
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

In this world humans live with magical creatures that roams the continents, conquered the forests the mountains and the seas making living hard for humans, so the leaders of tribes gathered their strong hunters to embark on a journey to the depths the these creatures territory, but none of them returned. 

As time went by humans are still oppressed by these creatures until one teenage hunter encountered a weak and injured small lion  like creature but it's mane is made of burning flames, he decided to take the half dead flaming lion and took care of it, as time went by it grew close to him and helped him in his hunting, he feeds it and teach it how to hunt, when other hunters found out about the existence of the flaming lion at first they were scared but eventually they started to lower their guard down and an idea came across their mind " why not we tame these beasts and use it as companions to hunt and fight against other beast who destroyed tribes and villages" from then on they started to look for young beasts to train and fight against other beasts to reclaim more fertile lands and territory. 

 As time went by people began researching about these beasts behaviors, strength, abilities, and they look for a way to tame them to have a stronger control over them and they eventually invented "dominance" the stronger ones dominance they can tame more beast and stronger beast. From then on other than hunters another profession is born the

 "Beast Contractors".

After reading the last word Kali closed the book and said

"I will become a beast contractor, then leave this village and roam the whole world while fighting strong opponents and taming great savage beasts"

As Kali was saying those words to himself his eyes are burning with conviction meaning every word he said.

He was reading the history of the continent, he put it down on the table, he turn around and looked at the window and saw the sun and the sky where birds are flying, he then reached out his arms and his hands facing the sun as he clenched his fists making a grabbing motion.


While walking on the streets something caught his attention, it was a dagger with a black blade and black handle even its scabbard is black, Kali walk up to the middle aged man who is selling the dagger.

"How much for the dagger?"

"Two silver coins" said the middle aged man

Kali's mouth twitch because of the price, he only has five silvers on him.

Even though his heart hurt he still bought the dagger for two silvers.

Two silvers is equivalent to one week of food, still Kali felt good about his purchase.

 When the sun is about to set Kali started walking towards his house, while walking around he saw kids walking in front of him also heading to their home, when he reached his house it's already dark. He eat a simple dinner and head to his room, he was an orphan who lives in a small village called Bastra, the villagers chief is the one who acts as Kali's guardian he's also the one who named Kali, Kali has no idea who his parents was even the village chief is ignorant of their identity, growing up alone Kali became distant with other people he never played with kids of his age he just spends his time reading books about the continents history and savage beasts.

 When he reached his room he sat down on his bed and started to meditate, he was meditating to improve his dominance, he meditated until midnight. 

" I still need 5 more days before I reach beginner beast contractor level 3" said Kali as he open his eyes. He then lie on his bed and went to sleep.


When the sun rose up Kali also woke up and started preparing to do some body training, although being a beast contractor rely on strong dominance, one still need a strong body to survive in the wild, as beast contractors mostly spend their days on the wild to train, look for resources, or tame savage beasts.

While Kali was doing his training and exercise he heard the sound of a bell.

" beng, beng,beng"

Three bells means the villagers are being summoned, so he stopped his training and proceeded to the village square where a lot of people are already gathered, he looked around for a few seconds before finding an open space and sat down and closed his eyes, a few moments later the village chief appeared on the small platform in front of everyone.