sat on an empty seat.

The other young master stood up then bowed showing their respect to young master Quinn.

He was the second young master of House Quinn a first grade noble family that held a great deal of power and authority, they are one of the families that holds high positions in the northern palace, the reason he was here is because he was sent on a mission inside the beast realm.

" sit down,let us deal with the important matters first" said the aloof young master.

" young master Quinn why did you call us out, is there something you need help with?" Asked by one of the young masters invited by young master Quinn.

When they received his invitation they were excited but they know that a first grade family young master won't invite them out of kindness and to make because of the difference in their status.

" there is indeed something that I need your help with" said young master Quinn.

"Tell us we will help you if it is something within our power and ability" said young master Halle, he was trying to suck up to young master Quinn.

" I intend to enter the beast realm two days from now, and I need your help to not let people enter the core area of the realm " said the young master Quinn.

" why do you need to close off the core area of the beast realm?" Asked by the blonde youth.

" there is something important that I need to do and I don't what people to disturb me" young master Quinn didn't disclosed any important information, he just made a simple excuse.

The young masters from low grade families nodded their heads, saying that they understand what young master Quinn was saying.

" though we can close off the core area with our strength, I am afraid it will make other dissatisfied, because the beast realm here doesn't have an owner and is open to the public and they treat is as a great opportunity to increase their strength so if we restricted them from entering the core area hey might get mad" said young master Halle.

" it is fine I don't intend to close it off for the whole three months, I just need to be alone for a few days, one week is the maximum time I will spent there" young master Quinn answered as if he already predicted this kind of question.

" since that is the case I agree to help young master Quinn " said young master Halle.

The other young master also agreed to help young master Quinn.

After their meeting they had a small banquet and spent the rest of the day talking.


" I hate hanging around with low grade plebeians, why do they have to send me here, they can send other young member from the northern palace" young master Quinn complained to his Butler.

" it can't be helped master, this mission is very important for the palace, they can only send people that they can completely trust" the Butler answered calmly.


Kali inside his room, he was reading a book but it is not about savage beasts, it was the book he got from the competition, the skill book: dominance armor, he was studying this book since he left the village and he was about to learn how to use the skill, his eyes were closed the whole time but it suddenly opened and a transparent armor appeared on his body.

" dominance armor!" Kali looked at himself and nodded in satisfaction, this skill can increase his defense by thirty percent, it is one of the decent low grade skill out there, it can also be used on savage beasts but it expends thirty percent of Kali's dominance every time he use it so he can only use it two times a day the rest of his dominance will be used to summon his savage beast, though it has limited uses it can still increase his survival rate by a grate margin.

After learning dominance armor he open the map and chose the path he will take inside the beast realm.

Kali is meditating after doing his preparation to enter the beast realm, he reached level two apprentice before the competition, and now he was about to break through to level three, black serpent who is sleeping on the floor still haven't shown any signs of advancing a level.

The matter about black serpent's evolution is still haven't been settled, he still cannot choose which evolution path to take after all the researching, so he decided to make a decision after he came back from the beast realm.


Inside a room there are six people sitting around a small table while drinking tea.

" young master Halle, is it really okay to help young master Quinn, I mean inside the core area must be a great treasure " said one of the young masters who attended the meeting earlier.

"Even if there is a great treasure there do you think we can afford to make enemies with him, his Butler alone can annihilate us all using just one savage beast" young master Halle revealed.

" only apprentice stage can enter the beast realm even if he is strong he can only wait outside, and no one will know what happened inside the realm" said by another young master.

" are you stupid, if young master Quinn didn't exit the beast realm, they will investigate this matter and will find out about what we did, after that we will be killed not only us even our whole family might be exterminated " said by the blonde youth.

The one who was called stupid has a sour look on his face, he didn't like being called stupid.

" there is nothing for us to do other than to help young master Quinn, if he succeeded we might get some benefits" said by young master Halle.

The night of the young masters went smoothly.

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