
Santiago and Moon

Set in modern day Southern France in the year of 2019, there is a love story that is just like the books and the movies. Only with a modern day twist. For years, two groups have been clashing and butting heads with each other. That garçons from Southern France and the Chicos from Northern Spain. One wants a diverse world and one wants an unchanging world. What will happen if a black sheep chico and a sheltered garçon meet and cross paths for the first time?

mintydarkchocolate · Urban
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24 Chs

My Moon

After Moon left, Santiago was still in shook. Under his breath you could still hear."Moon, Moon, Moon, Moon...."

Suddenly, he dashed out of the hall, everyone looking at him. Everyone who was part of the Chicos Rosados Españoles started shouting.

"Hey, where are you going?!" And other things were heard, but he just ran. He had a feeling he knew where he was going, he could feel it in his veins, in his blood, in his head and in his heart.

He felt like this was a moment where anything could happen, he didn't look back, he didn't want to. All he could do was run. Even if he gets tired, he doesn't care, he finally knows what he is looking for in life, it's a passion, a desire.

It's like his cold heart was set on fire.

All his thoughts were coming out one by one, all his songs were about someone. In a moment, he realizes this is a reason to live. He never felt this way towards anyone. Not even towards Nieves, but he doesn't need Nieves. He never wanted Nieves, he wants Moon and only Moon in his life.

Suddenly, each town goes by in a flash, he is not tired, yet he feels like he is going as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog.

His murmurs Of saying Moon's name increase in volume every minute.

When he is halfway there, he stops. He is sweating from head to toe. Even though it is early March, he does not feel cold. His entire body is hot, but his heart feels like the temperature of the sun, it burns him. He has to keep going, he has to. Or else the sun will come up.

No, he does want that to happen. He wants to appreciate the beauty of the night. The stars in the sky, and in her eyes. The Moon that shines the brightest in the sky, cover the light with darkness. Let the darkness fill you up until there is nothing left of the person that was once you. A new person is born out of Santiago, someone different, someone intrigued, and someone who loves the gleam of those baby blue eyes.

He thinks of those thoughts and starts to run again. He runs faster than he did before. Thoughts of Moon fill him up.

Her long blonde-platinum hairHer eyes that shine like the daytime skyHer cute faceHer sweet voice

More and more thoughts surround him and make him keep running.

He's almost there, he can feel it.

At this rate, he cannot turn back, he can only go forward. His heart is bouncing everywhere, his soul is in a hundred different ways.

He runs and runs and runs.

Finally, he sees walls. He sees Moon's house, a red house, he sees the balcony, where a faint looking figure is staring out at the sky.


And he runs towards the house, through the front and starts climbing a set of windows.