
Sasuke : The Last Uchiha


Uchiha_Ryo · Anime & Comics
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The Bell Test

[The Next Day]

I Arrived at the training ground around 2 Hours 30Mins Late Again and as i had expected Naruto and Sakura looked incredibly tired and i realised neither of them had actually taken my advice to eat.

But just to make sure i did ask "DId you guys Eat Breakfast before coming or not?"

Naruto pointed at me and said in his usual annoying loud vocie "You tried to trick us in to eating so we would be in trouble because we disobeyed Kakashi Sensei didn't you."

'Huh well i guess i shouldn't have actually expected this idiot to listen to me' i thought

I then looked towards Sakura and she said in her shy voice "Sasuke-Kun i don't think its a good idea to disobey Kakashi Sensei's Order's."

'And here i was expecting this girl to blindly obey me because of her crush on me, i guess this will be harder than i had expected.' i thought.

"Well you are dumber than i thought" i said and simply jumped up and sat on the tree while ignoring whatever insults Naruto was throwing towards me.

After a few more minutes Kakashi and told the team about the Bell Test and told us how only 2 of us will pass and 1 will go back to the academy but i already knew the the truth so i wasn't too worried.

As soon as the test started i jumped back into the trees and activated my Sharingan and waited for Naruto to use the Shadow Clone Jutsu so i can copy it.

When Naruto used the Shadow Clone Jutsu i was able to see the handsigns with my Sharingan and also saw how he split his Chakra so i was able to easily copy the technique.

Like in the Anime Naruto got completely humiliated by Kakashi and i then heard Sakura scream and then i knew Kakashi's Clone had put her in a Genjutsu.

"You know the other 2 have kind of disappointed me so far, i kind of had big expectations for your team." i heard a voice say from my left.

I knew that it was Kakashi since i had felt his Chakra heading towards me, i then turned towards him and said "Well im not exactly like them, im different"

Before he could speak i took out a Shuriken and threw it towards him faster than most Fresh out of Academy Students could, the only thing was that it was going off-target and wasn't going to hit Kakashi at all, as soon as Kakashi saw this disappointment was clearly visible through his one eye.

Sasuke was very talented when it came to Shurikenjutsu only second to itachi and because of this Sasuke's Shurikenjutsu was already pretty much Jonin Level, not quite as high as Kakashi's but easily better than regular Jonin.

I quickly activated my Sharingan and pulled out another Shuriken and threw it and again it wasn't anywhere Kakashi, but this time rather than disappointment i could see that he was a bit shocked to see my Sharingan since no one was aware that i had awakened my Sharingan except for Itachi.

This time when i threw the Shuriken i threw it far faster than the first one, i didn't bother throwing it straight at Kakashi since i knew he would easily just dodge it, the Shuriken i now threw went and hit the first Shuriken that i had thrown and deflected it towards Kakashi's book.

Since Kakashi was still shocked and caught off-guard from seeing my Sharingan he wasn't able to react in time and the because of that my Shuriken straight up cut his book in half.

Kakashi was completely shocked again that a mere genin was able to catch him off-guard.

"I told you im not like them, i doubt either of those two ever do something like that." i said

Kakashi looked at him book for a few seconds and then threw it on the ground and looked at me and sighed and said "Well i was kind of going to take it easy on you kids so that you might actually have a chance in taking the bells but you have kind of ruined my mood with what you did." as he said this Kakashi uncovered his Sharingan.

'Ah i really shouldn't have tried to show off, i should have just caught him off-guard with my Sharingan and taken his bells rather than trying to show off, i didn't think he would actually activate his Sharingan for something like this but i guess i did anger him a bit by cutting his book in half.' i thought.

"You don't seem shocked that i have a Sharingan" Kakashi said looking at me.

'Ah yes, at this point Sasuke isn't supposed to know there is a guy in the leaf who has a Sharingan.', "Well you and my brother were teammates in the Anbu and he did tell me about you, so i knew that you did have a Sharingan" i said

I then went through a few Handsigns and used the 'Fire Style : Phoenix Flower Jutsu' but as i had expected Kakashi was able to dodge all of the Flames but i had expected this so while he was avoiding the Flames i went through another set of handsigns and used the 'Fire Style : Fire Ball Jutsu' there was only one way Kakashi could go to dodge the Flames so as soon as i sent the Fire ball towards him i already ran towards where i expected him to jump to dodge the Jutsu.

As i had expected Kakashi dodged the Fire Ball by jumping away to his right and as soon as he did this i was already right next to him and engaged him in taijutsu, since i caught him off-guard i was on the attack and i kept attacking him as quickly as i could since i knew the second i slow down or give him an opening he will counter attack and that would be the end, but i was able to land about 3 Hits on Kakashi before he was able to counter attack and as soon as i was the one who had to now defend i was getting overwhelmed rather quickly since Kakashi was just straight up much better than me at pretty much everything, he was much faster than me, he was much stronger than me, he had a much higher stage of the Sharingan the Sharingan, he had more mastery over the Sharingan and he was more experienced than me as a Shinobi.