
Sasuke : The Last Uchiha


Uchiha_Ryo · Anime & Comics
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The Land of Waves (2)

He then ran towards me to fight in taijutsu and i also noticed that the other brother had also been able to break free from the Genjutsu and started running towards them, i was confident that i could beat both of them in taijutsu at the same time especially with my sharingan, but just as they neared me Kakashi appeared out of nowhere and caught them.

"Tch I was going to be able to handle them just fine you could have played dead for a few more seconds." i said a bit annoyed that he interrupted the fight

"Well i do think you would have been able to take them out and you did well with the Genjutsu and the Shurikenjutsu, that's a neat trick by the way adding lightning chakra to the shuriken, it increases its speed and its power by a good amount."

He then looked towards Naruto and Sakura and said "Im a bit disappointed that you guys froze in the first sight of an enemy, after they thought they had taken me out they were going to attack you first if Sasuke didn't activate his sharingan and force them to fight him first before getting to you, what would you have done if they came at you first, would the two of you just stand there and wait for them to cut you down so that they could have killed our client?"

Now that i think about it the only one i can remember sending lightning chakra into a is Boruto and well sasuke used Chidori with a bigger shuriken so i guess there is currently no one other than me who does this.

I then looked at Naruto and said "Oi loser, you said you wanted to become Hokage didn't you? do you really think you can become hokage by freezing at first sight when you see an enemy? hell even Kiba would be a better Hokage than you at this point." As i said this Naruto was clearly pissed off.

i didn't really want to make fun of him but i felt this was necessary, currently he was insanely weak and his main driving factor in the anime to train was to bring Sasuke back to the village and i didn't really plan on joining orochimaru and i knew unless i become so much more stronger than Sasuke was in canon i can't beat kaguya on my own, i would try and take zetsu out and prevent kaguya from getting revived but just in case i failed and she did get revived i would need help and naruto is realistically the only one who would be able to help me.

"now now calm down there is no need it rile each other up." kakashi said

He then looked towards Tazuna and said "Would like to tell why there are missing nin's after you now?"

Tazuna tried lying at first but he eventually conceded and told us the truth that gato was after him since he was building the bridge.

"well the rank of this mission has already gone up to B Rank and there is a chance that it could go up even more and this is beyond the scope of our mission so we should head back to the village and you could request the hokage for a b rank mission and you will be given a different team."

Tazuna then explained that his village cannot afford a b rank mission and this is all the money they can pay.

"We should go back to the village we are not ready for missions of this level yet." Sakura said

"We Can't just let the man die you know, his village needs our help we should help them." Naruto said

"Im Sure we will be fine, i can take on anyone below jonin level myself and considering your reputation as a S Rank Ninja im sure we will be fine even if we face a stronger opponent." I said

Kakashi then sighed and said "There is a reason there are protocols and rules to be followed but you guys do have a point we can't just let the old man die and their village does need our help, so i guess we will be continuing the mission"

'Well i guess since naruto didn't get cut by the demon brothers he wont be cutting his hand and making that promise to himself.'


After some more hours of walking we were now in a boat heading towards the Land of the Waves, since he had already told us the reason of this mission and who he was being targeted by the boat ride was rather quite.

After we got off the boat and walked for a few seconds Naruto took out a kunai and threw it at a bush, a few seconds later he realised what it was and then said "Heh... Just a Mouse eh"

"Naruto quit trying to show off" Sakura said

"Please don't use kunai's recklessly like that naruto, they are really dangerous"

I then suddenly felt a small chakra signature near one of the bushes and kakashi looked towards the bush at the same time as me as well and naruto then took out a kunai and threw it towards the bush.

Sakura then went and hit Naruto on the head while kakashi and i went to check what naruto had hit.

After we got near the bush we saw that it was a snow rabbit.

"So they are already here" i said loud enough that only kakashi could hear me.

"yes, listen i know that your much stronger than a normal genin but if its someone jonin level or above stay out and protect tazuna and naruto and sakura i will take care of him." Kakashi said and i nodded.

I then again felt the chakra signature on top of a tree and looked towards it and i saw zabuza standing on the tree but just as i looked towards him he threw the sword towards us and kakashi also saw this.

as soon as he threw the sword i activated my sharingan and now i could see everything in slow motion and because of this i could see exactly where the sword is going and i sent chakra to my hand so that my hand would not take a lot of damage as i made contact with the Executioners Blade and then held my hand in a position where it would make contact with the hilt of the sword.

"everyone get down" kakashi shouted and everyone but me dropped to the ground but i simply moved a step to the left and held my right hand out and stood there with the Executioners Blade in my right hand.