
Santiago and Moon

Set in modern day Southern France in the year of 2019, there is a love story that is just like the books and the movies. Only with a modern day twist. For years, two groups have been clashing and butting heads with each other. That garçons from Southern France and the Chicos from Northern Spain. One wants a diverse world and one wants an unchanging world. What will happen if a black sheep chico and a sheltered garçon meet and cross paths for the first time?

mintydarkchocolate · Urban
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24 Chs

Meeting at the Balcony

Moon stares out at the night sky. She sighs from time to time. She has tried to go to sleep, but all she did was toss and turn. It's been an hour. She just lets the occasional shiver of wind pass through her. That night was the most she has ever felt. It was bittersweet, like a dark chocolate bar.

"It's no use." Moon murmured. "I'll just probably just try to sleep again."

At a sudden, her eyes noticed a figure run up to her house, her body couldn't move. The figure jumped up on the windows and climbed them. Who is it?

Santiago got to the top of the roof and reached Moon, all he could do is stare at her.


Moon's gut suddenly flipped, she started to smile.

Santiago climbed to the balcony where Moon was, Moon started to feel a bit uneasy.

When they suddenly were face to face.

"Santiago." Moon looked into his eyes.

"I ran to get to you, because I knew there was something about you that changed me inside. I had to see you again. I let my heart follow me here to you."

Moon couldn't believe it. She was just a sleepless girl at 2 am. He was still wearing his suit and tie, and she was wearing a baby blue cardigan over a white, breezy nightgown.

They couldn't talk, just stare at each other. Inch by inch, they got closer to each other, not a word spoken out of their lips. Their lips started to get closer.


A voice called from inside the house. Moon knew who it was, Serena. What could Serena want at this ungodly hour?

"I'll be right back, try not to move and don't move your mouth. Ok?"


Moon crept into her room and answered the door. It was Serena, she looked worried.


"Hey, um what is going on? Up on the balcony?"

"Oh, um, I'm just practicing my dude impression. I know, I sound crazy, but it's for school, we need to do male and female impressions."

"That's makes sense, you're really good at it. I know you couldn't sleep, I can't sleep either. You must still be upset, do you want me to keep you company?"

"No thank you, I'm fine."

"Well ok, enjoy your impressions."


Serena left the doorway and Moon shut the door. She went back to Santiago and Santiago was waiting."

"Is she gone yet?"


There was a moment of silence between them. Only the breeze was a tiny swoosh here and there.

They lean together on the railing of the balcony, looking at the street, not looking at each other, yet talking to each other.

"Isn't it weird that we're told that we should hate each other? I really don't see the point in it. There's nothing wrong with any of us naturally and fighting just causes stress and tension. I know how much it upset you and believe me, it upset me a lot. Ever since my dad ran away, my mother became deathly upset and my brothers became corrupt. They created a gang to rebel against the world. They started to fight with your gang. I wouldn't say your side is a gang, it's more of a secret police to you. Lionel, Serena, and all of them became scared for your safety. Unfortunately, they clashed with my brother and their gang of people. If none of this were to happen, we could be fine together. Yet, it's us the unfortunate two, we don't want any of this to happen. I was dragged in, I had no choice."

"I know, Santiago. You're different. And even though we just met, I learned a lot from you, you thought me what the hot feeling is in my heart, in my stomach, in my face, everywhere. You thought me the reason to live..."

Moon stopped for a second

"You thought me love."

Moon hugged Santiago tightly. Santiago turned around and hugged her. Their hug was so tight, it was just like a stubborn lock. Finally, their lips started to inch towards each other. Little by little, second by second. At last, they started to kiss. Holding each other tightly and savoring every moment. A love created by breaking down the boundaries set up.

"Moon? Are you awake?"

It was Serena again, what could she want at this hour? It's only been 15 minutes since she last checked on Moon. She is unbearable sometimes, acting a little bit like a annoying parent.

"It's Serena again, what could she want?"

"She always checks on me whenever I had a bad day. I'm used to it. I'll be right back, see what she wants."

Moon went back into the house and opened the door to Serena again. She looked upset as if she was overthinking.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yes, Serena, I'm fine."

"You were silent for a while, I just wanted to see if you were ok. I thought you went to sleep."

"I'm fine, I'm much better now, I just needed some air."

"Ok, well..."

Serena left and Moon shut the door. As much as Moon loves Serena a lot, but Serena cares too much sometimes. Moon looks and sees Santiago in the window. He waves, gosh that's funny. Moon giggles. She runs back to Santiago and jumps into his arms. They laugh together as if their the only ones happy in the universe.

"I love you." Moon not-so-whispered

"I love you too."

For the next hour, they talked and hugged and kiss. Moon was happy and Santiago was happy. They shared a piece of what was missing in their lives. It brought them together. They were just like two necklaces in a hard almost impossible to untangle. Santiago started looking in the distance.

"What's wrong?"

Santiago was staring at a clock tower a bit in the distance. Moon noticed it too.

3:07 am

"I have to go now."

Moon was a little sad, Santiago noticed and held her.

"We'll see each other again, we will. Fate has brought us together, no one will ever tear us apart."

Moon ran inside for two pieces of paper. They wrote notes for each other and handed them to the other one. Santiago started to leave.

He walked up and kissed Moon.

"I love you."

And he went off. Moon watched him run off and before he ran down the street, he looked at Moon one last time and smiled, and he was gone.

Moon was so happy over what has happened over the night, she started to daydream.

Serena was at the door again, knocking the door. Moon went inside since it was getting cold.

"Oh, you're still awake? Lionel and I have to go somewhere. We'll be back in the morning, ok?"

Serena left again and Moon closed the door. She went into her bed and she fell asleep for real.