
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 17: Revelation

After giving out the rewards to the participants and the winners the village chief stepped forward.

" before we end today's competition I would like to announce a good news"

The people who are about to leave the square cam back to their seats to listen to the village chief's good news.

" elder Barri right here is from the crimson snow castle, one of the northern palace' subordinate faction, he came here to watch the competition with the intention to recruit a suitable beast contractor to join their faction "

When the village chief said those words everyone was shocked, the mysterious old man actually is from a mid grade faction under the northern palace one of the six great powers of the whole continent.

Kali looked at the old man with surprise.

" so this old man is really not simple, I thought he was just the village chief's old friend " Kali said to himself.


" and I am happy to announce that Celia has gained the approval of elder Barri and would like to ask you if you are willing to join the crimson snow castle " said the village chief.

" joining our castle brings great benefit not only will you receive resources and materials you can also seek guidance from your seniors, if you have any concern related to meditation or savage beast, and also if you showed great improvement and strength you will have a chance to join a high grade faction or even the northern palace, what do you say? " the old man stated the benefits of joining their faction

" I am willing" said Celia then bowed.

" you guys must be wondering why I only asked Celia to join us " said the old man when he heard some of the participants whispering to each other.

" the reason I asked Celia to join our faction is not just about her potential but also her savage beast, our faction specializes in ice and water attribute perfect for Celia's Arctic Demon Fox and silver neck swan, if Kali joined our faction we will only hinder his growth" when the old man said those words the crowd understood his decision.

Kali also nodded when he heard the old man's explanation, and also even if the old man asked him if he is willing to join his crimson snow castle, Kali will immediately refuse, he lived until now on his own, so he doesn't like having his movements restricted, because it will hinder his growth.

" here take this " the old man threw a small wooden box to Kali, he caught it with his hand and opened it, what he saw inside that box made his eyes widen.

" master stage poison gland! " just like other savage beast material, a poison gland can increase a savage beasts' certain capability, this master stage poison gland can help black serpent possess a master stage poison.

" thank you " Kali said to the old man.

The old man just smiled at Kali.


The village chief's office.

" I called you in here today to give you something " said the village chief to Kali who is sitting in his office.

" is there a hidden reward or something? " Kali said in a confused tone, the village chief already told him about this meeting even before the competition starts, but it only made Kali confused.

" it is not about a reward or anything, it is about you, and your parents " said the village chief in a sad and serious voice.

The word "parents" startled Kali, he has no idea who is parents were and what they do, and how they died, all HD know is that he is an orphan and the village chief is his guardian.

" what about me and my parents? " Kali asked in a serious voice.

the village chief took something in his table drawer.

" here take this, these are your parents' belongings they told me to give it to you, when you grow up and become strong " village chief gave Kali a wooden Box and a pouch.

Kali received the box and pouch, but he didn't open them, instead he turned to look at the village chief.

" how do you know my parents? " Kali asks in a calm manner.

The village chief took a deep breath.

" it was late at night when I suddenly hear a knock on my window, your father was full of wound and his complexion is dark, as if he wants poisoned, and behind him was a woman carrying a baby and that baby was you" the village chief said those words as if it just happened yesterday, the memory of Kali's parents are still vivid on the village chief's mind.

" who did those to my parents and why? " Kali asked but this time anger can be heard from his voice and tone.

" I don't know who did those to them because they didn't tell, they just told me to keep you safe and give you that box and pouch in the future, after saying those word they left hurriedly, as if someone was chasing them"

" I see, thank you for telling everything you know chief, I will now head out " Kali said to the village chief, and his voice was back to being calm and serious.

The village chief just stared at Kali's leaving figure, before giving out a sigh.


Kali was sitting in his room and black serpent was sleeping, because it just finished eating and is now absorbing an apprentice stage beast crystal.

Kali first opened the wooden box that the village chief gave him.

Inside the box is a dagger with a silver colored blade and a dark green handle.

" this dagger is definitely not used for killing, the feeling it gave is majestic and Noble, it must be a family heirloom " Kali guessed the origin of the dagger.

After inspecting the dagger he put it back on the box and stored it, he then proceeded to open the pouch, he took the pouch, it is quite heavy, it definitely has a lot of useful items. He opened the pouch, seeing what was inside the pouch made Kali's eyes open wide.

" what is this little box?" Kali fidgeted with the little box, when it suddenly expanded when Kali poured his dominance on it, he was shocked seeing the box grew bigger, inside was small compartments that can fit a person's head, there are a hundred of those compartments on this box.

Kali remembered a certain object with the same characteristics.

" an inventory box!"

It was used by Beast contractors to store the things and equipments they needed on an adventure or their everyday needs.

" looking by the size of this inventory box, it is a low grade one" Kali determined what the item was and it's grade.

He put it aside then took out the next item inside.

" a book? Wait this is not just a book, it is a book about evolution paths!" Kali read a few pages of the book and determined what kind of book it was, it turns out it was a book that contains information how to make a savage best evolve into a specific savage beast, savage beasts evolve every time they advance in stage, and their evolution depends on what kind of training and resources they received or consumed before the evolution.

When Kali's black scale corrosive serpent advanced from beginner to apprentice it didn't evolve to a different kind of serpent instead it just grew bigger and it's body got stronger since Kali made it absorb strengthening pills when it is still at beginner stage.

With the book he just got he will have a much easier time deciding what evolution path his savage beasts will take, and he will be able to save a lot of resources and materials in the process. The third item is a detailed map of the whole continent, though you can buy a map of the continent it only possess mediocre information while the map on his hand has a very detailed information, It contains information of every kingdom, territory, beast realms, dark realms, everything it only contains information about what savage beast resources can be found on that certain place, the weather, everything, it is clear that this map is made by Kali's parents throughout their adventures.

The rest of the items in the pouch is a few thousand gold coins that can help Kali in his adventure.

After looking at the things his parents left him, he sort it out, he put the silver dagger on the inventory box along with his beast crystals and gold coins, skill books and evolutionary paths book is also stored inside the inventory box, everything that is valuable is stored inside the inventory box.

After doing all those things he started doing his nightly routine which is to meditate until midnight.


It is early in the morning and the whole village is already so busy and bustling with activity, a week has already passed since the competition ended, today is the day that Celia will leave the village to go to a mid grade city where the crimson snow castle is located. Kali summoned black serpent back to his beast ring, but the beast ring he is now using is an apprentice stage one, the reward from the competition.

He took his white umbrella then headed to the village gates where the villagers gathered to say good bye to Celia and elder Barri. The old man from the crimson snow castle is actually called elder Barri, he also has a unique nickname which is " Ice Knight" only beast contractors who reached the grandmaster stage and has great achievements or displayed great strength or potential can receive a unique nickname. When Kali heard about the mysterious old man's background, he was impressed and he wanted to receive his own unique nickname as well.

Celia was about to board a carriage that is pulled by a pack of snow wolves, when she turned to look at the crowd and saw Kali holding his umbrella staring at her, she stared for a few moments before nodding and getting inside the silver white carriage. The carriage ride off leaving only dust, when it settled the people started heading back, Kali stayed for a few minutes before leaving the place.

He also planned to leave the village, even before the competition he already decided that he will leave Bastra village, and when he received the map his parents left him, he knew that his parents want him to go to out and explore the world, the reason why he will leave the village is not just because he wants go to an adventure but also because he wants to know the exact origin of the silver dagger, investigate his parents death, and become stronger.

" there are a lot of things to do so I better leave the village early " Kali said to himself with determination.

It might took him his whole life to complete the things he had to do, but it is fine to Kali, because once he set his mind to do something he will not stop until he fulfilled it.

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I'm sorry I wasn't able to publish a chapter yesterday.

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