
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 21: Leader Of The Wolf Pack

" black serpent kill it " Kali ordered black serpent

He opened the shadow Wolf's chest and took its dark beast crystal.

" let's go east this time we already killed a lot of shadow wolf here " he and his savage beast walked towards East to look for dark attribute savage beasts and harvest their dark attribute beast crystals.

Whey they reached the eastern part of the beast realm they encountered a few dark attribute savage beasts like the dark stinger bees and black claw bears but they are all at the apprentice stage and black serpent took care of them easily, and their dark beast crystals was added to Kali's harvest.

In front of Kali and black serpent are huge talk trees with black leaves, it is the shadow woods a forest on he Eastern part of the beast realm, Kali want to enter the shadow woods because it is the place where most dark attribute savage beasts live because the dark and cold nature here helps them get stronger and it gives them an advantage if someone entered this woods, because they can use the environment and their attribute to ambush them. Kali is aware of the dangers of the shadow woods but despite that he is determined to enter.

Kali looked around because inside the woods was like a different world it is as if he was not inside the beast realm but inside the world of shadows, the place is dark and it limits his vision making his other senses more active, but his vision being affected made him more cautious than ever, since his eyes next to useless he closed it and focus on the sounds around him, though aware of the danger he still braved the shadow woods because black serpent who is also a dark attribute savage beast that has the ability to see in the dark as if it was day.

Kali turned around in a flash when he heard a sound coming from a bush behind him, he and black serpent retreated to make a distance between them and the bush, after successfully retreating a black claw bear appeared it has a dark colored fur and it's claws are longer than normal bear savage beasts, everything happened in a flash, after the black claw bear appeared it d immediately dashed towards black serpent.

" dominance armor " Kali used a skill on black serpent to increase its defense.

The black claw bear's attacks is dodged by black serpent but it cannot find a chance to counter attack, the bear didn't cease its attacks even though it doesn't hit black serpent, as the fight drag on the bear started to get irritated, the black serpent's consistent dodging is getting very annoying in the eyes of the black claw bear, because of irritation its attack started to get sloppy, when black serpent saw the bear's attacks getting sloppier it didn't waste anytime and made a counter attack, it turned into a dark streak of shadow and bit the bear's neck before using constrict, the black claw bear struggled but it just made it lose strength quickly, after a few seconds its eyes lost its light and it's hands fell and stopped struggling, when the black claw bear died Kali immediately opened its chest and took the beast crystal and also the long black claws.

They continue to travel the shadow woods in hopes to kill more dark attribute savage beasts and find a rare material or resource, while traveling the woods they encounter another batch of dark stinger bees but it was easily disposed of by black serpent.

Kali and black serpent found a nearby cave, after making sure that it is empty they use it as a shelter he started to recover his strength, while he feed black serpent some dark attribute beast crystals.

Kali who was sitting still is on meditative state he's been like this for a few hours now, inside shadow woods night and day can't be determined because it is dark here all year round.

" awooooooooo! " Kali and black serpent opened their eyes when they heard the loud howl coming from the deepest part of the woods.

" that must be the shadow alpha wolf, based from the stages and levels of savage beasts here in the shadow woods, the alpha wolf is probably at master stage but stronger than the blood horn rhinoceros " Kali analyzed the Shadow Alpha Wolf's strength based on the savage beasts around him, if the savage beasts that he encountered here has a mix of master stage savage beasts Kali won't even enter this forest because that will make the shadow Alpha wolf who is the monarch of this shadow woods a pseudo grandmaster or a grandmaster stage savage beast.

" it seems like the shadow Alpha wolf has noticed our presence " Kali said while stroking black serpent's head, and a grin appears on his lips, Kali loves fighting stronger savage beasts because it makes black serpent's strength grow faster.

* hiss hiss hiss * black serpent hissed at Kali's words.

" let's continue on our way, there is a shadow Alpha wolf waiting for us " Kali said.

They continue on their journey along the way Kali saw a few dark attribute herbs, they are herbs and plants that absorb the dark energy from the surroundings for a long time making them a great ingredient for concocting dark attribute medicines and pills.

" shit why did we enter this place,it is scary and dark"

" it is scary because it's dark you idiot "

" let's get out of here, did you here the howl earlier we will definitely due here " said by the only girl on their group, they are a group of three people trying to test their luck here in shadow woods, based from their clothes they are from the same family, that came here to train.

When Kali heard their voices from a far he already hid in a nearby tree, he's watching them closely because they might enemies, because of Kali's cautious nature he won't approach them if not needed, the three youth looks about 18 years old and above they are five years older than Kali who just turned 13 this year, but they only have the similar strength as Kali it shows that they only have average potential and strength, assessing their strength Kali heaved a sigh of relief because even if they turn out to be enemies he can still fight them in a three versus one and escape unscathed.

While three is traveling with Kali following them from behind a swarm of dark stinger bees attack them, when they sensed the presence of the bees they ordered their savage beast to fight the bees.

" Gale wolf go! "

" flame tusk boar go "

" vine devil use your vibe to restrict their movements "

The three and the dark stinger bees starts fighting, the only girl on the group has a vine devil savage beast she uses its vines to catch the bees and restricting their movements the other two with her use their savage beast to land the killing blow on the restricted bees, their fight lasts for five minutes before the last dark stinger bee is killed by the flame tusk boar.

" whooo its now over "

" hahahahahahaha see we can survive in this forest as long as we work together "

" that was dangerous you idiots " said the girl.

They were all sitting on the ground because of the tiredness from the fight, although the fight only lasted for a few minutes it exhausted their dominance since they also use a few low grade skills during the fight.

" although they are weak they have great teamwork " Kali whispered after watching the fight.

While observing the three that is still sitting on the ground resting, Kali's eyes squinted and stared behind the three people, he saw a blood red eye slowly approving the three without them knowing.

" behind you! " Kali shouted.

The three are surprised because of Kali's shout and because Kali just popped out of nowhere, after being surprised they immediately look behind them and saw a pair of blood red eyes staring and getting closer at them slowly.

They order their savage beast to get ready to fight, but it didn't move an inch when they look at their savage beast they were trembling in fear, it is because of the shadow Alpha wolf's skill called intimidate which they use on other shadow wolf to submit to them and accept them as the leader of the pack, a shadow Alpha wolf is born out of its kin's recognition and worship not because of a certain material or resource, and there is no other way to evolve a shadow wolf into a shadow Alpha wolf either.

Kali already knows the identity of the savage beast with the blood red eye the moment Kali sensed its presence.

" step back " Kali said to the three as he appeared in front of them with black serpent

The three youth are shocked because of Kali's actions, it is clear that he is younger than them but he dares to fight the shadow Alpha wolf head on and his savage beast appeared not scared at all in fact it's eyes are also filled with battle intent just like Kali.

" are you gonna be okay " the girl asked Kali.

" no need to worry, just stay back and do not get dragged into the fight "

The three immediately retreated far away from Kali and the shadow Alpha wolf, they are both staring at each other with out even moving an inch, although black serpent and Kali is only at apprentice stage the shadow Alpha wolf didn't dare take them lightly because his intimidate do not work on them.

Sorry about the delayed update guys, i was having a hard time turning my idea into words.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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