
Santiago and Moon

Set in modern day Southern France in the year of 2019, there is a love story that is just like the books and the movies. Only with a modern day twist. For years, two groups have been clashing and butting heads with each other. That garçons from Southern France and the Chicos from Northern Spain. One wants a diverse world and one wants an unchanging world. What will happen if a black sheep chico and a sheltered garçon meet and cross paths for the first time?

mintydarkchocolate · Urban
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24 Chs

What's inside for me?

May 30, 2019

8:15 pmSaint Gaudens, France

The Garçons are getting ready for the fight of their lives. Tonight was the night, and they have a feeling someone is going to die tonight. As long as it wasn't one of their own.

In their alleyway, they showed off their weapons they are gonna use. They laughed and planned. It was a battle leader vs. leader.

Lionel vs Fernando

Two different people with two different personalities fighting for two different reasons.

Lionel was pretty confident. He had trained and had gotten some muscle, you would have to look at him and know him for at least two months to see the difference. All female members from either gangs were not allowed to attend, due to the fact that they think girls aren't supposed to see those things and they would cry for hours and hours because somebody on the opposite side got hurt.

Handshakes and battle techniques were being thrown at each member, making sure each hit is precise and clean, a messy hit would get not the target hurt or killed but the attacker.

They all got into a van with tinted windows, as they headed off to Salies-du-Salut.

8:30 pmSaint Girons

Unlike the garçons, the Chicos were deathly nervous, Fernando the most. However, they had to put on a brave face, if they didn't, they would be bullied and called names and cowards and possibly get killed in their sleep. Everyone was prepared and shaking everywhere. Even Fernando, your typical cool, calm, and collected guy was on edge.

"Stay chill, stay cool, we can do this."

That was all Fernando was trying to say under his heavy breathing. He stopped moving for about twenty five seconds, and the other Chicos got confused and concerned.

After those twenty five seconds, he was a new Fernando, putting on a tougher look than before. He brings his knife out and starts swinging

"We might be one short of a member to them, but we can easily double those psychopaths with our power."

They all cheered. Toro started to jingle his keys and they went into his car. 3 in the front, 4 in the back, 2 in the trunk.

The battle was really getting on as both groups were on their way, one hoped that the other would have at least someone killed.

8:45 pmSaint Girons

Santiago was looking out of his kitchen window. Daydreaming, daydreaming about Moon. His mother was washing dishes and noticed how Santiago was staring through the window, it wasn't a normal Santiago habit. She knew about Moon, and she was surprisingly pretty fine about them being together.

"You're thinking about Moon again, aren't you?"


Santiago stopped looking through the window and started to look at his mom.

"Being a teenager in love is hard, I know, I've been there before. There will be people that won't allow you to be happy, your happiness matters the most out of everyone else's in the entire world. Moon is the perfect person for you. As you described her, she is emotional, a little bouncy, and a dreamer just like you. I wish that the Chicos and garçons could set aside their differences and realize that they have mainly similar blood. At least from what I know, you, your brothers, Lionel, and Moon are all half French."

Lucia paused for a second, her eyes started to tear up.

"Everything in my life keeps on falling apart. Your dad left to go to Andorra, your brothers became corrupt, and they might risk themselves getting killed because of their stupid antics! I'm glad that you chose to stay home and take care of the house with me."

"Wait, what? Fernando and Alejandro are doing what?"

"They're having a fight against the garçons. Nieves told me."

Santiago was in a total shock. His brothers were going to risk their lives getting possibly killed? He couldn't let that happen.

9:50 pmSaint Gaudens

Serena was in her room, putting on a skimpy pair of lingerie. When Lionel comes back, they will have a fun night. He has gotten more buff and strong and he can swing her by the legs. Oh, she was madly in love with him, her whole body was burning up. Tonight would be an explosive, passionate night for both. Full of love and passion for each other. After Lionel fights, he and Serena will have a duel of love. Who cares how much noise they make? Moon will be up in her room asleep. To them, they will be the only ones in the world. Staring at each other, deathly in love, feeling like fireworks exploding from above.What's inside for Serena? She hopes a passionate night.

10:00 pmSaint Gaudens

Moon was staring out to the stars on her balcony. The moon was full tonight, and it shined on her. That day with Santiago rushes through her over and over. If only they could do that for real with no conflicts and nobody to judge them. She jiggles her ring on her finger, touching the mixed gemstones.

What's inside for me? She thought. Will anything happen tonight? Or, is it just another night where she is alone? She could go to Serena and chat with her, but Serena seems preoccupied with something, so Moon decides not to bother her.

Santiago, she wish Santiago would come around again, surprise her, and kiss her, and squeeze her tighter than a corset wrapped around someone.

Or Lionel to come back and keep her and Serena company and they could be like a whole family again. Lionel has been in and out of the house for about a month, and if he's ever home, it's either to sleep or eat. He kisses Serena when he walks in and when he walks out. What if Lionel doesn't come back? She would be gravely upset.

She can't imagine her life getting worse than it could be.