
Santiago and Moon

Set in modern day Southern France in the year of 2019, there is a love story that is just like the books and the movies. Only with a modern day twist. For years, two groups have been clashing and butting heads with each other. That garçons from Southern France and the Chicos from Northern Spain. One wants a diverse world and one wants an unchanging world. What will happen if a black sheep chico and a sheltered garçon meet and cross paths for the first time?

mintydarkchocolate · Urban
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24 Chs

Fight in the woods

*mature content in this sceneMay 30, 201911:00 pm

The Chicos and the garçons were face to face. The moon was shining through the rows and rows of trees. There was a large, empty spot, where the trees were partially covering the sky up above.

"Looks like you españoles came after all, thought you'd guys would chicken out, and we'd have to find you."

"Oh, it's no biggie, I can switch up anytime you want."

Fernando starts spinning his knife. His piercing stare grabs Lionel's attention and gives him a little shiver inside. Lionel smirked and took out his knife.

"Well then, shall we begin?"

"Oh, it's on!"

A knife fight, in the middle of the woods that night, with a bunch of men in their teens to mid twenties there.

It began, and it started fiery hot. They have the same weapon, but fight with different techniques. Lionel is all about hitting hard with Percision. While Fernando fights gracefully, as if he was a dancer dancing on the clouds. Each groups members were huddled together, all on the side of their leader.

The movements of the knifes became faster and more likely to hit someone. Each time either Lionel or Fernando were to swing, the other would dodge. Their allies would cheer them on as they fought."

"Hit them hard Lionel!""Fight with your passion, Fernando!""You can take them down, you trained!""Be the one to rise up!""You can do it!""Only bring yourself to the top of the world!"

The shout from their members encouraged them and it was a difference everyone realized, and was why they were against each other. The cold and serious against the energetic, fun, and  the warm.

Swings and swooshes from Fernando to Lionel and Lionel to Fernando, nobody was hitting the other. There were hits that they almost made, but they were dodged just in the nick of time.

At a sudden, both men drop their knives and began wrestling. Tackles and rolling the other on the ground. Lionel threw Fernando to the ground and almost broke his arms, but Fernando threw himself on Lionel, breaking free of his strong grasp. He went under Lionel and threw him backwards. The Chicos were cheering.

"Yes Fernando!"

Pierre has picked up Lionel's knife and Alejando picked up Fernando's knife. They make eye contact for a split second, then look away as if they were childhood friends who lost their friendship that brought them together.

Lionel and Fernando were done wresting and picked themselves off of the ground. Alejandro and Pierre threw their leaders the knives and they both caught them.

"Seems like you're not giving up anytime soon, eh Spanish boy?"

"I'm not giving up ever, you'll be dead by the time I give up."

And they circled around each other, and so did their members. It seems like hours had passed, and no man was down.

Then suddenly, Fernando started to get a bit tired, Lionel could tell, everyone could tell. The other Chicos started to worry. Fernando went back a few feet and ran with the knife, hoping to punctuate Lionel in the forehead.

Lionel took the chance and stabbed Fernando right above the stomach as he charged at him. Fernando wasn't moving for the first few seconds, but he fell to the ground, his black shirt had gotten a hole and it was oozing red. At the moment, everyone looked at the complete horror, Lionel realized what he had done. He couldn't look, nobody could look.

Santiago was running through the woods, hoping to find his brothers to hopefully save them from danger. When he got there, it was too late. He saw his older brother's body and went down on the floor to try and save him. "Fernando! Fernando!"

He wasn't moving. Santiago started to cry, he had lost his older brother, the leader, the most outgoing of the three.

All of a sudden, he saw Lionel, the one who had killed his brother. He notices the knife in Fernando's hand. He takes it. Rage tears came out of Santiago's eyes. He goes up to Lionel, turns him around and stabs him in the heart. His scream is heard by everybody around and they stare at Santiago. In a shock of fear, everybody runs away in all sorts of different directions.

At that moment, Santiago realizes what he had just done.