
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 18: Departure

Kali was outside the gate of the village he was looking at the place where he grew up, memories of his childhood filled his mind as he stared at the entrance of the village, though he lives alone and unfriendly he still made some good memories. He turn around and was about to leave.

" you're leaving without even saying goodbye"

It was the village chief.

Kali stopped and looked over where the voice came from.

" I already told you that I will leave this place, saying goodbye is unnecessary "

" well I cannot argue with that, you are already strong and you don't have any deep connection to this place" said the village chief

" though my parents are not a citizen of this village, this place is where I grew up , this is my home, I will definitely one back, when time permits, goodbye village chief, thank you for all your help all these years" Kali didn't even look at the village chief when he said these words.

After he finished talking with the village chief, he left leaving the village chief who is still staring at his figure.

" this village will wait for you" the village chief smiled and left returning to his office.


Kali has been traveling by foot for five days now and he finally reached a transport hub, this place let others rent their savage beast to be used for transportation, there are different types of savage beast that can be rented but their price is different, the faster ones are more expensive but the slower ones are cheaper, Kali wants to reach the closest city as soon as possible that is why he intends to rent an expensive savage beast.

" I would like to rent the wind riding colt " Kali said to the old man who manages the transportation hub while handing over hundred pieces of gold coins.

" give your fastest savage beast " an arrogant and loud voice can be heard, behind Kali was a good looking man walking with his Butler, he was wearing a blue clothes and a black long coat, his hands are on his coat pocket.

" we only have one wind riding colt left, and this young man right here already paid so we can't give it to you" said the old man

The face of the good looking young man darkened.

" I don't care if he paid first, I can pay you more" said the young man.

" but our rule is first come first serve, we can't change our rule, over a few pieces of gold coins"

" old man where is the wind riding colt, I would like to leave now " Kali said to the old man without even caring about the young man and his Butler.

" hey kid I will give you back your gold coins, just give this wind riding colt to my master" said the Butler arrogantly.

" I will give you one hundred gold coins just don't bother me how is that?" Kali said to the Butler.

Kali's words made the Butler angry, his faced turned ugly.

Kali was about to walk towards the wind riding colt.

" wait! You really won't give me this wind riding colt? " the young man asked.

" why would I, I rented it first, and I need to get going now so goodbye" Kali said to the young man.

The young man cannot make a scene because this place is owned by a neutral faction, if he caused a scene here, no matter what his background and status is he won't escape punishment.

" wish that I don't see you again or I'll skin you alive you stinky brat " the good looking young man, said to Kali who doesn't even care about his existence.


Kali was traveling towards Fambre city, a low grade city, this is Kali's first stop, there is a beast low grade beast realm in this city that only opens every five years, making the resources, materials and savage beast in this beast realm grow without being disturbed by humans, since the beast realm in Fambre city only opens every five years and lasts for only three months, people treat this as a city festival, people from nearby villages and city will gather here to try their luck, if they obtain an rare materials or resources they can sell it ,or if their manage to catch a rare savage beast they can use it to increase their strength or earn a lot of money, but there come a price although the beast realm contains treasures it is also filled with danger, every time the best realm opens countless people entered but only twenty percent of those people returned alive, the rest were killed by savage beast while the other are killed by fellow humans. Inside beast realms the most dangerous being is not the savage beasts but the humans with their endless greed.

Kali was only a few kilometers away from Fambre city that is why he urged the wind riding colt to speed up.


Kali entered the city using the wind riding colt, he head towards a nearby transportation hub office where he returned the wind riding colt.

After returning the savage beast, he looked for a nearby inn, while walking around the streets he saw people walking around with their savage beast some carry cute little savage beast in their hands, the other have their savage beast assist them while shopping or running errands, this scene amazes Kali he was amazed how people live and coexist with savage beasts that used to terrorize humans.

" if only things are always so peaceful " Kali said while watching people with their savage beast.

Although he's young he knows the reality of this world, humans are at constant war against themselves and savage beasts. He sighed then went on his way. He checked in and entered the room he lie down on the bed and immediately fell asleep. He's been traveling for days and this is the first time he gets to sleep in a comfortable bed.

After resting, he decided to study the map his parents gave him, it also contains detailed information about the Fambre City beast realm, the reason he chose to go to this city is because the beast realm will open in five days, and Kali intends to tame a new savage beast since he is now an apprentice beast contractor and his dominance can now hold and subdue another savage beast, not only to catch new savage beast but also to train and increase the strength of black serpent.

After studying the detailed map he started meditating.


Kali is now walking towards the market area to see if there are things that might help him in his adventure inside the beast realm, he also wants to get rid of some of the materials and beast crystals that are not useful to him, he went inside a store and sell some beast crystal and herbs, he got three thousand gold from that trade, adding it to his current gold coins he now has eighteen thousand gold coins which is not a small amount for an apprentice beast contractor, his wealth is similar to young masters of mid grade beast contractor families.

After walking around the whole afternoon there is nothing that can catch his attention so he decided to go back to the inn.


" how long till we reach Fambre city?" Asked the young man that Kali encountered a few days ago at the transportation hub.

" only one day left young master" said the Butler behind him, they got delayed for two days because they can only rent a grey battle ostrich to use as transportation.

" if I see that stupid brat again, I will definitely kill him " said by the young man.

" young master I am sure that he will be at Fambre city, he will definitely enter the beast realm, by that time we can do what we want with him, even if he came from a great family or faction " said the Butler, assuring the Google looking young man.

When the young man heard his Butler's words, he can't help but smiled maliciously.


While the young man and his Butler is planning something against Kali, he already arrived at the inn and is currently feeding black serpent, after doing those things he took a book on his inventory box, it is the book about savage beasts evolution. He opened the page that contains information about Black scaled corrosive serpent.

Black scaled corrosive snake - reptile type - snake race - dark and poison attribute.

Skills: tail whip, corrosive poison, dark strike, constrict.

-vicious creature that possess a corrosive poison that can corrode metal, it is a great counter for defensive type savage beasts, it is also fast and has a decent amount of defense that it's black scales provide.

This savage beasts has two possible evolution path, the first is the Abyss poison serpent and Wind Devouring Serpent.

Abyss poison serpent - reptile type - snake race - poison attribute.

Wind swallowing Serpent - reptile type - snake race - dark attribute.

Kali read the two evolution path that black serpent can go through.

" one is pure poison attribute and the other is pure dark attribute, it make sense that these are the possible evolution path for black serpent since it has dual attribute of poison and dark " Kali was contemplating about the possible evolution path for black serpent, he cannot make a decision so he decided to read the rest of the information about the black scaled corrosive serpent.

There are further evolution path for the Abyss poison serpent until the emperor stage which is the Nether poison serpent while the Wind Devouring Serpent on has possible evolution until the Lord stage which is Star swallowing serpent, the king stage and emperor stage is unknown, clearly there is still no one who managed to make a star swallowing serpent reach King stage and make it evolve.

This information intrigued Kali, he was reading this information to prepare the necessary materials and resources needed for black serpent's future evolutions but he was torn between the two possibilities, if he chose the Abyss poison serpent evolution he will have an assurance that black serpent will have the chance to reach emperor stage but he can't let go of the fact that the Wind Swallowing Serpent is has similar abilities as the Moon Devouring Serpent designed on his umbrella. Stared at the white umbrella next to his window then sighed.

" I will decide about which evolution path to take before the beast realm opens "

There are still there more days before the beast realm opens.


Early next morning Kali left the inn and headed straight to the city library, he intends to make a research about snake race savage beasts in general.

He intend to spend the whole day reading books about serpent savage beast, even legends and and poems won't pass Kali.


On the entrance of the Fambre City.

" at last we arrived " said the young man

" young master let us head to the transportation hub office o return this stupid ostriches and meet with the other young masters" his Butler suggested.

" sure let's do that but before we meet them let us clean up first, I feel like a beggar with all this dust and sweat, plus I smell like a bird " the young man said in an irritated manner.

The two went on their way to the office.


Kali who spent the whole day reading about serpent's returned to his inn, he summoned black serpent out from the beast ring, he feed black serpent then went on his bed to rest, while lying down on the bed he turned his head and saw his white umbrella, he pick it up and opened it he stared at the moon Devouring Serpent design on it, then he took out the poison gland that elder Barri gave him, he was thinking which evolution path should black snake take, in order to make use of its potential and become stronger.

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