
Sasuke: in Comprehensive World

After awakening his memory of his previous life at Nine years old Sasuke Uchiha harbored a burning desire for vengeance. His every waking moment, driving him to relentless training in the arcane arts. But his pursuit of retribution was tragically cut short. He fell in battle at the hands of the sage of the sixth path. Just as all hope seemed lost, a system within Sasuke awakened. A beacon in the darkness offered him a path forward. Unfortunately, the path was far from what he envisioned. Instead of honing his skills for revenge, the system presented him with a peculiar first task: to "pick up girls." This joke wasn't funny, yet it was his only lifeline. As he travels to a different world, each with its own magical quirks. He reluctantly engaged in the system's tasks, which were only about girls and girls. accumulating a peculiar arsenal in the process. A colossal, booming cannon materialized around him, defying the principles of traditional magic. In one hand, he gripped a gleaming blade. In the other, he held a curious wand. Sasuke returned to Konohagakure, the village of his birth, hiss arrival heralded by the earth-shaking roar of his magical cannon. He was no longer helpless, this world, twisted as it was, had driven him to a different path. He would not be the hero, forever haunted by a sense of some stupid guilt. He would be the villain, if his Revenge destroy the world let the world be destroyed doesn't care after all he can just leave this world anytime he wants. First word: Harry Potter (Okay I did made it more Dematic but didn't had any choice)

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Chapter 65 leaving the Hogwarts

As all the belongings were packed, Sasuke's looking around the room, He started to have a little problem to building a magic research club. He had bought lots of stuff and put it here, which was going to become wasteful once he left, His first thought was to pack everything, but after thinking about Gemma and Hermione Granger, it decided to let Gemma and all the remaining girls use the stuff once they graduated so they could take everything away on his behalf.

"After making his final preparations, he shed his wizard's attire and donned an elegant black Hauri over a matching nagagi and hakama. The edges of the haori were intricately embroidered with gold, featuring the Uchiha symbol on his back. Completing the ensemble, he wore traditional wooden sandals—a blend of his unique style.

It was 9:30 a.m., and the castle was alive with students heading to their classes. Sasuke made his way to the Great Hall, where the Gryffindor table was abuzz with activity. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were engrossed in a discussion about the day's news, the Daily Prophet lying open on the table.

As Sasuke approached, the trio looked up in surprise. It was unusual for him to visit the Gryffindor table, and his presence immediately drew the attention of nearby students. Hermione's eyes widened with curiosity and concern as she noticed Sasuke's unusual attire.

"Sasuke, what's going on?" Hermione asked, sensing that something significant was about to happen.

"Nothing special; it's just that my student life is going to end today." Sasuke's reply put Hermione in short confusion, As Sasuke started to think that once he left Hogwarts, it's going to be hard to make Hermione his girlfriend, he knew she wasn't easy to persuade with some benefits.

Sasuke's reply put Hermione in a brief moment of confusion, her brow furrowing as she tried to process his words.

"End? What do you mean?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern. "Are you leaving Hogwarts?"

Sasuke nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, Hermione. It's time for me to move on."

Hermione's concern deepened. "But what about your studies and the Magic Research Club? ."

" I'm going to self-study, and I've made arrangements for Gemma and the other girls to take over Magic Research Club. You can also use all the equipment for Now ."

Hermione looked like she had more questions, but Sasuke cut her off gently. "You don't have to worry; I am still your neighbor. You can always knock on the door."

Hermione stood up and stepped closer to Sasuke, wanting to stop him She always thought getting dropped out of Hogwarts was a bad thing, and now her first friend is planning to leave Hogwarts like nothing.

If you need help, you could ask Gemma; she have some special ways to communicate with me, saying this Sasuke turned to leave. As he walked through he started plan.

reaching the entrance hall, he saw Kin, who also arrived after packing her stuff Finally, Both of them stepped out into the crisp morning air and made his way to the gates of Hogwarts. The towering structure loomed ahead, With that, he turned and walked through the gate.

Dumbledore stood at the gates after he heard about Sasuke's, and his face was completely disappointed. Sasuke, I believe there is a better way to deal with the ministry of magic.".

Sasuke stopped and faced the headmaster, " There are always better ways, but my path is fixed."

Dumbledore sighed, his shoulders drooping slightly. "Sometimes, the path we think we take will lead to endless regret, Sasuke."

"I know," Sasuke replied, his voice firm "But when all of your choices lead to regret, it's better to pick the path that can give you the most benefit, even if it's filled with regret."

Dumbledore nodded, though he still looked troubled. "I wish you the best of luck, Sasuke. Remember, Hogwarts will always be here to welcome people who need help."

"Thank you, Professor," Sasuke said, bowing slightly. "I'll keep that in mind."

As he turned to leave, he noticed a man standing near the gates. It was Pansy Parkinson's father, dressed in elegant wizarding robes, his expression one of curiosity and mild surprise.

"Mr. Uchiha, I presume?" Mr. Parkinson greeted him, extending his hand. "I have the pleasure of meeting you."

Sasuke shook his hand firmly. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Parkinson."

"Likewise. I've heard much about you from Pansy. It's hard to believe what she said, so I wish I could get some confirmation," Mr. Parkinson said with a polite voice.

"I don't know what she said," Sasuke replied. "Since your Pansy father, I believe after a little talk we would have a better way of understanding each other."

Dumbledore watched as Sasuke, Kin, and Mr. Parkinson began to walk away together. The headmaster's face softened slightly, a hint of a smile forming at the corners of his lips.

[From the author: In case you don't read the author's thoughts, I need suggestions on how to continue the story. The protagonist has nearly achieved his initial goal of acquiring knowledge. Now, the only thing left is for him to meet girls and show off—plenty of showing off. If anyone has any ideas, please make sure to share them to prevent the story from becoming very boring.]

So I'm receiving zero suggestions for how to continue The story so I come up with this basic plan need the Hogwarts you can do something with ministry Probably find a way to have big fight after that do lots of Fast forward chapter so its better for you guys to think away or I will continue with this plan and I have to say There is little problem when writing since I'm using voice typing it's mean I can not use cooler which makes lots of noise basically means When I'm writing it's get too hot

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