
Sasuke : The Last Uchiha


Uchiha_Ryo · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Team 7

I was currently walking towards the Academy as the three days were done and today was the day they would be announcing the Genin Teams.

I obviously already knew who will be on my team unless something goes different and as annoying as Naruto and Sakura are at this point they are probably the best two i can get as teammates compared to the rest of the people in the class and Kakashi is probably the best Sensei i could get too.

As i entered the Classroom i sat at the same usual place Sasuke usually sat and just ignored everyone and this time i made sure i didn't kiss Naruto.

The Teams were then announced and as i had expected I was put in Team 7 Along with Naruto and Sakura.

After the teams were announced Iruka told us our sensei's will be here after lunch and left, as soon as he left i also used the body flicker technique and got out of there and went home i had no intention in wasting any time since i knew Kakashi will be late anyway, so i decided to come back about two and a half hours later since Kakashi will most likely be about 3 hours late.




I finally came back to the academy after about 2hours 30mins and to my surprise neither Naruto nor Sakura were arguing they both were just sitting in their own desks and both of them were surprised to see me randomly appear into the room as they still didn't know what a body flickering was.

"Sasuke your late, Iruka Sensei told us to be here 2 Hours Ago where the hell were you?" Naruto said in his usual loud tone.

i simply ignored him but he got mad that i didn't even give him attention so he again shouted "Stop thinking your cool and answer me damn it"

I still kept looking out of the window and replied "Iruka merely told us to come back before our sensei is here he didn't give us any sort of time limit and as far as i can see there isn't a single Jonin in the room"

After i said that Naruto shut his mouth and went back to minding his own business but this time it was Sakura who started speaking "Sasuke-Kun where did go that time after our conversation on the bench?"

'Conversation on a bench?, when the hell did that happen?' i thought it was only in that moment did i remember from the anime what Naruto had done during this time.

As soon as i looked towards him he turned away and i instantly knew it was him who pretended to be me.

I looked at Naruto and said "If you ever Transform into me again and do something stupid again i will kill you"

After saying that i started looking out of the window again and kept ignoring the two of them again and i could tell they both were visibly shaken by my death threat but i decided to ignore it and act like nothing happened.

After a few more minutes Kakashi Hatake finally came into the room and Naruto did the same prank as he did in the Anime and Kakashi then told all of us to meet him on the roof and disappeared.

I quickly used the Body Flicker and appeared on the roof next to Kakashi, "You can use the body Flicker?" he asked

"I just appeared here by using that technique so i guess i do know how to use it" i said and i could tell he was not too impressed by my answer.

He was about to say something but naruto and sakura appeared on the roof so he instead looked at them and said "You are here good we can begin now, all of you introduce yourselfs and tell me about your likes and dislikes and your dreams."

Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura first introduced themselves similar to how they did in the anime and now it was finally my turn.

"My Name is Sasuke Uchiha, i like training and i dislike a lot of things and my dream is to bring the Uchiha Clan back to its former glory." i said.

I obviously lied about my dream mainly because i had still not decided what the hell i wanted to do in this world.

Kakashi went on to explain a few things while i was busy thinking about what i want to do in the future so i didn't really hear what he said and after a few seconds he left, as soon as i noticed that he body flickered out i was also about to leave.

"Sasuke-Kun would you like to go on a date?" Sakura asked just as i was about to leave.

"I dont have time to waste with something stupid like that right now, go waste your time asking someone else." i said and started walking.

After taking a few steps i stopped and turned back and looked at Sakura and Naruto and said "Eat breakfast tomorrow before coming."

"But kakashi-sensei told us not to" Sakura said

"He advised us not ordered us, and if you feel you can fight on an empty stomach go on and don't eat." i said and started walking again.

The Only Reason i told the two of them to eat was because i really wanted to get the bells from kakashi and i knew i can't do it on my own even though i have gotten stronger, and i will need the help of these two idiots.


The early parts will be fast paced.