
Sasuke : The Last Uchiha


Uchiha_Ryo · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Land of Waves (4)

"The Same Jutsu as mine, you copied it with your sharingan didn't you." Zabuza said

Kakashi and zabuza then said something back and forth but i couldn't hear anymore of what they said but they started weaving handsigns again but suddenly zabuza stopped and kakashi completed the handsigns and shouted "Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu" i ofcourse saw the signs for this jutsu too and ended up copying it and this jutsu completely flooded the whole place and hit zabuza and sent him flying back into a tree.

A few seconds later when the fog disappeared we could see Zabuza near a tree lying on the ground unable to move, just as Kakashi moved to finish Zabuza off suddenly a few senbon flew out from a tree and landed on Zabuzas neck.

Looking from where the Senbon came i now saw a masked person standing on the tree.

I had known Haku was present somewhere around the area and i did keep trying to sense him during the whole fight but i was never able to find where he was and i was very much disappointed with myself for this.

"Huh who the hell is that?" Naruto shouted

"By the Looks of your mask i am assuming you are a Hunter Nin from Kirigakure, am i right?" Kakashi asked as he brought his headband down to cover his sharingan and walked towards Zabuza's body to make sure he is dead and then walked back.

"You are right, i have been following Zabuza for weeks now to take him out." the masked man said and jumped down to carry Zabuza, but just as he lifted Zabuza over his shoulder i took out a few shuriken and threw it at the masked man but he was able to dodge it.

"What's the big idea kid?' the masked man asked looking towards me while Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi were also confused on why i threw shurikens at the masked man.

"Sasuke that's enough" Kakashi said in a serious voice which i decided to ignore for the time being.

"What's the hurry why don't you dispose of the body right here." i said

"You guys still look like Freshly out of the Academy Genin i would rather not have you watch me dispose of a body." the masked man said

i then replied "Well im no stranger to watching people die and Kakashi isn't either it would do good for these two to also see it and realise being a shinobi isn't somesort of a game." i said

As i said this the Masked Man stayed quite and usually this is when Kakashi would have reprimanded me for talking too much but he saw that i was very much serious in what i was saying and wasn't playing around so he again lifted his headband up and activated his sharingan and just as he looked towards Zabuza and the masked man i saw that there was a look of realization on his face and knew that he had also figured out what was going on.

I then looked at the masked man and said "Its a rather good plan, you hide in the trees while he fights but when you realise you guys are losing you jump in fake his death posing as a hunter nin and regroup, but its rather unfortunate that you ran into a team with 2 Sharingan users."

The Masked Man then said in a serious voice "I will admit i am impressed, this is the first time someone has caught onto what's going on this quickly, tell me how did you figure it out."

"The Senbons which you used didn't hit him in a single vital spot and the Sharingan can see the flow of chakra in ones body and when someone actually dies their chakra flow stops but i can clearly see his chakra still flowing its faint but its there." i said

Just as i said this i heard an all to familiar sound come from my right where kakashi was standing as i turned and looked towards Kakashi i saw that his hand was covered with lightning.

I was very much disappointed with myself for not being able to copy his handsigns for the chidori but i quickly looked back towards the masked man who i knew was Haku as kakashi now charged at him with the Chidori or as he calls it Raikiri.

Haku who had zabuza over his shoulder quickly weaved one handed handsigns since Kakashi was rushing towards him, kakashi who was running towards him was a bit shocked seeing him use one handed handsigns and was a bit caught off guard.

haku having finished weaving the handsigns now said "Secret Jutsu: A Thousand Needles of Death" and a lot of water needles started heading towards kakashi and he quickly deactivated the chidori and focused on dodging them but Haku used this opportunity to hide his chakra and body flicker away to escape.

I had seen him use the one handed handsigns using my sharingan but i found nothing different except that rather doing the handsigns with one hand but i knew that there had to be something different when using one handed handsigns but i was not able to pinpoint what it was yet.

Kakashi then looked towards me and said "Again you did well sasuke i was careless and missed it part but you did well to catch on." Just as he said that he fainted.

Naruto, Sakura and Tazuna were shocked that Kakashi fainted and started panicking , "Calm down he used up too much chakra and fainted other than that he is fine he should wake up within a day or two."

I then looked at Naruto and said "You will carry him to Tazuna's home."

Just as i said that Naruto immediately started to protest and said "Why the hell should i carry him and why the hell do you get to order me around"

"Well i did fight and help kakashi and i am also a bit tired and wont be able to carry him, and since kakashi is knocked out we need someone to now be a temporary leader and im pretty sure Sakura would agree with me when i say im the one who is most fit to lead us now that kakashi is knocked out." i said

Naruto agreed with me after arguing for another 2 minutes and then we started heading towards Tazuna's house.
