
Santiago and Moon

Set in modern day Southern France in the year of 2019, there is a love story that is just like the books and the movies. Only with a modern day twist. For years, two groups have been clashing and butting heads with each other. That garçons from Southern France and the Chicos from Northern Spain. One wants a diverse world and one wants an unchanging world. What will happen if a black sheep chico and a sheltered garçon meet and cross paths for the first time?

mintydarkchocolate · Urban
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24 Chs

The car ride

10:25 pm

Lionel is driving, Serena is in the passenger seat, and Moon is in the back. Moon's eyes are bloodshot from crying, and she just stopped herself from crying. She wondered why everyone was looking at her after she danced with that boy. Why did everyone freak out? And what just happened with those who wore pink and black?

She finally got the courage to speak.

"I don't get it."

"You don't get what?" Serena's voice was sharper than a sword after being polished.

"I just don't get anything that happened tonight. The arranged marriage, my mother, but I don't understand about the people who dress in black and pink. Are they a threat to us?"

Serena started to question.

"Did your mother teach you anything?"

"No, she never liked me, and my dad is always too scared to speak."

Serena rolled her eyes.

"Your mom and the arranged marriage are for another day."

A moment of silence fills the car.

Lionel finally speaks.

"The people in black and pink are called the Chicos Rosados españoles. They live in Saint Girons, and they are our worst enemy. They are Spanish people who have illegally crossed the border to come to France. It's pretty stupid to see a 17 year old fighting against a group of 21+ men. The ladies there are just there but do you think they do anything? No. But, what I said about the 17 year olds, their leader is a 17 year old guy named Fernando. He has 2 other brothers, Alejandro and Santiago. The three of them are triplets. They do have older men too, but they aren't the Stars. You danced with Santiago, who is rumored to not be in the group. But, come on, even the stupidest person would think that's a lie."

"I didn't know."

Serena starts to talk.

"We have girls too, but most of them are like either gold diggers or sugar babies. Only me and Rachelle are the ones who do anything."


"I'll finally admit it, I like one of the girls. Rachelle isn't like those other girls. She's sweet and I worry about her so much. Because she got raped by one of those Spanish boys, I'm close with her."

"Oh ok."

"This is why we don't want you near them. We're scared you'll get raped or abused, or hurt. We do care about you. However, we can understand why you didn't know, you were never taught about them. Now, you know. And if you have any questions, Serena and I are here to help. Also, that's why all of your clothes are blue and white, because they are your official colors. You are kind of part of us, but only because you have close ties with Serena and I."

"I'm part of a gang?!!!!!"

"We don't do anything bad. We don't vandalize or steal, or kill unless somebody is a threat to us. Think of us as the secret police. No, as like a hidden police force. We're technically spies too, we spy on foreigners because we don't want our native people to get hurt."

"So you are against mixed people?"

"We totally respect the half French, half African people. But, we can't stand people who flee or are border jumpers."

Lionel paused.

"Look, neither Serena or I want to talk about this. We're almost home anyways. Just remember, we laid the law on you gently because we know you didn't know. We don't want anything like that to happen to you again. Ok?"


The car ride was silent for the rest of the ride home. When they got home, Moon ran to her room and changed her clothes. She left what was left of her dress outside the door. After that, she went to the bathroom to take off the makeup that was once beautiful and now was sneered in all directions. Looking at herself in the mirror wanted to make Moon cry, but she held it in. After that, she went to Lionel and Serena and told them good night before heading to her room. She went under her covers and hope that she could fall asleep.

She tossed and turned for hours, she still wished she could let dreamland appear to her. But, she stopped trying. So, she got up from her bed and went to her balcony facing the front of the house, hoping that the dark, starry sky could help her get sleepy.