
Sasuke : The Last Uchiha


Uchiha_Ryo · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Land of Waves (3)

"everyone get down" kakashi shouted and everyone but me dropped to the ground but i simply moved a step to the left and held my right hand out and stood there with the Executioners Blade in my right hand.

Zabuza looked shocked at what he had seen and kakashi looked a bit annoyed.

"well what did i tell you to do if we are facing someone jonin level or higher." Kakashi said

"You should be happy i did what i did you know, he doesn't even have his sword with him now, this should be easy for you now." i said to kakashi

"Who would have thought i would end up seeing a kid with the Sharingan over here i was thinking everyone from that cursed clan was dead and Kakashi was the only one with the Sharingan except for the guy who slaughtered the whole clan." Zabuza said

Naruto then quickly ran towards Kakashi hoping that he could help this time but as soon as Naruto neared kakashi the jonin put his hand out signaling Naruto to get back.

"get back." Kakashi said

"Why?!" Naruto shouted displeased

"This guy is on a totally different level from these guys." Kakashi said

"You guys will stay out of this, guard tazuna get in formation, you guys will not be joining the fight is that clear." Kakashi said as he moved his headband finally uncovering the sharingan.

"Kid i will have my sword back now." Zabuza said looking at me.

before i could say anything Zabuza quickly started running towards me far quicker than i had ever expected, but with my sharingan i could see him moving in slow motion so i quickly jumped up high in the air by sending some chakra to my feet just before he managed to reach me.

Since i had the sword in my hand i could not weave signs for a jutsu but i couldn't exactly use the sword well either since i had no real kenjutsu training and the sword was currently way too heavy for me.

So as soon as i had jumped up i realised that since kakashi also had his sharingan activate he would have been able to follow mine and zabuza's movements and as i had expected kakashi was currently looking at me to make sure i was fine and Zabuza was again shocked that i had managed to react to his speed.

i quickly threw the sword towards kakashi and weaved a few handsigns while i was still in the air and used the "Fire Style : Phoenix Flower Jutsu" as soon as i did that i quickly took out a few shuriken and threw them into the fire style jutsu.

As i had expected Zabuza was able to dodge all of them but just after i had thrown the shuriken i had started weaving handsigns again and zabuza had not seen this since he was focused on avoiding the jutsu.

As soon as zabuza dodged my jutsu he looked towards me, just as i was about to land i finished the handsigns for the Fire Ball Jutsu and sent a Medium sized ball of flames towards zabuza, but he wasn't a S Rank ninja for no reason he again dodged it but just as he jumped left to avoid the flames and landed on the ground Kakashi had seen his movement with his sharingan and was already right where zabuza landed and swung his sword at zabuza but from here i could clearly tell kakashi was a bit rusty since his swings with the sword weren't as good as i had expected them to be and because of this zabuza kept dodging all his swings until suddenly he caught the sword when kakashi swung at him.

As Zabuza stopped the swing with his bare hands he said "You see just being good with a sword doesn't make you a master swordsmen you need to know your sword inside out and i happen to know one of the few ways you can actually counter against this sword."

Zabuza then kicked kakashi away and took back his sword and put it back in its holder over his shoulder but he then jumped back and stood on the water as kakashi quickly got back on his feet and also stood on the water.

Zabuza then said "I Must admit you are more trouble than i had expected but this ends now."

Zabuza then started forming a lot of handseals and kakashi quickly started copying them and since i had my sharingan active i could see the handseals and even i could copy it.

I wasn't going to use the jutsu right now but since my sharingan was active and saw the handsigns i would forever remember them.

After finishing the handsigns both of them shouted "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu" and two huge dragons appeared out of the water and cancelled each other out.

"The Same Jutsu as mine, you copied it with your sharingan didn't you." Zabuza said

Kakashi and zabuza then said something back and forth but i couldn't hear anymore of what they said but they started weaving handsigns again but suddenly zabuza stopped and kakashi completed the handsigns and shouted "Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu" i ofcourse saw the signs for this jutsu too and ended up copying it and this jutsu completely flooded the whole place and hit zabuza and sent him flying back into a tree.

A few seconds later when the fog disappeared we could see Zabuza near a tree lying on the ground unable to move, just as Kakashi moved to finish Zabuza off suddenly a few senbon flew out from a tree and landed on Zabuzas neck.

Looking from where the Senbon came i now saw a masked person standing on the tree.
