
Sasuke : The Last Uchiha


Uchiha_Ryo · Anime & Comics
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The Land of Waves (1)

In the end the bell test ended up going exactly like it did in canon after Kakashi beat me when we fought, Naruto ended up being tied up to the post but later on we did pass because of teamwork.

Over the next few days Team 7 ended up doing a few d rank missions everyday, and after about 3 days i started sending a Shadow Clone to do the missions, Kakashi obviously noticed this but didn't really say anything most likely because we are doing d rank missions and not anything important.

While my clone was out doing these missions i was training in taijutsu by sparring against my clone or i was sneaking around the village watching Jonin's spar and copy a few of their techniques with my Sharingan, luckily like the Original Sasuke i also have Lightning and Fire as my affinity and Konoha happened to have a lot of Fire Style Users so it was rather easy to copy jutsu's and increase my arsenal but there was no point in actually copying any of these techniques since the Uchiha Clans Fire Ball Jutsu took less chakra than these Jutsu's and was also more Powerful so in reality copying Fire Style Techniques were pretty useless and i wasn't able to get any lightning style user except Kakashi and i had not seen him use Chidori yet.

I found out from a scroll in the Uchiha Clan Library that The Perfect Fire Ball Jutsu is the pinnacle of Fire Style Shape Manipulation and once a person can perfect the Fireball to that level they will be able to shape the Fire however they want, and i believe this is how Madara Created the Fire Style : Majestic Destroyer Flame, all fire style jutsu's are pretty similar the difference is their shape.

Suddenly i got the memories of my clone since it had dispelled, today when we went to get our mission Naruto started whining and the 3rd Hokage gave us a C Rank mission and Kakashi asked us to come to the gate in an hour after packing our things for the mission.

I was actually excited for the mission since i have improved a bit in this month and i want to test my skill against someone like Haku and i also want to try and figure out how he is able to use one handed seals.

Over this month i mainy focused on my Taijutsu, Speed and my Genjutsu, and i did copy a few Ninjutsu but i didn't really focus on Ninjutsu as much as i did for my Taijutsu and the other things, The Reason for this was even if i learnt something like the Chidori if i was not fast enough and if my reactions weren't good i wont even be able to land it and sasuke trying to use Chidori on Itachi in Part 1 was the perfect example of that, and i wanted to focus on Genjutsu more since it was what the Uchiha were known for and Sasuke was very talented with Genjutsu although not in the same level as itachi, and during this one month i also learnt how to send lightning chakra through my Shuriken.


After about an hour i got to the gate and Naruto and Sakura were already there waiting for me along with Kakashi and Tazuna.

I was a bit surprised that Kakashi was on time but then again this was not training or a D Rank Mission so i did think that maybe he might come there on time.

"See this is why you should actually be present and not send a Clone" Kakashi said to me.

Naruto, Sakura and Tazuna were confused at what he meant but i said "That's Rich coming from someone who is always 3 hours late."

Kakashi simply sighed and said "Alright get in formation Naruto and Sakura in the front, Tazuna-San you will be in the middle while me and Sasuke will be in the back."

Soon after we left the village Naruto and Sakura were very excited and kept asking Questions about the Land of Waves and kakashi kept giving them answers while i was simply just listening to them and keeping an eye on our surroundings.

After some time i finally saw a puddle of water infront of us, i was pretty excited for this but i was a bit nervous too since this was my first actual battle but then again sasuke in the anime was able to handle them just fine and im also so much more stronger than him so i was pretty confident i will be fine.

A few seconds after we passed the puddle two people jumped out of it and used two chains to bind kakashi from both sides and *killed him*.

It was pretty obvious that he wasn't dead and had used the substitution jutsu but then again naruto and sakura were normal genin so they didn't notice.

"One down." one of them shouted.

As Naruto and Sakura saw Kakashi *die* they both shouted feeling scared.

The Demon Brothers were about to move towards Naruto next to take him out but before they could i activated my sharingan and this caught their attention since obviously everyone knew what the Sharingan was.

One of the two looked straight into my eyes and i instantly put him in a paralysis Genjutsu.

I then took out 2 Shurikens and coated them with Lightning style chakra and threw them at the weapon the other guy was holding, he obviously didn't really react since he saw that the Shuriken's weren't aimed at him but his weapon and had expected the Shurikens to do no real damage but the Shuriken's straight up split the weapon in two and destroyed them.

He then ran towards me to fight in taijutsu and i also noticed that the other brother had also been able to break free from the Genjutsu and started running towards them, i was confident that i could beat both of them in taijutsu at the same time especially with my sharingan, but just as they neared me Kakashi appeared out of nowhere and caught them.

"Tch I was going to be able to handle them just fine you could have played dead for a few more seconds." i said a bit annoyed that he interrupted the fight