
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 2: The Announcement

When the village chief appeared on the small platform in front of every villager, everyone stopped talking they looked in front and pay their respect to the village chief, everyone bowed including kali.

"Ehem, ehem" said the village chief before he put his right hand up signaling for everyone to be at ease, and everyone went back to their original position.

"I summoned you all here today to make an announcement, yesterday me and the elders went on a meeting to discuss about upcoming beast contractor ceremony" said the village chief.

The beast contractor ceremony is held for the young generation who reached the beginner level 3 to undergo a test of survival in the wild and tame their first savage beast, it is an important ceremony that marks the start of the young generation's journey as a beast contractor.

After the chief's announcement the villagers started discussions amongst themselves, some were disappointed because their children are still far away from reaching the third level of beginner stage while those whose child are already at the third stage of beginner level are ecstatic and started to brag.

"My son is already a beginner level 3, he will definitely become a great beast contractor"

"My son is only at level 2 he still needs more time to reach level three"

"My daughter is at the bottleneck of level 3 and can be at level 4 anytime hahahaha" said the middle age man who is wearing a guards uniform and has a great build, he is the guard captain of the village, his daughter is named Celia and is 14 years old 2 years older than Kali, she reached beginner level 3 at 12.

While everyone was talking to themselves the village chief continue on his announcement.

"The ceremony will be one week from now, those who are qualified shall gather here at the square early in the morning, I will personally guide you towards crimson leaf forest" after the village chief said that he left the platform and the villagers continued on their  discussion about the ceremony.

Kali clutched his fists and said to himself 

"I will reached beginner level 3 in five days and join the ceremony and become an official beast contractor"

He left the square and went to his house to continue his training.


In the office of the village chief he was in a meeting with the guard captains.

"Everyone the ceremony will be held one week from now I want you to lead your teams to clear out the strong savage beast on crimson leaf forest, and during the ceremony I want you all to  hide in the shadows and watch the safety of the kids"

"Yes chief!" Said the guard captains at the same time acknowledging the village chief's order.

"That would be all, now go on your way" said the village chief then one by one the guards left the office.


Everyone kid is doing some training in preparation for the upcoming ceremony, there are those who are trying to increase their level and reach level three to be able to participate.


Kali just finished his training and he decided to spend the rest of the afternoon in the village library and read books about savage beast.

"Red furred monkey- beast type- monkey race - no attribute.

Skills: beast claw, tail whip, bite.

-These are savage beasts that have a similar features to a normal monkey,but it's difference is that it has red fur and long claws that they use to attack, they also have great speed and agility which makes them great fighters"

Kali read the information about red furred monkey.

"Though it has great speed,agility,  and an overall great fighter the lack of attribute makes it disappointing" said Kali as he flipped to another page.

"Rock tortoise-reptile type-rock attribute- turtle race- rock attribute.

Skills: earth spike,earth wall, shell hide

-It has great defense and strong offensive earth attribute skill, but has slow movement and agility.

Kali spent the whole afternoon reading about savage beasts.