
Santiago and Moon

Set in modern day Southern France in the year of 2019, there is a love story that is just like the books and the movies. Only with a modern day twist. For years, two groups have been clashing and butting heads with each other. That garçons from Southern France and the Chicos from Northern Spain. One wants a diverse world and one wants an unchanging world. What will happen if a black sheep chico and a sheltered garçon meet and cross paths for the first time?

mintydarkchocolate · Urban
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24 Chs

eglise de france

May 17, 2019

There's an old, abandoned church at the farthest corner of Salies-du-Salut. Nobody has touched it, yet it is in a condition that made it pristine, nobody really knows. Santiago and Moon know this place very well. It's where they were planning to meet again.

After a month of snapping each other, texting, and doing things that modern teenagers do when they are "talking" to each other. (wink wink) It was hard to get their plans to cooperate since they were both two different people from two different worlds. They finally found a day and set on that day to meet again. However, they had to make excuses to make these plans. Moon told Serena that she wanted to visit her dad. Santiago's mom questioned him and he said he was meeting a friend in Salies-du-Salut, which isn't wrong. Santiago could drive and has his own car, so he didn't have to force someone to drive him there, unlike Moon.

Moon steps out of the car.

"Thank you Serena."

"Anytime, I'm glad you're getting out of the house."

Moon giggled.

"Me too."

Moon went off to the church, it was in the same direction of the palace, but it was tucked away in a bit of a secret passageway. The secret passageway was an old, abandoned area of Salies-du-Salut, nobody wants to get rid of it.

As she gets closer to the church, she notices Santiago's hair, it was glowing in the afternoon sun, almost blonde. She was getting closer to him, she couldn't run, although there was nobody there, she was scared they would make a scene. When they were face to face, Moon and Santiago smiled at each other, held each other's hands, and went into the church.

The church seemed to have walls of gold, yet it was tan. The floor were silvers of all shades. It might have just be the light that made it look that way, not that either were complaining. Santiago put down his stuff and so did Moon on chairs right next to each other, they both sighed and beamed at each other.

"So, what do you want to do?""I don't know, what do you want to do?""Me, no, what do YOU want to do?"

Moon gave Santiago a surprise, super tight hug. As Moon was hugging him, Santiago noticed a chest. Moon looked up at Santiago.

"What is it?"

"A chest it looks like, it looks like it not fully locked."

They go to the chest and open it inside. A pair of black boots with the pink logo of the Chicos Rosados Españoles. A pair of white boots with the blue logo of the garçons françes bleus. The weird part is that it was both of their sizes, size 10 for Santiago and size 7 for Moon. Shoe by shoe, they take their shoes off and put the boots on.

Moon rummages through the chests still and just finds old love letters from what seemed like a couple in their standings, a forbidden love. Moon could only read the French ones, and not a lot of the Spanish. She closed the trunk and it was jammed.

Santiago went to the far back right corner of the church and found an old present under a table covered by a dusty tablecloth. He unwrapped the dried up paper and the wore down box. Inside was a veil, with a gold crown and a small aquamarine stone in the middle. He thought about Moon wearing it, and how beautiful she would look. The thought of it makes his light tan skin get a rosy pink.

He exits out of the room and finds two rings, a ying yang pattern with aquamarine and rose quartz.

"Those colors, this veil, was a forbidden love happening?"

Santiago thought he said it out loud, but he was hallucinating about it. Moon was still trying to shut the trunk. She tried sitting on it, jumping on it, she threw her petite body on top of it, and she fell off it. Santiago, holding the veil, walks up to a clueless Moon, he is getting so jittery inside, he was never like this until he met Moon.

"Close your eyes and hold my hand."


Moon closed her eyes. Santiago puts the veil on her, his head starts to rush with thoughts and dreams. He held her hand and they walked up the aisle and the aisle stairs. Once they got to the top, Moon opened her eyes. She could see Santiago's blushed face, her's was too. He lifted the veil off her face and when he said that face, he wanted to kiss her so bad, he wanted to caress her check, he wanted her, and she wanted him.

Both Santiago and Moon grab the ring close to them and stare into the other's eyes, they put the ring on the other's finger and say their vows in sync.

"I Santiago, take thee Moon.""I Moon, take thee Santiago.""For rich or for poorer.""I'm sickness and in health.""To love""To honor.""To cherish.""To keep.""No matter what happens to the other.""To stay together through thick and thin.""Forever together through life.""And through heaven and hell."

"Till death do us apart."

Saying it together makes them surprised, but only for a second. They kiss and hold each other tight, as if they never want to let the other go. They want to stay together forever, when the world dies is when their love for each other will die. Walking down the aisle as if it's real life, if there was no gang violence, or rivalry's, if there was love between everybody.

Then, they danced. As if a slow song was playing in the distance, they danced together, it might have been child's play for others, but they were dreamy teenagers in love with each other, what do you expect?

When they stopped dancing, they took off the veil and the pairs of boots. They put them all in the chest and the chest shut. The shoes that they walked in on were put back on their feet. It seems like nothing happened. They held each other's hand as they went out of the church.